Anonymous ID: 405e38 April 6, 2019, 8:14 p.m. No.6080167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9639


gtfo yourself. 1st, the ratio isn't 50:1. and an idiot wouldn't even have to look that up to know that the metal prices wouldn't diverge that much. not sure where you're getting that blow hard info.

for philharmonics, best price online is 78:1. It will be about that for all the others. Ignore the disinfo agent.

Anonymous ID: 405e38 April 6, 2019, 11:09 p.m. No.6082155   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 405e38 April 7, 2019, 5:07 p.m. No.6089817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9882

What's this about???

Provident selling early 2000s nothing-special monster boxes for 7x of spot? That's insane…

Glitch or news?

Anonymous ID: 405e38 April 7, 2019, 5:17 p.m. No.6089905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0164 >>0202


ha! geniusanon.

I don't think those values mean a damn thing. the exchange will be a weight in gold, not what the coin says. a country or economic block can claim otherwise if they think it benefits them to get more for their money. The risk is that the market is smart and recognizes fraud. Value will flee those markets in whatever form possible.

Moreover, I highly doubt that we get a fixed gold/silver ratio. At most a gold/fiat one. Silver will float. Trying to fix it in the past allowed for manipulation. And what is its main purpose? As a payment system…digital currencies are going to add to, if not completely replace, the role of silver in the medium/long term for payments.

Anonymous ID: 405e38 April 7, 2019, 8:25 p.m. No.6092277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3521


Love Bitcoin or hate it, realize it or not, Bitcoin is the reason that this conversation about sound money in society is even happening.



If the Eccles Building is sovereign property similar to an embassy and the FED fucked up the financial system, then that classifies as an act of war.


Blockchain isn't fiat. It's like a commodity in most cases, and like a stock in others…not even considering the private non-token uses. In the commodity label, scammers are trying to make it like fiat, but it won't last. It's just information asymmetry in the market as people are still asleep. A non-zero percentage but less than 1% of the projects will be successful as commodities and potentially as platforms for alternative/parallel decentralized information networks.



Heavy Silver is a speculation or at best an investment. I also don't take as a given that Silver will play the same roll as in the past, so it might not be the big increase that we think. "Saving" is Gold only, just to be clear. A question of semantics maybe, but I wouldn't push silver alone or majority silver as a savings or SHTF plan. I'm around a 1:12 ounce ratio between gold:silver. I'm debating moving to 1:10 or to 1:20, but $-wise, gold would be still way above 50% in all scenarios at current prices.


I think it's also important not to get tunnel vision on metals. We all have mixes of homes, IRAs/401Ks, etc. and playing the speculation game with precious metals maybe isn't the best idea. Pick your ratio of metals, but also pick your ratio of metals as a part of the overall portfolio. Then move on and rebalance when necessary. The pension and retirement funds are markets that way overshadow metals. Rebasing the currency is an important step in a bigger plan. I'd keep betting on stocks and the economy. I don't think people realize how much dark money, offshore money, private equity, etc. is out there. It's being brought back into the public markets…and likely at big losses to these whales. Just look at the numbers coming out from private equity, hedge funds, VCs and other alternatives.

An unleveraged s&p500 index dominated Q1 while these alt and bot strategies fell all over themselves.


As for KINESIS, a little due diligence on the team reveals a lot…

Anonymous ID: 405e38 April 8, 2019, 9:36 a.m. No.6097080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8734


>Though I would like us to get back to some form of our constitutional money, that might put us at a disadvantage if other countries weren't doing the same. Besides, we still have to have an electronic version of our units of money to stay competitive online, maybe that's where Crypto would come in.


Sure. I think it's important to redefine constitutional money. While it says gold and silver, we should ask what about gold and silver make them constitutional money. It's the better properties of metals vs. fiat that make it constitutional money. We should get hung up on the form of matter, if any, that it takes. Virtual money would be a huge leap, but virtual money doesn't equate to faith money. The math in cryptography is a digital parallel to the physical properties of metals…without the slave labor needed to mine it.


I share your motives for metals investing. Maybe I'm just wary of predictionfagging, but I have a growing theory that the reset isn't going to be a one factor, one-time thing. It hasn't been so far. Perhaps there will be bigger events, etc. but I see a multi-pronged attack over various fronts and over various time frames. Bringing back gold is a piecemeal plan, but it's not an isolated process from other geopolitical moves and developments. Less blitzkrieg and more sweat, though with the constant threat of a blitzkrieg. Perhaps a crescendo event will emerge, but doing that is a predictable strategy. Death by a thousand unpredictable cuts seems like Trump's M.O.