Anonymous ID: 8166d7 Feb. 10, 2019, 4:44 p.m. No.5113506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9770

The truth will put some people in the hospital.


Or something like that. I don't remember the exact Q quote anymore, those records have been long purged from the mainstream and fragmented internets and both my external backup and paper copy were burned to unusability thanks to the office fire last week. And I haven't been able to access the blockchain since the first power outages befell my home and subsequently the nation.


Regardless the quote is something to that effect. I've thought about this Q line more than most lately.


As the noose tightens around the Cabal’s collective neck they've become increasingly isolated from one another. Phones tapped. Internet monitored. Shadowed in public. As the ratlines shrink in both number and size, and as losers are flushed out of the system into the arms of impending justice, the Cabal must resort to unconventional means of communication with one another. Many learned to operate HAM and CB radios. Sometimes they communicated in the open on platforms such as Twitter, using code words to signal the occurrence or foreshadowing of events. Frequently they planted articles in the MSM using stock or original photographs, which contained encrypted stenographic messages. I'd heard a rumor about a girl who interned at a radio station somewhere out west and was able to mix low-frequency Morse code into normal FM radio broadcasts, fed to all listenders yet discernable to only those who had the equipment and training to decode them. Crafty bastards.


Often these messages contained details or go codes for lone wolf or special forces style terrorists to execute false-flag or hoax-type operations, either under mind-control or under contract with cabal affiliates. Sometimes the messages signaled future meetings, or were orders to move money.


Payment for services rendered was made with cash or anonymous cryptocurrency. Their cash was dwindling, and anonymous cryptocurrency isn't as anonymous as people believe.


We had them by the balls and cunts but the order from the top remained. Wait, More Waiting, and Wait Again. I was sick of waiting. We all were. Every day we waited was a day that the criminals continue to suck this world dry.


Pain. Trust the Plan. That's what they would tell us.


I was faithless for a time.


Was hard not to be.


But three days ago, everything changed.


We discovered the master decode keys which unlocked the Cabal's communications.


Instantly we got to work decoding the Cabal's suspected communications and almost as instantly we hit paydirt. There it was, plain as day: the hit on 41 and subsequent Cabal attended funeral-cum-strategy meeting; the hit on No-Name disguised as a rapid succumbence to brain cancer; the BDT failed-pipe-bomb terrorist in NYC; all coordinated by Tweets and OTA comms from high-ranking Cabalites. Everything we'd suspected to be true, was proven true and then some.


But then everything went to hell, and I've been stuck.


Another radio check, no response. Another call-in check, no response. Another blockchain check, no new updates, no miners back online.


When we published the first decodes to the blockchain the powers that be did everything they could to stop the spread of the information. We had planned to use it for Procedure 3, the final declassification of knowledge held in secret by the US government, but the Cabal struck first. They must have caught wind of the Allied plan to expose the evilest of their evil deeds to the world. Targeted internet and mobile phone network outages, then the first reports over social media and then local news, followed by widespread power grid outages.


I listened in to the hospital OTA comms frequently when the event first began. Soon it became too much for even a seasoned anon like me. I hoped the fate of those men and women at the hospital was not widespread throughout town, but I wasn't getting close enough to see it for myself and find out.