Anonymous ID: a663d4 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.5123652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8734


>what if President Trump's plan also included ELIMINATING INCOME TAX?

these threads are massively helpful for me as I am learning more; wanted to note that on my researching our central banking system, I learned that income tax is actually in place to keep the system going because it is a way to bring money back to them in droves. If the current system is reset and put right, then an income tax would be unnecessary as a CONDUIT of worthless fiat money back to the money changers.

Anonymous ID: a663d4 Feb. 17, 2019, 9:14 a.m. No.5224082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4170


I believe cryto is a like scrip (it unto itself has no value other than an agreed upon representation and agreement at large to use) and I believe will be used as such to facilitate a future digital economy. Scrip or actual currency needs not be back by anything other than the people's agreement (but def not debt!) - and this is key - the people (by way of their government) MUST control its supply. Central Banks are not the root of all evil, but they are tools used by those who are the root of evil to control us cattle. There is certainly a place for precious metals and other valued commodities as (they say) a hedge against inflation. I can't give advice, either, but void all "stable" coins and bank coins. BTW, those Bill Still videos are pretty good for educational purposes - esp for exposing how evil the bankers are.