Anonymous ID: 081d03 Jan. 24, 2019, 8:43 a.m. No.4887889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3005


“Where ‘IT’ was, there shall ‘I’ become.”

Sigmund Freud

A crucial aspect of any integral practice is a way to be profoundly honest with ourselves about our shadow, or unconscious, or false self, or dishonesty, or disowned self. The 3-2-1 Process is a simple and effective tool for working with the shadow — any part of ourselves that we unconsciously repress or deny.


The 3-2-1 Process uses shifts in perspective as a way of identifying and integrating shadow material. “3-2-1” refers to 3rd-person, 2nd-person, and 1st-person — the perspectives that we move through in this exercise.


Each part that we disown is at first an aspect of our “I” or 1st-person awareness. But, for whatever reason, that aspect poses a threat. So we push it outside of ourselves, often onto someone else. It’s important to note that the aspect can be positive or negative. We can disown both lower and higher aspects of ourselves. In either case, we project it as you . . . but not me. “You are angry.” “You are being selfish.” “You are worthy,” etc. In other words, we displace it from a 1st-person I to a 2nd-person you.


If the threat of this emotion or situation becomes so great it requires a total rejection, we banish it totally as a 3rd-person It, stripped of humanity. At that point, we can often recognize shadow as a sense of irritation, reactivity, fear, phobia, rage, or aversion toward things… but we don’t really know why.


Under these circumstances, most forms of meditation won’t help; in fact, they’ll make things worse. They recommend dis-identification from experience, when what is necessary first is RE-identification with disowned dimensions of our experience and ourselves. You can only let go of that which you have first owned. Meditation instructions to “observe all experience and to know that consciousness is independent and free from experience” don’t work with experience from which we’re dissociated. Healthy disidentification is only possible once we’ve re-owned, re-associated, and re-identified with the disowned parts of ourselves. For this reason, there’s no substitute for shadow work. That’s why the Shadow module is a core component

of ILP.


To sum up, dissociation proceeds from 1st-person to 2nd-person to 3rd-person: 1-2-3. The reversal of dissociation thus goes from 3 to 2 to 1. Hence, the 3-2-1 Process. We also summarize this process as: Face it (3), Talk to it (2), and finally, BE it (1).

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Jan. 25, 2019, 2:47 p.m. No.4907606   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cboe ETF pulled from consideration because of indefinite shutdown could run over the deadline without more SEC talks.

On the same day, an unreported ETF request is made by NYSE using third part custody (Fidelity?) and other price sourcing adjustments to mute manipulation on uncontrolled exchanges, etc.


A pair of days later, shutdown "miraculously" ends with a Feb 15 threat if no deal and after Roger Stone gets arrested.


What to make of it all?

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Jan. 28, 2019, 1:11 p.m. No.4942218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5556


good until the suggestion of barter as a solution. moronic.

learn about the double coincidence of wants. this is why a intermediate universal token of exchange is important. what's important is for the underlying value not to be manipulated, NOT to throw the baby out with the bathwater.


The ancient Greek word for carpenter means Mason. Jesus was a Mason. It's really that simple.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Jan. 30, 2019, 4:14 p.m. No.4969573   🗄️.is 🔗kun


bitcoin is money. florida appeals court.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Jan. 30, 2019, 7:54 p.m. No.4972167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5094 >>5125


Totally worthless. Blockchains are great for data identifier ledgers, not for the actually data. A decentralized network in which everyone has a copy of all of the data is unscaleable, undesirable, and quickly centralized. A network that in which people choose where they store the data and only the identifiers are distributed in the blockchain is NOT a decentralized network. The attack surface of the important part is still exposed. CW is a shill.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Jan. 31, 2019, 9:03 a.m. No.4976833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0044



Don't get me wrong. I get the vision. It's just that blockchains can barely scale as a ledger. As a data network, it won't happen. Other decentralized protocols will have to emerge to solve the exponential resource requirement problem of blockchain scaleability when it comes to data. You can still get rid of the servers and control the DNS without a blockchain. The ledger itself is the limiting factor in a true distributed data network. You only need enough redundancy to meet the statistical threat model. Not everyone needs or should have a copy even if it's sharded and encrypted. It's an inefficient use of resources to go 100% decentralized. Distributed serverless and autonomous networks solve the problem better.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Jan. 31, 2019, 5:33 p.m. No.4982508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658


I agree that many innovations from other coins should be implemented on BTC.

