Anonymous ID: d5955f Dec. 30, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.4523822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4338 >>4347 >>7681 >>2624 >>8064 >>2933

Before this thread goes straight crazy with crypto addicts holding on to digital dreams let me remind you of the future.



-Blockchain driven

-Precious metals backed

-Impossible to counterfeit


You will only be able to get them with cash or precious metals in hand.


For all you precious metals holders out there: Face Values Matter


Cash will get in but at a reduced rate. Stack accordingly and be ready.


When that masterpiece of a video hits 144,000 views we ride. Digital ancap leftists will be weeping for decades after this.


Time to put the FED back to some actual work.



Anonymous ID: d5955f Dec. 30, 2018, 4:24 p.m. No.4527923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8381 >>5075 >>0266


Simple math. Once all 4 hit equilibrium (which they are feverishly trying to stop) all will become clear.


Gold "$50" on the 1 ounce coin:


$50 in Jan-1913 has same buying power as $1,285.91 Nov-2018 (locked and loaded)


Silver "$1" on the 1 ounce coin:


$1 in Jan-1913 has same buying power as $25.72 Nov-2018 (undervalued)


Palladium "$25" on the 1 ounce coin:


$25 in Jan-1913 has same buying power as $642.95 Nov-2018 (Extremely Overvauled)


Platinum "$100" on the 1 ounce coin:


$100 in Jan-1913 has same buying power as $2,571.82 Nov-2018 (Extremely undervauled)


As you can see gold has made it and is locked and loaded by the Chinese. Arb will guarantee this as people demand stability from something. Like Q said gold will destroy the fed. That day has arrived without it even being announced.


XPD is TURBO (Mercury). He is trapped with nowhere to go now.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Dec. 30, 2018, 4:46 p.m. No.4528191   🗄️.is 🔗kun


EVERYTHING is a cluster right now. Most only running schemes to keep the fees rolling in. This was by design to increase individual strength. Third party fiat control, Governments issuing laws to mint bullion again, and lastly blockchain. Like all competition all parties fiercely try to one up one another for control. This is an illusion. In reality they all run the show together. You know it is true when you step into one of their territories and speak alternate views. All three of them have well oiled brainwashing factories.


The new notes will be the ultimate realization of this. As close to perfection as one can get. The necessity for this is obvious considering the ramifications of going all digital. It is suicide. The crypto space has realized this whether it wants to admit this or not. As of now it only operates for fees and law enforcement purposes.


The point of the >>4508003 was to tell you how the next discussion will play out. Normalization of the 4 metals will fuse the idea of dollar backed by metals. This occurring will make crypto look like a bigger joke than it already is. It won't really be a battle. It will be a domination. Blockchain will just be the icing on the cake.


This will bring about the most based money system we have ever had in the history of man.


Try not to fall for the poison of reset and destruction. That is one of the biggest fear based memes on the planet right now. Especially in the financial world. This is being pushed by ancaps and the like. They do this to scare customers into buying their "end of the world" products. Like I said…fees. The price is your soul.


Many people take issue with my point of view in general. The reason why is they are programmed or triggered to go against it. Very similar to how a democrat hates republican point of views and the same the other way around.




The fusion of all four corners. You want out of the box?

Anonymous ID: d5955f Dec. 30, 2018, 4:56 p.m. No.4528306   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Keep trying…


How many operators you have ready to overload those transformers? Suspicious slaves has them all almost convinced now. They have your number and are just about to call it. Must be easy to convince those under you.


They made one in your honor. Must be uncomfortable getting your bell rung.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Dec. 30, 2018, 5:03 p.m. No.4528395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8703


Crypto was the precious metals bear trap. Everyone already knows that. Even Blythe bailed.


The only one who benefited from this was the fee collectors. What did you think you were going to get a world wide Bolshevik revolution?


You can't pay them anymore. Your poison is sterile. Your days are over. Thanks for the tech. We can stuff it over with email.


