Anonymous ID: 15daf2 Dec. 31, 2018, 12:04 p.m. No.4537913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8312 >>8409

Think of what it takes to keep the Fed afloat, anons:

Constant inflation is the root of many evils


Housing costs must always go up, so people don't walk away from loans. How do you keep costs increasing, though?

*Pack people in cities for population density (crime)

*Let immigrants flow in (moar crime)

*Regulations to increase costs (nanny state)

*.gov backed loans


How do you get people to borrow even moar?

Drive up medical costs:

*Fix base price with medicare allowable

*Force providers to charge cash patients 25% moar

*Let insurance companies drive retail price up with deep discounts (think $14k vs $600 for two hours of anesthesia)

*Force people to buy insurance


Drive up education costs:

*.gov grants → tuition increases

*.gov backed loans → tuition increases

*Affirmative action → higher enrollment

*Licensing + protectionism → 2 year entry level goes to 4, and then 6


Increase transportation costs:

*Car safety regulations

*Fleet mileage requirements

*Emissions requirements (muh clean diesel cost 2x moar and uses 30% moar fuel)


This just scratches the surface of the crap necessary to keep the fed afloat.

>The truth would put 90% of people in the hospital.

Anonymous ID: 15daf2 Dec. 31, 2018, 1:15 p.m. No.4538730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8933


>I challenge any individual alive today in the United States to honestly tell me they don't need the current Federal Reserve system to sustain their lives.

Nobody needs the current Federal Reserve system.

Without constant inflation, you can stick Dollars (real ones) away for retirement without having to hand control of your (((401k))) to Schumer and Pelosi, or having to risk your money to keep up with the theft of purchasing power (then being taxed up the ass on "gains" which only maintain the status quo)