Anonymous ID: 1b1a0b Dec. 28, 2018, 10:14 a.m. No.4501671   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Big Picture Analysis → CHINA Current Events.

Cabal Plan for NWO was progressing in "The West".

Meanwhile, it was progressing in "The East" [China].

Via: Cabal toady-traitor-minions carrying out Transfer of (Wealth & Assets)


Western Leaders [Cabal Assets] Progression:

  • GHWB WJC > GWB > BHO > (they intended) HRC

  • Simultaneously multiple [US Gov traitors] collaborating w/ China.

DiFi et al. = Are becoming millionaires & billionaires via treachery.


China Leaders [Cabal Collaborators] Progression:

  • Deng Xiaoping Jiang Zemin > Hu Jintao > Wen Jiabao/Xi Jinping > Xi Jinping

  • Simultaneously many in China, '[Party]-connected' & [conduits to 'western' traitors] are becoming billionaires. (NOW - They know too much)


In the last phase of [The Cabal's Plan] they needed to "Mop Up" / "Tie Up Loose Ends".

While BHO + HRC were the tail-end of their 16yr Plan and they were "mopping up" here in "The West" (Arkancides) → I think they began "mopping up" in China too.


Xi Jinping's (Anti Corruption Campaign) starting in 2012.

Anti corruption campaign: "Operation Fox and Hound"


Consolidate power under new [AI] social controls built w/ collaboration of Western Big Tech.


Conclusion: Viewing with healthy skepticism, any moves China makes by rounding up & "disappearing" those, billionaires & party officials, they deem "corrupt".

They might be silencing [Expendable] liabilities. Plus, purging opponents is SOP for totalitarian power structures.

Either way, time is running out for ALL of (((them))) involved in what (((they))) had planned for us.