The only one that is going to be going nuts is the fee maker because his well of souls is going to be all dried up. The king is coming back.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Dec. 31, 2018, 4:08 a.m. No.4533781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4764 >>5075


>actual worth in its weight right


One ounce will be one one ounce. So yes the weight and purity are key. The face values themselves will indicate how many new notes they get are worth.


Many people forget what Trump said at the beginning. He will make the dollar strong again. They are going to bring it up to par with one ounce of silver. What this means is that silver must be worth at least the purchasing power of one 1913 dollar.


Speaking of Morgans….JP is ready, locked, and loaded. Blythe absorbing as much blockchain as possible and then recently bailing tells you all is going as planned.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Dec. 31, 2018, 4:16 a.m. No.4533812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4764


>She tried to co-opt crypto


She absorbed blockchain tech so that they can apply it to the new notes fren. Have you seen the silver stack over at JP Morgan? I wouldn't expect you to considering how intense my glow is.


Cash or precious metals will get you in the door. All other forms of digital fiat forgery will leave you stranded on the other side.


If you can't remain liquid then you go up in smoke.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Dec. 31, 2018, 7:26 a.m. No.4534912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5170 >>5584


>JPM isn't the only player.

That's right they are not. Many other countries are in on this as well. They will most likely be issuing new notes as well.

Each country will only be accepting the fiat it previously printed or precious metals.


You see these countries also enacted laws to mint bullion in the 1980's. Once this was in place the mirror was constructed. The demon took the bait and now it knows it is stuck.


The MIC is in hand and the show is on the road. EXTREME precision. The cracks in the mirror are beginning to show as the reptiles repeatedly smash their heads off the surface trying to get out.


Sauce….plenty of it and it is open source. Pretty much check and mate.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Dec. 31, 2018, 7:56 a.m. No.4535169   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Why is 1oz Platinum = $100, 1oz Gold = $50, 1oz Palladium = $25, 1oz Silver = $1?


>Also why would gold destroy the fed but it's not the most valuable?

Gold is locked and loaded. It is like a rock and cannot be moved. Manipulation is over.


>I don't get your chart.

Morgan stacking silver to be ready for the new notes. Banks flow with the times. They have died for the sins of the past. All errors from the past are to be made clean.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Dec. 31, 2018, 11:38 a.m. No.4537624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8312 >>8694


>English please.

I can't force you to tune into this channel. It was plain English. There is no beating around the bush here. This language has the snake by the throat.


>What does that even mean?

The internet itself is a mirror. It is a direct (false) reflection of the human race. Everything we do on/with it shows our behavior, likes, dislikes, dreams, and so on. It is only a tool to take us to the next step. It is not the end all be all of human existence. The only ones that think that are narcissistic types. We know how that story ends. Many have a hard time actually seeing it play out because they too fell for the trick. The narcissist is the demon stuck in the mirror. This is an exorcism.


>nor do you offer a supported and comprehensive takedown of crypto altogether


You want a summary:


Crypto is our modern financial history from birth to death compressed into 10 years. You may still be struggling with the fact that it is dead. It's only purpose was give us blockchain and it has done that job. What we have left in crypto is Wall St. 2.0. Again everything on the internet is a mirror. Fractal. A copy / paste of the current mess we are in. No solutions just print foevea. No need for some comprehensive analysis about infighting, penny stock logic, and fees. We already saw the outcome of that.


The good thing is that outcome was captured in a net (www) and was taken out to sea. I suppose some giant hungry lizard will devour it.


Time to talk about the future now. What is in it? I can tell you what is not in it and that is the power grid is not going to be in this format for much longer. Why? The answer lies right in front of our faces. But we are too sleepy to see it.


Rooster is here to wake you up. 2017 Trump is inaugurated. Coincidentally at the same time an entity that produces 1/3 of the power on the planet starts going belly up. An entity that JP Morgan itself financed. So you ask yourself why would JP Morgan be staking so much silver? The answer is obvious. The new notes are coming. It is not an art project. The digital fiat forgery machine is getting shut down.


