Anonymous ID: bb90a5 Feb. 22, 2019, 7 a.m. No.5324442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4934

Ever wonder why 100% of every piece of footage you have seen, showing Earth, is CGI?

Yet footage on the surface of Moon is real?

Earth is both flat and globe.

How is this possible?


God is the Father.

Nature is the Mother.

Earth is the Womb.

The bottom is flat, the 'globe' part is the firmament.

We live on the flat part and the firmament protects us.

Humans have never been past the firmament.

Humans have been to the Moon.

The Moon is within the firmament.

Static Plane.

Flat + Globe.

Divided we fall, united we stand.

Hello World (from the future).

Anonymous ID: bb90a5 Feb. 28, 2019, 9:24 a.m. No.5434958   🗄️.is 🔗kun

948cfd / 7cba27 / f48188


Who was recently on the J.R.E.?

What are they talking about @ 44:14?


Remember this?


Hello from the future (86 days ahead of you).


Earthquakes (6.2 km depth).

Christmas Lights (photo).

Perfect Crypto Predictions


Coincidences, impossible.




Man is not capable of believing the truth anymore.

The indoctrination of even our brightest light, has been dimmed to but a spark.


Grain/Fruit/Plant = Slave diet.

Meat = Human diet.


Absolutely everything, has been a lie.


There is symbiosis in certain pathogens (parasites, worms, bacteria, viruses).

In the name of (((modern science))), bad actor pathogens have been used as scapegoats to hide us from the ones that truly heal.