denotes my highlights from my opinion of importance.
>>449022 the Presidential Memorandum on the Delegation of Authorities under Section 1245 of the National Defence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 was dropped. The NDAA Act is currently in limbo according to https:// www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/430/all-info.
Section 1245 of NDAA states that Congress declares Russia in violation of the INF (intermediate nuclear forces) Treaty, and gives various time frames for the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) as well as the POTUS to make assessments and notifications to appropriate Congressional Committees.
Memorandum delegates authority to Sec of State, incoordination with*, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the DNI.
DNI is currently Dan Coats
Picked by Trump, he was a Senator from Indiana and been in Congress 1981-1989 (house), 1989-1999 & 2011-2017 (Senate) and Ambassador to Germany from 2001-2005.
https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Coats
Guys been around some in the Swamp, Eyes Open.
NDAA of 2017
https:// www.congress.gov/114/crpt/hrpt840/CRPT-114hrpt840.pdf