I'm not going to debate BSV. The market is destroying it. Enough said.

Bitcoin will never be the base layer for a decentralized internet. I'm still up in the air about BTC and the future SAFE coexisting, and maybe some other coins, but when you really understand what SAFE is, there is a good argument for saying that it could leave all blockchains in the dust. I'm not there yet but merely for BTC's first mover advantage.


You clearly don't get it because you're still talking about SAFE as a blockchain. It doesn't have a blockchain. It's only boxed in with crypto because it has a token. It's a totally different thing altogether than everything else in the crypto space. It solves the Byzantine fault tolerance problem that Satoshi solved with a blockchain with a completely different solution…and MUCH better….orders of magnitude better. There's no "hashpower" or "mining centralization" even possible.


Storing data on Bitcoin is fine…but it can be traced, and while encrypted, the files are intact, not sharded. And everybody has a copy…And what's it gonna cost??? That's a bigger question. Storing big files on Bitcoin is and will be expensive. SAFE uses memory that's already paid for in surplus! People will offer it up in waves to undercut cloud storage and and even self-controlled storage for certain information. Hell, if it proves itself secure, which it is designed to be, it will have an advantage even over military and government security schemes.


There is so much about decentralized storage on Bitcoin, even on secondary layers that doesn't take into account all of the perspectives on security and privacy, much less decentralization.


If anything, there might be a way for Bitcoin to tokenize on SAFE, but not the other way around. I'm almost a BTC maximalist. I'm certainly a shitcoin minimalist. I've studied these things hard, well, and for a long time. BTC can still lose, but if there is anything that can overcome it, it is SAFE. Regardless, SAFE is not really competition like other blockchains. It's just a totally different thing altogether. It doesn't even make sense to ride on Bitcoin. That statement just reveals a complete misunderstanding of the project. Blockchains are a high protocol layer on the tech stack. SAFE is not. SAFE is infrastructure protocol which replaces 3-4 older lower layers, adds a bunch of features that tim and vint and others never dreamed up in the 70s and 80s, and then embeds tokenization and data value much lower, not as an app but inherent to the economics of the whole network.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Feb. 1, 2019, 9:17 a.m. No.4989218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9223 >>1561


>1) Is a record of original data storage immutable and openly auditable?

Mutable and immutable data options. Not auditable if made private. There is no ledger, no history of transactions at the base layer. At the Dapp(SOLID) and compute layers, there will be optionality for auditability. The coins are actual files, not ledger entries. The scheme showed that proveability only needs encrypted information from the previous sender, the sender recipient to secure the tokens, not the entire history of the coin. As just one type of data in the network, it becomes part of what they call datachains. Kind of like merkle tree structures of the encrypted data location indicators for which different nodes will compete to store and maintain. It's more complicated technically than that, fyi.

>2) What is (are) the incentives for vaults (miners) to use computing power on the Maidsafe network as opposed to mining other cryptocurrencies?

Compute is possible, though not part of current development. I'm not sure if it will be layer 1 or 2. The question of energy/work will come into play there, I imagine. Anyone can have a vault. Actually, everyone has one that joins the network. The network is free to surf. The miners in SAFE are farmers. Everyone has surplus memory on all our devices that we can use to donate. The more reliable and trustworthy over a number of metrics, including node ageing, the higher a farmer will be able to rise as a node in the scheme. The requirements to achieve a more trustworthy ranking allow for more reward but are also costly. Node punishment is also involved. Unlike something like EOS, SAFE is completely autonomous. Furthermore, while farming in the beginning will prove valuable to those who gather and hold coins as they rise in value long term, farming centralization and massive storage players will be cost-prohibited from controlling large portions of the network. The idea is that the farming happens on surplus memory but not as a business. Ultimately, the cost of the network in terms of safe is likely more than the value of the distributed coins. The cost of the network is socialized across the network, but the value of that kind of scheme to people is much much greater. It gets very technical there, but basically there will be something analogous to a speed bump to maintain a healthy overlap of farmers and users in terms of network participants from a game theoretical perspective.