Maybe if you looked at the population curve in the last hundred years and pair it together with Alternating Current you might see the big picture. The SUN OF GOD will literally SAVE you from yourself. If you can get past the religious tone of that statement you might just make it.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Dec. 31, 2018, 12:42 p.m. No.4538348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8415


So do the dollars you use to live today. They also say "IN GOD WE TRUST". What is your point?


For over 100+ years the Federal Reserve Notes you seem to take issue with literally paved the way for you to even express that statement.


I think an ancap may have dug too deep into your brain. You should look at getting that thing extracted.


Who else would be better to issue the new notes then an outfit that obviously has the experience to do so? There was a reason why the government went third party.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Dec. 31, 2018, 1 p.m. No.4538549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8730


Smells like a patsy to me. No need to get all bent out of shape over an entity that was handed a torch that was designed to burn out.


I say Post Cabal let them work endlessly to serve humanity better. Never let them have a peaceful death. You take issue with this or are you afraid you can't keep them in check?


I challenge any individual alive today in the United States to honestly tell me they don't need the current Federal Reserve system to sustain their lives. It's one thing to pipe dream but we live in reality.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Dec. 31, 2018, 1:16 p.m. No.4538748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9354



Do you actually "anon" anon? If you had some Gold right now you might want to be considering the bargain deal of a lifetime. Especially with the new notes coming.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Dec. 31, 2018, 1:34 p.m. No.4538933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9025 >>0091 >>0513


>Nobody needs the current Federal Reserve system.


Pipe dreams are for kiddies I agree.


Feel free to link to your blog where you talk about how you live off the grid and need absolutely no assistance from the outside world. I'll be waiting…for a long time. Truth is you use a computing device to go on the internet so you already know you can never prove my statement wrong.


Purchasing power is removed by an act of nature. Don't believe me? Take a bottle of food coloring and place one drop in an 8 ounce glass of water. What you will witness is the act of dilution. Your once pure ultra condensed color has now become an echo of it's true self. You think currency is any different? Do yourself a favor (if you already haven't) and get a copy of "Behold a Pale Horse". There is a section in there that relates the monetary system to a simple tank circuit. It explains everything. Bottom line: inflation runs parallel with population expansion. Overlay the debt chart with the population chart and it will all be clear.


You guys are never going to solve problems if you think you can defy the laws of physics.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Dec. 31, 2018, 2:32 p.m. No.4539625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0194


>Population increased without the Fed for quite some time


Not exponentially.


All in all I just don't understand the need for a bogey man that is so evil that regardless I continue to use his services. Seems quite hypocritical.


The Fed itself is over 100 years old. As an entity it is as old as dirt. Yet here we are blaming it for all the troubles of the world like a failed son would blame his father for all his poor choices even though they were actually his own.


I get it. The Fed wasn't and isn't to this day perfect. Sooner than later we are going to have to move past that and get on with our lives. Clinging on to the Fed meme will only hinder this wouldn't you agree?


Just look at Bitcoin. It went from a decentralized utopia to the Fed 2.0 in 10 years flat. This issue is bigger than the Fed and anyone willing to step up with some real solutions knows it. Crypto took a stab at it and failed. What's next?


New Notes

Anonymous ID: d5955f Dec. 31, 2018, 3:28 p.m. No.4540302   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0509


> tunnels are for cabalists

I could have sworn they were for slaves. You can point that thing in another direction.


I couldn't agree more though.


-Blockchain is one part

-New Notes is one part

-Precious Metals is one part


The future = the fusion of all three


I guess if you want though we can pretend they are all separate for the sake of fees. But then again that actually does smell like the cabal…

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 1, 2019, 9:06 a.m. No.4551778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2879


>The 1 Most Influential Entity in Crypto 2018

Priced in fiat, backed by tech saturation, the last pump of the biggest bubble in history.


