Anonymous ID: c187c2 Dec. 28, 2018, 11:43 a.m. No.4502827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2928

Yellow Sun = Christ

Black Sun = Antichrist


Devil horns represent the winged sun.

Beast system is a star system.


Why the fuck do you think all these ancient cultures worshipped the black sun?


Lucifer is a star. It's why Israel has a star on its flag. Its why you put a star on top of your Christmas tree.


Star of Bethlehem

Christmas Star

Magi Star

Hollywood stars

Sports stars


Q "they thought you would follow the stars. Undiscovered stars learned. Morning sun brings heat."


Hebrews 12:29 God was an all consuming fire.


They poison us with food and vaccines flu shots etc. So why all the chemtrails? Maybe because they are hiding something?


Would another star coming at us cause our planet to get warmer? Would it change the weather?


Why was Hubble built?


Why would the vatican build the world's largest telescope in Arizona and name it Lucifer?


Q being a larp only really makes sense in one scenario…this. This right here. A catastrophic event that is going to kill us all anyway so who cares how many of us wake up? Maybe it's one of their rules. They have tell us the truth right? Mixed with the lie. "You have more than you know." Maybe they just think it's funny.

Let the sheep think they are finally going to win. The harvest is coming. The ultimate sacrifice to Lucifer.


I'm hoping Qteam is trying to do humanity a solid before the event. Go out with a bang. I don't know. But what I do know is this shit is happening.


No one in here ever shuts the fuck up about the Bible yet you never mention September 23, 2017. What appeared in the sky that day?


Was there anything strange about the eclipse that happened in August?


Hopi Prophecy - Blue and Red Kachina.

Denver airport has a blue horse with glowing red eyes standing outside.

The airport itself is shaped like giant blue wings.

The grounds of the airport are a giant swastika.


It never ends. It is all around you.