>3) How insulated are the network and users from potentially unwanted features and "upgrades"?

Hard to answer and a lot of moving parts. I suppose people can fork it. You'd have to be more specific, but basically it will require broad consensus to upgrade. Unlike other projects, it's not trying to go live with an MVP and then reverse engineer reality…having to manipulate all the interests with upfront money or public shill campaigns on twitter into accepting some new upgrade. SAFE is a solution to go live way down the assembly line when the actual product is developed. Sure, it can evolve, but all the essentials will essentially be ready. It's not a blockchain. It's infrastructure code for an entire decentralized internet. It's simply a vision exponentially larger than any one blockchain project. EOS, Blockstack, and maybe one or two more seem to be creeping towards the end goal vision-wise, but their solutions are garbage and require lots of reverse engineering and supply-side tech.

>4) Are there concerns for illegal content in the file storage system, and use of coins for illegal activities?

Absolutely, there are long conversations on the forum about this. One difference is that it's not in a public ledger for all to see. That's minimal, but something. Anyway, this goes to the whole idea about USD being used for illegal activities. This is a good place to start:

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Feb. 1, 2019, 9:17 a.m. No.4989223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1561



>5) Have the founders and development team insulated themselves from potential future claims from partners or potential litigation or enforcement of penalties from unregistered securities sales?

Mastercoin, now Omni, was the first crowdsale, now ICO. MAID was the second, even before Ethereum. MAID only raised about 6 million, not the 10s or 100s of Millions, even Bs of these other projects AND they most definitely haven't been shilling their project or token like Ethereum. The crowdsale went sour because they accepted not only Bitcoin but the illiquid mastercoin. Dumb idea and a few bad actors pumped and dumped mastercoin leaving Maidsafe holding the bag and ultimately picking up less than required. There was a second sale for convertible equity in the company through BnkToTheFuture which would have a stronger legal foothold. Regardless, I imagine that regulators go easy on these first ICOs if they have real development and other ethical signs. They wouldn't be able to do much with Maidsafe with such low values, plus it's Scottish. The current structure is interesting. There is Maidsafe the company, but also the foundation. It's something to look into, but these guys have thought deeply about tech and human governance for over a decade. Any patent IP and the continuing development tokens which will be created only on launch after years of work, not at the beginning, will all be moved into the foundation. The idea is to see the thing free, turning oversight over to a organization aligned with the network, not outside profit motives. Maidsafe, the company, not the SAFE Network, can continue to play a role in leadership and development, but will have to source income and profit elsewhere, consulting, etc.


As for an investment, MAID is almost at crowdsale prices. It could go even lower. It's a speculation, not an investment, in my mind at least. But dollar cost-averaging in a long-term position now at about .11 rather than waiting for a BTC bottom seems smarter than other alternatives. I don't recommend it as an investment but as tech. That said, as a speculation and years of filtering other projects, it's the only thing I follow outside of Bitcoin. If successful, it has not only the most attractive asymmetric risk/reward profile of any investment in the world at the moment, it is also the most important technical project for humanity. No, it's not some flashy Musk project to the moon, but it might help us there too in a backwards kind of way.


