Anonymous ID: 648cfd Dec. 28, 2018, 1:48 p.m. No.4504327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4361 >>4538


Al Capone, Jewish Purple Gang or Jewish Murder Inc.?


Jew St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. The first speaker is Jew Irv Kupcinet.


This movie is on White Al Capone, and now to be “equal” in a USA that “prides” itself on race equality, let’s put a movie out on Jewish Meyer Lansky and Murder Inc. “Al Capone’s” boss! Oh we “hide” Jew’s crimes and flaunt White men’s flaws or faults.


Edward G. Robinson “Jewish gangster Star,” in movies. They mention “Humphrey Bogart” who married pure blooded Jewess, Lauren Bacall: “Bacall’s parents were Jewish; her mother immigrated from Romania through Ellis Island, and her father was born in New Jersey, to parents from Poland.[3][4] She is first cousin to Shimon Peres, current President and former Prime Minister of Israel.)


Note that the movie refers to Polish and Germans as “heavy” drinking. Under Jews this is what happened to us, as well as Jews in Russia. Jews had first tobacco plantation in 1600’s in New World, America, to make sure Whites kept sick, died horrible deaths and Jews could make $$$ off our misery while they stayed clear of drinking, smoking, drugging, even pills and porn which are used to destroy White males. Note the brown, yellow and Jew immigrants that are fleeing Israel for USA, do not smoke, drink, drug or pills as our Whites were tricked into consuming until today. When a White man stays in Ireland it is rare he is an alcoholic, but the USA ruins them somehow.


Movie talks of a Polish Catholic adopting a “Jewish name.” Of course, Jews and Catholics worked together in Poland for 900 years as many Whites work with Jewish criminals today.


Since Jews controlled Al Capone, we can assume Jews controlled both North and South mafia crime as Jews controlled both North and South Civil War, Allied and Axis, World War II, Vietnam and China and Whites of USA.


Note that in USA there were “turfs, territories and boundaries.” Whites have no turf, territory or boundaries. Since Jews have none, Whites follow Jews. We think maybe some day we will be as good as them, rich and successful, powerful, confident, assured, respected even if criminals.


(One gang was Irish; one was Jewish in Chicago.)


When Capone was slashed with a razor it was because he made a pass at the “sister” of the slasher. Years ago, Whites protected the White women and children, even as Nazis and KKK did. Since 1945, White women and children have absolutely no protection while Jewesses, Chinese Commie women, even brown Mexicans are all protected, especially Muslim men.


When they talk of the Collisimo Restaurant having guest celebrities, the first two mentioned are Al Jolson, the Jew actor/singer that played in first talkie movie, with his face painted black, to force Whites to accept Jews (who were rightfully thought of as criminals and Blacks who Whites intelligently thought to keep their distance to prevent race-breaking something we even give dogs the respect of keeping them pedigreed.


The name after Jolson, is also a Jew.

Anonymous ID: 648cfd Dec. 28, 2018, 1:51 p.m. No.4504358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4373 >>4386 >>4649 >>4703 >>4723

Shelia Jackson Lee Introduces Bill Requiring Mexico to Pay for Border Wall, ‘Make America Better’


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) introduced a bill without much fanfare in December that would block taxpayer funding for a border wall on the U.S./Mexico border and instead would require Mexico to foot the bill.


H.R.7332, or the Protect American Taxpayers and Secure Border Act, does nothing specific to secure the border. The bill states:


No taxpayer funds may be obligated or expended to build a wall or barrier intended to impede travel between Mexico and the United States.


Any wall or barrier described in subsection (a) that is proposed to be built shall be paid for using funds provided by the Government of Mexico.


Securing The Southern Border —The Secretary of Homeland Security shall take such actions as may be necessary to secure the southern border by making maximum effective utilization of technology and improved training of U.S. Custom and Border Protection agents and officers.


Increase In Immigration Judges—The Attorney General may appoint 100 additional immigration judges in addition to immigration judges currently serving as of the date of the enactment of this Act.


Humanitarian Assistance —The Secretary of Homeland Security shall take such actions as may be necessary to ensure that humanitarian assistance is provided to immigrants, refugees, and other displaced persons who are in need of medical assistance and aid to sustain health and life.”


“If enacted, the law would prohibit the use of taxpayer dollars to construct the border wall,” Jackson Lee said in remarks about her bill published in Houston Style Magazine. She continued:


Moreover, it is a comprehensive piece of legislation that ensures that any wall that is built is paid for by Mexico; directs the Secretary of Homeland Security to make occur certain procedures that improve training of agents of the United States Custom and Border Patrol; increases the number of immigration judges; and, it directs the Secretary of DHS to take all such measures to ensure that refugees at the southern border are given humanitarian assistance.


In the magazine article, Jackson Lee slammed “ringmaster,” President Donald Trump, for his support to secure the border.


“For too long, some in our country have been singularly obsessed with building a wall along our southern border,” Jackson said. “Unfortunately, the ringleader of these implacable individuals now occupies the highest office in our government.”


“All of them, however, refuse to acknowledge that a border wall is highly ineffective and prohibitively expensive,” Jackson Lee said. “So committed are they to their delusion, that the president is willing to shut down the government of the United States in pursuit of this folly.”


“Realistic cost estimates of such a wall easily surpass tens of billions of dollars,” Jackson Lee said. “This is an immense waste of taxpayer money that could be used to make the investments needed to make America better.”