Blockchain will remain. The rest….ashes. You really don't have much time to get with the program here. The entire digital fiat forgery machine is about to go up in smoke and you are still chocking down blue pills by the fist full.


They took the red pill. Do yourself one better.




2017 Rooster was SUPPOSED to wake you up.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 1, 2019, 6:02 p.m. No.4558281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9871 >>4259


>bullshit creeping into our bread


The NESARA meme is a wasteland. Couldn't help but to bring up "Drain the Swamp". Trump has purposefully reignited it.


Unfortunately, it is relevant given the topic at hand. Get past it and keep the bread from turning into toast.



>Not sure how you square that circle

Remove the AC power generators. I gave you source. Now you can spread it and make it obsolete by removing the mysticism or you can keep using it and pump that bubble up just a bit more. That's on you.



>The occult must get off on the number coincidences.


Land of the fees and home of the slaves it's time to wake up. You worry so much about the occult when it is all rather elementary. Stay boxed in trying so hard to be just like your predecessors building off their shoddy foundation or leave the machine.


I'm glad you're doing your homework on the color mix because it will be your ticket out of your flat Earth conundrum.


You have a cabal because of the fees. Once you assert a monetary system that is "FED" off of fees by design it will be centralized. It will get bigger and eventually consume all things.


This is actually what ruined Bitcoin. It let the fiat fee machine and lost it's purity. Could have bet that was going to happen though because many of you are scared to death to come off mother's milk.


You can bring up NESARA it won't change anything. Derailing the inevitable with some failed attempt to right the economy isn't going to happen.


You can call esoteric because you are scared to learn past what is comfortable and it isn't going to change anything.


You can say "but muh crypto" and "you just don't understand the tech" but it isn't going to change anything. By now if you haven't realized that Icarus flew to close to the sun I can't help you.


You can infest 8chan just like you did /biz/ on 4chan with your Wall St. 2.0 copy / paste scam but I can assure you that you will still go to sleep.


The new notes are coming and I'm starting to sense that you finally are aware that it is true. You are having a hard time figuring it out because in this situation no one is using leverage or scraping fees out of people all over the place. That is because Post Cabal the show is going to be run correctly.



-Blockchain driven

-Precious metals backed


-Impossible to counterfeit

-Circulation based off of metals in existence


Cash accepted as a gesture of gratitude for floating the current system "just in case".


Precious metals accepted to keep everything as based and grounded as possible.


If this upsets you in anyway feel free to stay inside the digital fiat forgery machine and watch it explode from the inside.


Your choice.


Whining isn't going to stop it.


144,000 views and we ride




Things are about to get real if you choose this path so consider your positions carefully.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 4, 2019, 5:15 p.m. No.4601299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1474 >>1554 >>8564


>The Pianos of Cha'n

You'd think the "chan" would listen carefully. To hopped up on memes to discern the truth I suppose?


Your ticket out of your cage is #80526B. Anything directly tied to the current black hole (value) will go down with it. When the four horsemen are locked and loaded I just hope you are ready and not yawning. Like a thief in the night…

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 5, 2019, 9:28 a.m. No.4609573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9730 >>0102 >>0222 >>7094 >>7155


When all 4 horsemen are locked and loaded (correct distribution) new notes ride.


Silver - undervalued

Palladium - overvalued

Gold - locked and loaded

Platinum - undervauled




All else is a distraction generated by the digital fiat forgery machine. It is trying at all costs to keep this from happening. Bears have been double tapped at both extremes.


This is not a drill.


144,000 - 109,693 = 34307


Information coming straight from the crown at the satellite office.


#80526B = your ticket out


What side do you play for?

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 5, 2019, 10:03 a.m. No.4610222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0402 >>0493


>Information coming straight from the crown at the satellite office.


Home office debased and infested with swamp dwellers. All operations handled remotely now to correct the errors of the past.


