Anonymous ID: 3ed817 Post Cabal banking, currency, and stock market #3 Dec. 28, 2018, 3:28 p.m. No.4505448   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5857 >>1822 >>3565

Continue to discuss.


Previous breads:

>>2221598 :: Banking bread 1

>>3474911 :: Banking bread 2


For those new to these breads, consider checking out the previous bread and the notables.

Your question may have already been asked/answered.





Previous Bread Notables

Notables are not endorsements.


Banking/Finance Habbenings/News notables

>>3475097 :: Currency talks with Mnuchin, IMF members to avoid currency wars

>>3648857 :: Plane crash involving Indonesian finance officials

>>4007475 :: Overstock going all in on crypto


Gold, Silver, and other traditional money systems specific notables

>>3604674 :: Anon notes gold's resurgence prior to Q's "gold shall destroy" post

>>3660205 :: Government gold reserves on the rise?

>>3669690 :: Gold holding fuckery?

>>4293683 :: Explanation of physical gold's potential benefits

>>4329802, >>4437394 :: Currently produced "eagle" coins by US Treasury signalling the future?

>>4431473 :: Return to gold / Q's canis lupis reference coincidence


Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency specific notables

>>3659022 :: Anon explains the difficult to understand true value of bitcoin/cryptocurrency

>>3712321 :: Questions on "stablecoins" stability?

>>3728071, >>3970106, >>3972302 :: Craig "Maybe Satoshi" Wright twats about the bitcoin hash happenings

>>3830636, >>3929859, >>3930207 :: The Hash Wars Vader Bitcoin Reset Theory

>>3985890, >>3985876, >>3987547 :: CSW all but confirms the Vader theory

>>3987714, >>3992802 :: Very interdasting CSW comms/signals

>>4270329 :: Documentary on hidden origins of bitcoin

>>3992653 :: Bitcoin Cash ABC no longer bitcoin?

>>3992757 :: Gavin Anderson number coincidences

>>3830928 :: Jihan/Bitcoin symbolism?

>>3831076 :: Qclock Hash War lines up with Q's "Structure" post

>>3888266 :: Symbol for Jupiter looks like 21.

>>3921610, >>3921623 :: Is '21' (((their))) symbolism or has it been co-opted in some way?

>>4017241 :: Cointelegraph article explaining how HRC's internet plans would attempt to stop bitcoin

>>4062949, >>4439482 :: digs on SAFE Network, predates bitcoin?

>>4349325 :: Anon discusses common objections re. bitcoin/crypto cabal influence

>>4142049 :: based take on the hashwar from longtime bitcoin contributor and TiTr ref for keks

>>4479625 :: Strange website re. countdown to revealing SN's identity?

>>4476198 :: Anon breaks down Steve Bannon crypto comments as they relate to the Plan

>>4438385 :: Some digs on keeping coins safe. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH

>>4499937 :: Update on Kleiman lawsuit against CSW re: bitcoin IP


General Banking/Finance/Gold/Silver/Bitcoin notables

>>3488330, >>3489243, >>3608451 1988 :: Economist magazine cover digs

>>3604188 :: VV is white hat symbolism?

>>3604630, >>3604511, >>3604813, >>3605076 :: Moar bitcoin coincidences

>>3678312, >>3678477, >>3889084 :: Numerology keeps appearing; primes important?

>>3830335 :: Digs on potential newly designed "Avgust" US currency

>>3992961, >>3993027, >>3993066, >>3997837 :: The Big Short movie digs

>>3997879 :: Statue of Liberty numerology

>>4009662 :: Anon explains the inherent futility of the current system

>>4291658 :: Whitehat symbolism on 2009 $100 bill

>>4330497 :: Anon's redesign and digs on the symbolism of the dollar bill

>>4349794 :: Numerology on Q's "Gold shall destroy FED."

>>4004259, >>4437508 :: Hidden Secrets of Money mega redpill

>>4437603, >>4437756 :: Kanye banking related oddities

>>4437829, >>4469983, >>4469854, >>4474659, >>4479562 :: Trump tower elevator money related coincidences

>>4475531 :: History of FDR and traitorous money actions

>>4487741 :: Anon explains Fed/Financial System and makes interesting speculation on how the transition may go


Miscellaneous interesting digs on semi-related or unrelated subjects

>>3999425, >>4138652, >>4138747, >>4138983, >>4139126, >>4139499, >>4438963, >>4439207, >>4439712, >>4479817 :: Time Travel Digs

>>3659089, >>3677496 :: Digs on Initiative Q

>>3489716, >>3489962 :: Intermittent fasting

Anonymous ID: 3ed817 Dec. 28, 2018, 8:14 p.m. No.4509540   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5544


What's with the weird hashes?


Purplish in hex colors?

>Weird slick looking new money

<still a federal reserve note

>Gold shall destroy FED.

What am I missing?

Is that anon saying the fed is being replaced with a "new fed" that isn't bad?

