Some of you are so fucking clueless it's scary, you have to go back! Back to REDDIT.
Seriously is this the first time you've seen a transformer blow up, guess what, it looks just like that every time!
Some of you are so fucking clueless it's scary, you have to go back! Back to REDDIT.
Seriously is this the first time you've seen a transformer blow up, guess what, it looks just like that every time!
Meanwhile there's a thousand video's online of transformers expiring with blue flash, but you're the expert right?
You fucking shills can't meme and can't argue, fact!
It would be illogical to assume we are the only developed life in the universe, that being said!
Aliens travel the vast treacherous area of space to come all the way to earth to hide and only let people take Blurfo's or dust particles reflecting their camera's flash?
The stupid ass black knight slide!
Prove that isn't an insulation blanket lost and photoed by and STS crew!
Yet you can't get one in focus photo to back up absurd claims that 8 million disappear from earth every year!
Just one focused photo?
Slippity slide shill!
See what happens when you shill and patriots call your bluff?
The actual video of the transformer doing what? Arcing blue and blowing up!
Reported missing and actual missing aka found runaways etc: never get's updated.
But slide the board for your purpose!
Don't out do yourself stupid! Took 15 seconds to find that video!
Wow you really are are a fucktard aren't you?
Does that greased asshole earn you more money on weekdays?
"This number represents reports of missing children. That means if a child runs away multiple times in a year, each instance would be entered into NCIC separately and counted in the yearly total. Likewise, if an entry is withdrawn and amended or updated, that would also be reflected in the total."
I could post more highlights that implicate what I said before, but your slide is obvious!
Meanwhile both of you highlight Division instead of unity and research.
No one gives a fuck about which generation did what! IF you do then you're in the wrong place!
The ignorance over a normal occurrence is enormous.
You would think patriots would look for possible reasons why said transformer blew up, but the slide prevents research because it's occupied with pure stupidity!
By stopping being germaphobes . Recent findings show peanut allergies on the rise because of hover parents.