This is END GAME (for them).



>Needs moar persuasion bro


-The Pianos of Cha'n -signal to play the bones (can you play them anon?)

-Most recent chan posts = #80526B: 600mL of water = four sides fused and abolished

-anon symbol literally signalling where to place stacking energy

-Red October: Did you find the subs?


>We are looking for long term solutions

2019 - 1913 = over 100 years of service

Introducing the upgrade and you want "long term solutions"? If it can outlive your suit it qualifies as a long term solution.


Play the bones and see what happens. Copy and paste a grain of sand with casino 2.0 or copy paste a time tested and proven sand castle? The answer seems obvious to me.



>Also not keen on making south africa whakanda


The meek not the geek. Perhaps you are caught up in the physical plane/old ways? Distribution outwards already taking place. This is all or nothing with the based taking the wheel.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 5, 2019, 2:32 p.m. No.4614772   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Who secretly (not so secretly) owns the entire Continent of Africa now?


>Hint: Chinese


"How China Colonized An Entire Continent Without Firing A Single Shot"


Gonna have to rewrite this one:


"Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves"


>Platinum is the money of anons

>Palladium is the money of queens

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 6, 2019, 6:03 p.m. No.4636362   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>So, Trump removes the salaries of the enforcers. Now, it's just up to the people to get off the train.


You let the words come out of your brain but yet you are blind to the new notes.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 6, 2019, 6:08 p.m. No.4636468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6614


25-34 do not run the world. They are merely a consumer of business at a higher level. Future slaves tucked away in a bubble. They will accept anything because they are not thinkers they are followers. An experiment proving that the world financial system is ready to pole flip out of digital and back to analog. Peak debasement if you will. A nail in the coffin.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 6, 2019, 6:26 p.m. No.4636757   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>why would you destroy a key instrument/tool in that process(digital assets secured by DLT)

The new notes will be blockchain driven. Crypto has destroyed itself. The moment they let that old USD in it was over. Something you need to cope with internally it seems.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 7, 2019, 6:20 p.m. No.4654600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4654


144,000 - 110,234 = 33766


These things are unpredictable. I imagine that it will start to be noticeably felt the closer it gets. Like feeling a train come down the tracks when it is still miles away. The four horsemen will run in parallel. Anon's choice will ring the bell and the sound will be deafening. Launch sequence on the double tapped bears already initiated and assets deployed.


There will be a wall….

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 8, 2019, 2:20 p.m. No.4666738   🗄️.is 🔗kun



-Gold "$50" on the 1 ounce coin:

$50 in Jan-1913 has same buying power as $1,285.91 Nov-2018 (locked and loaded)


-Silver "$1" on the 1 ounce coin:

$1 in Jan-1913 has same buying power as $25.72 Nov-2018 (undervalued)


-Palladium "$25" on the 1 ounce coin:

$25 in Jan-1913 has same buying power as $642.95 Nov-2018 (Extremely Overvauled)


-Platinum "$100" on the 1 ounce coin:

$100 in Jan-1913 has same buying power as $2,571.82 Nov-2018 (Extremely undervauled)


This is when the four horsemen will be locked and loaded. After this the new notes ride.


I see strong support back at 1913…

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 8, 2019, 2:25 p.m. No.4666802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7207


>Palladium and platinum (and other "precious" metals) are….silver


Silver in color yes.


Gold, silver, platinum, and palladium each have an ISO 4217 currency code.


Your doom and gloom scenario exists for only those that panic during a crash. The rest of us calm anons will be finding support back at 1913 and using new notes.


We are going quad-metallic.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 8, 2019, 2:52 p.m. No.4667223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7453


>Trump also mentioned DOW 100,000-125,000. That may take a while and may be due to the dollar losing value


This only takes place if the dollar loses value.


DOW crashing up = weak dollar

DOW crashing down = strong dollar


Either way this only matters for those that refuse to leave the old US dollar paradigm.