Anonymous ID: 3ed817 Dec. 31, 2018, 1:43 p.m. No.4539025   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9625


>Bottom line: inflation runs parallel with population expansion. Overlay the debt chart with the population chart and it will all be clear.

Inflation is the increase of the money supply. Population increased without the Fed for quite some time. Perhaps your correlation would still hold true for gold, but the maligned incentives of endless printing are curbed by the inconvenience of digging it out of the ground.

You don't have to be a delusional ancap to see the evils which the fed hath wrought.

Anonymous ID: 3ed817 Feb. 13, 2019, 3:54 p.m. No.5160970   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Perhaps back then it was just general conversation. JA was more left-leaning; CSW was a hard-line capitalist. A lot could have happened since and behind the scenes.


But your point is well taken anon. It's a stretch.

Anonymous ID: 3ed817 Feb. 18, 2019, 3:52 p.m. No.5251834   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6858


>A 3-letter agency created BTC

Anons surmised this as likely two breads ago and that CSW has ties to mil int. You may find it useful to go back and look at them.

>I like LTC (Litecoin) for a host of reasons

>lists zero reasons

Anonymous ID: 3ed817 Feb. 18, 2019, 4 p.m. No.5252000   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Another decentralized blockchain project has already addressed BTC limitations

So has bitcoin. See 103MB block with no signs of slowing.

>We just can't keep saying DLT is fundamentally limited because BTC is limited.

BTC was limited by morons. Bitcoin has and always could scale on chain.

>Digibyte to scale

At least it has its eyes on the prize. I have no clue if the tech aspects are close enough to bitcoin to scale. We'll see. But they better hurryโ€ฆand make sure they don't infringe on any patents.

Anonymous ID: 3ed817 Feb. 19, 2019, 1:38 p.m. No.5269907   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Cash only deposits will be used to purchase metals on the customers behalf then new notes will be created.

And never shall a gold bar be switched with one filled with tungsten or a fraction of the gold reserve ever be sold in secret. We promise.

Anonymous ID: 3ed817 March 12, 2019, 2:19 p.m. No.5645203   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5715 >>8932


>Tim Berners-Lee

>โ€œLook at the 50 percent who are on the web, and itโ€™s not so pretty for them,โ€ he said. โ€œThey are all stepping back suddenly horrified after the Trump and Brexit elections realizing that this web thing that they thought was so cool has actually not necessarily been serving humanity very well.โ€

Anonymous ID: 3ed817 April 8, 2019, 11:49 a.m. No.6098734   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Current bread notables:


Gold, Silver, and other traditional money systems specific notables

>>4885570 :: Interdasting history of money, gold, the roths from Neil Keenan

>>4515725 :: Relevant history of money doc for an overview of how we got here

>>4515857 :: Anon explains financial domination by big banks of financing alt media and links to video for greater detail

>>6090241 :: Anon succinctly explains why inflation hurts the poor and further divides us

>>4554602 :: NESARA & 9/11 connections


Gold shall destroy FED

>>6097080 :: Anon explains how destruction of old system may be death by 1000 cuts, not blitzkrieg event

>>4537235 :: Anon hypothesizes possible scenarios for coming off the Central Bank

>>4598065 :: Gold shall destroy the fed Q post, Jubilee connections

>>4532166 :: Compilation of breakdowns of potential "Gold shall destroy FED" scenarios

>>5123652 :: Will Trump eliminate income tax?

>>4598065 :: Breakdown of numbers and potential connections to strange phrasing of "Gold shall destroyโ€ฆ"


Bitcoin & [crypto] specific notables

>>5160867 :: Anon explains the difference between shitcoins & scams and the potential of a properly scaled bitcoin system

>>5563797 :: Anon explains the futility of shitcoins

>>4713271 :: Blockstream connections to big tech/DS

>>4598913 :: Bitcoins 103MB block and interdating connections

>>5156179 :: CSW and JA ran in the same circles many years ago

>>5133274 :: CSW liked Trump tweet

>>5139459 :: WL twatter calls CSW serial fabricator; CSW asks POTUS if he wants to understand Bitcoin

>>4531837 :: Color and shape coincidences in new bitcoin (BSV) logo (Looks like a Q?)

>>4885320, >>4885327, >>4885370, >>4885381, >>4885430, >>4885435, >>4885457 :: very interdasting symbolism digs

>>4980044 :: Anon explains the value of uniting, creating win/wins among communities of moneyfags

>>5084627 :: NSA FOIA request denied regarding links to Bitcoin

>>4767890 :: CSW shouts out the autists?

>>5560264, >>5560425 :: BSV and Qanon communities coalescing?

>>5560425, >>5655715 :: Tim Berners-Lee (internet pioneer) is a trump hater; likes SAFE

>>5793540 :: Left-crypto-tech alliance about to take a hit?

>>5756182, >>5762400 :: CSW suspended from twitter; getting litigious with TWTR?


Other misc. interdasting digs

>>4598926, >>4598636, >>4598581, >>4598438, >>4598395, >>4598200, >>4598154 :: Interdasting R connections