What's the big picture with all of crypto? Bitcoin is about fixing money and using tech as kind of a digital gold. Tech can do much more than that. After I read the thesis posted earlier, it's clear that something much bigger is coming. The other side of the coin with monetary fuckery is also privacy fuckery, specifically collection and monetization of data. The centralization of data has become a much more valuable and dangerous endeavor than oil. That doesn't seem clear to people yet, not even in crypto. That's what all this Qanon stuff is about, no? The petrodollar can be argued to be a certain evolution from gold because the underlying is actually useful, but it has a number of clear downsides. Information, though, is much more valuable than energy. If we distribute the value of the data by distributing the data, then what it actually represents is information as the new commodity underlying the value of society and defining money. I can't stress enough how huge this is, but while SAFE is simple on one hand, it takes time to see all the facets and either reject it with an informed opinion or buy in to the vision.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Feb. 1, 2019, 9:42 a.m. No.4989437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1561


Both ABC and BSV open themselves to lots of attack surfaces, the least of which is the centralization problem of miners due to the industrial requirements of data storage that will come from these big blocks, especially if they go for the decentralized internet goal. People are waking up to the fact that decentralized money is the little foothill of the Mt. Everest of a decentralized internet. Reverse engineering won't get us there. It gets too expensive and complex too fast. Future generations need easy infrastructure that doesn't need rare specialists that barely exist who know antiquated coding languages. SAFE is written in RUST. It's the new gold standard in coding. Even the most important BTC core coders are recommending that all app developers for Bitcoin switch to RUST. The Maidsafe team figured this out long ago. They were actually much closer to an MVP 3-4 years ago, but went back and rewrote all of the code into RUST.

Anyway, you make a lot of good points about the current state of crypto in general. As for BSV and ABC, their scaling tradeoffs are undesireable for most of the cryptocommunity. I don't see that as a positive. Any forked coins, I would still hold as a risk diversifier, but I wouldn't hold much hope in them. Just as people, and I've listens to hundreds of hours of conversations and interviews of the main people across the board, I'll take the Core guys over Craig and Bitcoin Jesus any day. They've totally exposed themselves as bad actors. Roger and Jihan Wu's Bitmain has totally collapsed. It will survive, but they shot themselves in the foot trying to control the world. Bitmain had to pivot and fire a HUGE number of workers. ABC is gone. BSV…Craig is just a patent troll and untrustworthy. What he says and what he does and what he omits in obscurity do not line up. I could go on…

Bitcoin is massively adversarial, but it's overcome a lot. Greed and the get rich quick days are over.

As for trustworthiness. You won't find a better team or community than SAFE. One reason is that the forum has gaming code that limits accounts and spamming. The team is more entrepreneurial and the community fairly liberal, but there are more conservative people in the shadows. None of these things will matter much. The ideals of some of the flaming liberals over there will melt under the weight of a live network. They just don't get it living in their suburban 1st world bubbles.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Feb. 1, 2019, 1:31 p.m. No.4992326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2381


I'm including a talk from a very recent event on BTC. Lightning, privacy, fungibility, etc. are all discussed. You have to understand as well that there is a huge mining lobby against LN, etc. Those are all transaction fees that they don't get. FUD rules still, sadly. Filtering the lies is difficult.


I'm aware of concerns with Core, Blockstream, etc. I'm not blindly following them. I just think that of the 3, BTC is the only one with a fighting chance. SAFE is a diversifier, a speculation in a bit of a different problem, but also an escape hatch as well since it could do much of what BTC does and lots more without the downsides.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Feb. 2, 2019, 12:08 a.m. No.4999186   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Probably a very good yet incomplete primer for lazy diggers.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Feb. 7, 2019, 5:54 a.m. No.5065544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4301


About GoxRising

We are a group of Mt. Gox creditors, forming a creditors' steering committee intended to find consensus among global creditors. Our goal is to maximize the speed, certainty, and size of creditor recovery.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Feb. 7, 2019, 8:03 a.m. No.5066725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3711



No one controls Bitcoin.

No one controls the focal point for Bitcoin development.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Feb. 11, 2019, 1:20 a.m. No.5119770   🗄️.is 🔗kun





>When we published the first decodes to the blockchain the powers that be did everything they could to stop the spread of the information. We had planned to use it for Procedure 3, the final declassification of knowledge held in secret by the US government, but the Cabal struck first. They must have caught wind of the Allied plan to expose the evilest of their evil deeds to the world. Targeted internet and mobile phone network outages, then the first reports over social media and then local news, followed by widespread power grid outages.

