Anonymous ID: 59cf21 Jan. 13, 2019, 12:35 p.m. No.4741110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1348 >>2933

Historical of world reserve currency:


Portugal from 1400 to 1500


Sprain from 1500 to 1620


Netherlands from 1620 to 1700


France from 1700 to 1789


Britain from 1789 to 1925


USA from 1925 to now


The dates are aproximative in some cases because of lack in accurate data. I also want to point out the creation of the federal reserve was in 1913 but it doesn't mean that the dollar of the fed was dominant just yet. It took a few years for it to become dominant while the previous world reserve currence = the pound, was on it's death bed slowly dying.


This is the first time the Cabal did this as you can see from above. They have been doing this for so long = creating a monetary internation trade system, then crashing it, to recreate it in another place. It's like putting up a camp tent in a specific location for a precise purpose. Once you are done with that specific spot, you undo your tent and go to somewhere else to place your tent there.


Now, they were trying to do that with the dollar and move to the Yan and the international currency reserve. But they didn't expect her to loose didn't they? Their plans didn't go as smooth and unnoticed as it did in the past.


So i'm asking again: Is the Clinton Foundation the KEYSTONE that holds the entire structure of the Cabal together?


Some anons think it's the Feds but as you can see, this has been done before, the Feds are temporary. They are to serve a specific purpose in a specific time frame. Once they had taken all they wanted to take, they would dismantle their own tent and move to another location to rebuild their tent = monetary system again.


But the Clinton Foundation, it's the intersection of everything, including the money flow.


Q, am i right? or did i go into the wrong rabbit whole?