Anonymous ID: 419043 Jan. 8, 2019, 7:40 a.m. No.4661572   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2752 >>3398



fuck it i'll go



-prepay rent and utilities for a while

-keep 1 month of nonperishable food and water on hand at all times

-perform whatever maintenance is needed on the car to make sure it doesn't imminently break down if it became necessary to drive it heavily for long periods, maintain car with close to full tank always, couple of spare metal gas cans full

-guns and ammo

-emergency supplies


25k silver in hand

25k gold in hand

10k cash in hand mix of small & large bills

10k crypto (btc, bch, bsv)

10k stocks/options daytrading short term trends


not investment advice

Anonymous ID: 419043 March 7, 2019, 2:57 p.m. No.5563797   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4288 >>6371 >>6440 >>8734

I love trolling shitcoiners:


Game Theory time


Number of games: 2,103

Number of players: Everyone who owns crypto


(You) are Player X


Player X, Option 1: Pick one of the 2,103 coins you think will moon. You're attached to this coin on a personal level but statistically speaking you're as retarded as someone who picked one of the other 2,102 coins. You've been divided up by the very forces you're hoping to oust from power, and you don't even know it. Good luck, have fun.

Player X, Option 2: Pick a coin which is legal under existing first-world securities laws. Thus ICOs and airdrops are ineligible for this honorable distinction. The SEC is coming.

Player X, Option 3: Don't play


Option 3 is the safest play, but imagine if all the players chose Option 2 instead of Option 1. The end of the globalist Left's stranglehold on banking, silicon valley, and the hijacked crypto space all at once in the opportunity of a lifetime. The collective hive mind chooses wealth instead of infighting for scraps and hinging their future on blind luck and cognitive bias (Option 1).

Anonymous ID: 419043 March 7, 2019, 3:40 p.m. No.5564486   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5041



What's the diamond and the blue one? And is that grey L Litecoin?


The level of innovation happening on BSV within the last 3 months rivals the entire crypto space for as long as the crypto space has been a thing, just sayin. Some are silly pet projects but we all know the end goal and what's possible with a virtually unlimited OPRETURN on an immutable ledger. And by community devs working for free no less. Proof of work in more ways than oneโ€ฆ


Based on your graphic alone and without doing any more research, a Qanon Crypto hedge fund would invest in


25% Green Diamond

25% Bitcoin

25% Blue

25% Grey L


Adjust for feedbackโ€ฆ