"A date for the test has not been revealed, but it's supposed to take place before April 1, the deadline for submitting amendments to the law –known as the Digital Economy National Program."

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.5123853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3952


The bankers are working for Trump now. He'll fucking kill all of these people, instantly and legally, if they fail to comply. $1.4T to the military isn't for nothing.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Feb. 11, 2019, 11:46 a.m. No.5124823   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You don't know how to play the game. The game is bigger than the death of one person. These people are leverages through viable threats on their legacy. While they still believe that their legacy will remain intact, they will play along and look for an escape. No deals. NO ESCAPE!

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Feb. 12, 2019, 7:04 a.m. No.5139657   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Give us the confirmation key, Craig!

There is a way to hash the private key that can confirm that it is the valid key for a public key without revealing it. After the debacle with Gavin, no one is going to give Craig the time of day unless he pulls his balls out.

Surely the NSA knows exactly who Satoshi is and I bet he's under lock and key if they don't already control those coins themselves.

Either way, we're all ready for this phase involving the FED and the future of finance to begin.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Feb. 14, 2019, 11:39 a.m. No.5172532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1636


big, if yuge

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Feb. 18, 2019, 6:14 a.m. No.5241258   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Only if the ball has the same frame of reference as in B, sure.

Don't make it overly complex. It's a joke. Laugh. We all know that liberals can't meme, so don't make this the hill you die on…

Anonymous ID: 081d03 Feb. 21, 2019, 9:43 a.m. No.5305241   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The SAFE Network: A dark web-style solution to the online privacy problem

Show Hide imageSAFE Network online privacy



Priya Kantaria

Priya is a reporter at Verdict. She can be reached at

Priya Kantaria


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The dark web is famous for keeping criminals anonymous and being used to trade drugs on forums like Silk Road using cryptocurrency. Soon there will be an alternative to the standard web, with its privacy pitfalls, that promises to protect your data in a similar fashion. The SAFE Network from Scottish firm Maidsafe could even be an alternative to traditional government by bringing transparency and decision-making powers to everyone.


The dark web uses Tor, an encrypted technology that gives users anonymity in part by routing connections through servers around the world, making the users harder to track and identify. In this way, it automatically protects the user from everyone, including those who might have a legitimate or helpful purpose, in knowing more about them.


On the other side, the SAFE Network has a focus on protecting data when you need it, from the apps and tech giants, like Facebook, who time and again have sold or leaked our data for commercial and political purposes.


The SAFE Network says it will protect, and even bring the internet within the control of, the people.


How does the SAFE Network work?

It works by scattering encrypted ‘chunks’ of data across all the nodes or devices that are within the network. The pieces of the puzzle reform when a single correct password is implemented, giving access to the SAFE Network software.


As well as offering privacy, the network remunerates its users for being part of the project in a cryptocurrency, SAFEcoin, which you can use to pay the one-off charge when you first download the software.


SAFEcoin is also distributed to the apps which are used through the SAFE network software, such as Ticketmaster. Apps that are more popular gain a bigger share of the coin, as more users access its data.


Anonymous ID: 081d03 Feb. 21, 2019, 9:43 a.m. No.5305247   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A user chooses whether to share their personal data, and to what extent, with each app according to what they need. And people may welcome apps that track their searches of say cars, if they want tailored advertising to show them alternative suggestions in a purchase.


It requires a culture change, which starts with the growing awareness that the ‘free’ internet, as we once thought it was, runs on cash from advertising and data harvesting.


The movement to a personally-controllable web could spell the end of online advertising and its advancements using advertising tech. But will anyone mourn its loss and would it just adapt to serve its users’ needs better?


Google and its trouble with privacy

Google was found a short while ago to be labelling internet users through routine adtech infrastructure that tracked interests and searches within sensitive categories such as substance abuse, right-wing politics, STIs and mental health, and delivered targeted campaigns that anyone could see on say their office browser.


SAFE Network founder David Irvine foresaw this problem, he told the Guardian, “As the internet was starting, it was clear to me straight away that it would centralise around several large companies and they would basically control the world.”


3 Things That Will Change the World Today


About the dark web comparison with the SAFE Network, Irvine said, “We’re not enabling them. We’re enabling everybody else.”


It’s a kind of liberation, but then government-based regulation is also trying to solve the problem of privacy on the internet.


However, the SAFE Network offers a revolutionary solution, it even provides a way to bring government into the hands of the people. Nick Lambert, chief operating officer at Maidsafe told Verdict that one developer created an app called Devolution that provides a new way to govern. He explained that it could “be used to manage an entire country on a decentralised network, in terms of health credits and things like that”.


A decentralised solution?

The SAFE Network is in alpha two phase at the moment, with 200 nodes, up to 1,500 people accepting invitations to use the network and 17,000 sessions enabled over 16 months. Lambert says: “It’s pretty stable, and the next step is to start decentralising it.”


But perhaps ominously, founder Irvine added there’d be no way to shut down this version of an anonymous and autonomous web. He said: “We can’t stop the network if we start it. If anyone turned around and said: ‘You need to stop that,’ we couldn’t. We’d have to go round to people’s houses and switch off their computers.”


That puts us between the current threat of an internet that we can’t yet control and another kind of internet that we wouldn’t be able to stop.


Read more: Tim Berners-Lee unveils plan to ‘fix the web’


Anonymous ID: 081d03 Feb. 21, 2019, 12:30 p.m. No.5308309   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's curved like a crater…

Real but still gay.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 6, 2019, 8:33 a.m. No.5537644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7808 >>0512


Buy your nation's (unless some obscure nation) 1 oz. gold/silver coins for smaller investments. There are a lot of reasons to do that and avoid bars or "rounds" or smaller denomination coins, e.g. tax implications, resale value, liquidity, etc. If you're rich, you save with bulk bars, but if you were rich, you'd already know about metals… ;) If you're american, stick with 1 oz eagles. I love the buffalos(truely beautiful and don't have cabal symbols on them), but the resale market is small. Don't fall into the trap of buying gold for what it looks like. Tax, resale, national mint, etc. are all much more important. Get into silver at 10:1 to 5:1 ratios depending on your willingness to risk and accept volatility. It would involve more timing too, but silver is really unnecessary, particularly in the case of ignorant investors. There are too many traps and complexities. Forget the other metals, they could be good speculations at different times, but they don't serve the same purpose in a portfolio. Just because they are precious metals doesn't mean a damn thing despite what some shill will tell you. Platinum and Palladium are more akin to buying pork bellies or sacks of corn as speculation in commodities, not

cheapest reputable margins on the internet are kitco and provident for gold and silver eagles. you might find deals at coin shows, but buyer beware. You can also do ETFs. I won't get into all that debate about leverage, etc. Who really knows? I'd probably start with a bird in the hand for safety, and then move to the ETFs for cost Gold: GLD, IAU, or the Aberdeen one, I forget the symbol. Aberdeen also has one for Silver, Otherwise, use SLV. GLD has higher expense ratios. As for overall allocation, you'll hear different things. The standard speech is 2%-10% of an overall portfolio. I know people with 25%. Hell, I know people with 80% in crypto! Whatever you do, get educated. Don't invest in stuff you don't understand, and don't just listen to me!!! I'm just giving the generic thinking around it. I've got nothing to sell you, but that doesn't mean I'm correct.

Those companies will buyback what I've suggested, usually at spot prices, but in the case that the world rebases the dollar with gold, banks will likely start accepting them for deposits or exchange for cash. If the coins are your nation's currency, then by law, there won't be questions about fees, the exchange rate will be exactly what the law says.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 6, 2019, 8:42 a.m. No.5537808   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sorry, I screwed up my ratios. Need more coffee. What I mean to say was of just the precious metals portion, if you use silver at all, make it @ 10% to 20%-25% of your metals. The rest in gold obviously. And rebalance! I'm talking about values, not the number of coins, fyi.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 7, 2019, 4:17 p.m. No.5565041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3558


They were just the first 4 symbols that came up. The image is from Indiana Jones. Not sure you got the point…The grail is the one in the background…

Blue is Ripple.

Green might be ETC.

You could do a totally passive market-weighted portfolio of the top 50, 100, 200 coins…

Personally, I would put 75% in a Marketcap-weighted BTC & principal BTC forks part and 25% or less in MAID as a moonshot.

Nothing else out there is interesting to me. There are visions, partial technologies, experiments, etc. that are worth following, but even those few have shitty teams, impossible conflicts/barriers, etc.

IMHO, alts are scams. If we get a crypto currency it will be BTC most likely or maybe one of the forks, less likely.

If we get a decentralized internet, unless the government has something we don't know about, then it will be SAFE. And that could be parallel to BTC, they don't directly compete. The latter is a data issue with crypto as a secondary aspect, like oil futures. The former is a bet on monetary policy only. The rest really is garbage. And honestly, by far, SAFE is the only one that resembles something that really is way more advanced technologically, has the likes of TBL involved to make one wonder if it isn't the government solution…and it spends virtually $0 on marketing…as a dirty old carpenter's cup would.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 7, 2019, 6:35 p.m. No.5567260   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 8, 2019, 6 a.m. No.5573558   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I thought I should clarify. MAID exists. It's a pre-token, hence the speculation. SAFE also exists as a ticker but it refers to safecoin, a blockchain. Completely different project and they coopted the name. When I say SAFE, I mean the SAFE Network. S.A.F.E.=Secure Access For Everyone. It's an acronym, not a crypto ticker. I'm not sure what the "safecoin" will be traded as on the live network. This is a contentious topic in the SAFE Network community, but no resolution as of yet. I think everyone is hoping the shill project of the current blockchain SAFE will die and relinquish the name. We'll see. SAFE Network is not a blockchain, it's a decentralized internet.


Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 9, 2019, 1:23 p.m. No.5593290   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"The George Soros-backed Goldmoney began offering the direct purchase of cryptocurrencies on its platform back in November 2017 right as Bitcoin made its meteoric ascent to its all-time high of $20,000. The firm cited the “overwhelming success” it saw buy allowing its customers to purchase precious metals with crypto as reason for adding the option to purchase crypto directly through Goldmoney."



Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 15, 2019, 2:15 p.m. No.5707678   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Interesting info.

Basel III already being implemented allows 100% value of monetary gold to back debt rather than only 50% as with Basel II. Kind of a big deal. Debt to Asset ratio takes immediate hit. More…

Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 15, 2019, 5:46 p.m. No.5711430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1508


"Erik Prince was born June 6, 1969 in Holland Michigan, a city best known for its annual TULIP festival and its large population of Dutch Americans."


Setting up a mining fund. Needs cobalt and bauxite for battery future investments in electric vehicles. MINING


"Prince was questioned by Mueller’s team about his meeting in the SEYCHELLES islands shortly before President Donald Trump’s inauguration with Kirill Dmitriev, who was appointed by RUSSIAN leader Vladmir Putin to run a sovereign wealth fund." is is the CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), a $10 billion sovereign wealth fund created by the Russian government to co-invest in the Russian economy alongside the sovereign wealth funds of other countries.


"Now this year more clues have been unraveling in regard to the Craig Wright case. Back in February 2018, Wright was sued for billions by the family of David Kleiman. The case 9:18-cv-80176-bb filed in Florida explains the plaintiff Ira Kleiman wants a settlement for 300,000BTC. According to the case, which also corroborates with the Wired and Gizmodo articles, the court documents explain that Wright, Kleiman, and possibly others have keys to a BTC trust held in escrow in SEYCHELLES which may unlock in 2020. The ‘TULIP Trust’ will allegedly give Wright 1 million BTC, and Ira Kleiman (David’s sibling) believes his brother’s estate deserves their share. Evidence online shows that Wright and Kleiman were partners in business, along with a secretary named Uyen Nguyen whose online presence has disappeared. Other than that, the main evidence from case 9:18-cv-80176-bb stems from the emails Ira Kleiman has and stories his brother David told him."



Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 15, 2019, 5:52 p.m. No.5711508   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Uyen Nguyen

Oh shit, this just happened today…

Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 20, 2019, 3:05 p.m. No.5796840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6882


Why store data on the chain if all you need the chain for is to distribute the ownership records of the data? The data can be decentralized apart from the data identifiers. Nodes can hold Merkle trees of where the data is and who owns it. It makes no sense to make copies of all the data. Think about it! If you want a decentralized and scalable internet, you need 10s or 100s of thousands of nodes, at least. By storing on chain, you have to replicate the internet 10s to 100s of thousands of times, THE WHOLE FUCKING INTERNET! That's madness, particularly with projections of future data growth. It doesn't matter than storage gets cheaper because the amount that needs to be store would grow exponentially. And here's the kicker, decentralized systems secure the network through incentives by controlling token emission to nodes that contribute security and space, the rate of inflation to adequately compensate all of those nodes wouldn't overcome the investment needed to even have a node. There is no long-term economic incentive. Sure, fees, but that system will lose to a system that was well thought through from the beginning. I swear, crypto newbies are fucking retarded. I hope you guys get scalped because that seems to be the only way to learn any real lessons about fundamental economics and reality.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 20, 2019, 4:40 p.m. No.5798438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5981


No, I fully get the point of maintaining historical record and immutable data. What people haven't figured out yet is that blockchain is only one type of distributed consensus mechanism. Beyond Bitcoin, there are now close to 10,000 bullshit blockchain projects. People are still just wanting fast money. No one is asking a different question. Is there something that solves what blockchain solves but in a different and better way rather than just looking for a better Bitcoin. I know Bitcoin and blockchain are already way outside the box for most people, but there further to go still…

Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 22, 2019, 1:24 p.m. No.5830067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1141


If we the private shareholders (Ownership STRUCTURE) of the FED had their property confiscated by the US Treasury, a la Mnuchin, then whatever percentage of the FED that the Treasury now has is technically the American People's percentage. We own our own debt and their gold. Best case: We have it ALL. FED remains private…owned by the Treasury or something. Cancel the debt. Monetize the Gold. Let TIME tell the whole story, publish the traitor's names, and enjoy the show. Without guns, the kiwis will have to rip them apart with their bare hands.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 22, 2019, 3:15 p.m. No.5831945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2214


Maybe they will. Can't reverse decades of corruption overnight. There are a lot of moving pieces…and people's retirement accounts. The tectonic shifts going on are larger than we can imagine.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 22, 2019, 3:22 p.m. No.5832082   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No thanks. I've been in crypto too long to fall for the bright lights and fake tits.

Stupid fucking scam. Not even original. Basically a copy of myriadcoin, unless that IS myriadcoin rebranded. Fuck me. Merge Mining, womp womp. FAKE AND GAY!

Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 22, 2019, 9:55 p.m. No.5840352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3008 >>5732


My guess is that they have AI that is decades ahead of what we think exists and some kind of world simulation program. It's not an oracle, but it's a huge tool that can be referenced and backed up with tests, evidence, and actions in the real world. Just a hypothesis though.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 24, 2019, 5:02 p.m. No.5871768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5613


It's subtler that that. What I understand is happening is that the new regulation allows gold (and maybe silver too) to be considered at full value for reserve balance sheets. Currently, it can only be valued against debt at 50% of it's value. So, basically, it doubles the value that can be used of the gold in the gold slice of a country's or bank's reserve portfolio. It's substantial, but not the big kahuna. It could start making things break, though, or with other changes act over time with less shock. We'll see. Other than the bills in congress, I don't yet see fiat being explicitly backed by gold on March 29, but our fiat debt will be backed by a 100% increase in the value of gold among the other reserve assets.

Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 24, 2019, 9:07 p.m. No.5876117   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Not sure about the sauce. First to come up.

"But under Basel III, monetary gold now qualifies as a Tier 1 asset, and is 100% valued for the purposes of banking viability."

Anonymous ID: 081d03 March 24, 2019, 9:28 p.m. No.5876383   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Interesting image inspiration from Twin Peaks