Those going to the new note paradigm will not have to worry about the following:


-Price of metals in old US dollar terms (or any other debased fiat for that matter)

-Wall St. thievery

-Crypto circus antics

-Government Bonds

-Any other "investment vehicle" valued in old US dollars


Speaking of the United States Dollar you may want to consider the obvious uptrend taking place. I'll give you a Donald Trump comparison for reference. He told you he was going to make it strong again. I think some of you never dreamed just how strong he was talking.,Donald%20Trump


Looks like the world can already smell the facelift. New Notes incoming. 144,000 and we ride.


#80526B = tickets into the future

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 8, 2019, 2:56 p.m. No.4667282   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kronos has you salivating over "when". You need to shake that buzzing from your ear. Stack the favorite of real anons (Ag - Pt) and maximize your new note entry. Sharpen your skills and be ready at the drop of a dime. Don't get it confused with mercury this time.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 9, 2019, 3:29 p.m. No.4685834   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Thinks he's in the movie National Treasure

>Gets triggered when he realizes that the future does not contain Bitcoin

>Gets angry when posts upset his brainwashing

>lashes out at a messenger

>ignores opinions he disagrees with

>Goes back to playing National Treasure


It is going to be ok anon. I understand they have their hooks deep into your soul. You can make it out if you try harder and let go of that hate festering inside of you.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 9, 2019, 3:34 p.m. No.4685901   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Crown = highest frequency

Satellite = planned that way


Face values matter. It was never meant to be a permanent solution. Things are in constant motion. Anyone feeding you otherwise is stuck in a box.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 10, 2019, 4:08 p.m. No.4701070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1173 >>1957 >>3153


>Any ideas on what's causing the current crypto crash?


They know the new notes are coming:



>why would we fall back to metals


There is strong support back at "1913"


Beast mode incoming.


Two things you need are cash or precious metals IN HAND. All other forms of digital fiat forgery will not be accepted at the gates.


>Why would it go back if those that wanted us off gold


All bubbles pop. Find the consolidation point and prepare accordingly. Tech was here to bring you the message. Did you hear it?

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 10, 2019, 4:17 p.m. No.4701229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0643



Every paradigm is built on the beach. Smaller flashes in time are the grains. Larger stretches are castles. Grains get tossed about when the tides come rolling in. Castles may slightly erode but vision will not be sacrificed. Never copy paste a grain and expect to solve an issue.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 11, 2019, 5:37 p.m. No.4718287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8418


>larger vision of how the world worked in the past, and currently works


Like I said there is strong support back at 1913. If you cannot step back and go outside yourself then I cannot help you to see a wider scope than this. MACD always lags btw.


There are no problems articulating this at all. Many don't want to comprehend this. It is a lot to take in.


I fear that many of you missed the message Bitcoin was SUPPOSED to tell you. Greed and ego got the best of so many. They were literally screaming the future that is about to unfold in front of us.


The new notes on the surface seem counter productive by that is the definition of capitulation. This time around it will be better just have to let the knives fall first. As it was written so shall it be.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 11, 2019, 5:51 p.m. No.4718472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7082


> Any facts or logic you care to share

Already have. Face values were stamped on the coins for a reason. Military / Government spec by law. You think it was arbitrary?


This rise is the last ditch effort to thwart this normalization I speak of from happening. The digital fiat forgery machine is backed into a corner and they think by upsetting the (1913-2019 cpi / Face value) balance they will stop what is coming. They printed too much and the tower must fall. Physics (gods) law dictates this.


>you're saying it's worth/going-to-be-worth 25% what Platinum is?


Yes. In the new note paradigm it most certainly will. Palladium (XPD) is turbo. See the wings on the US coin? This is the definition of desperation.


Like a moth to a flame….

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 11, 2019, 6:07 p.m. No.4718717   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If the current banking system is a star then consider what would happen if it went super nova. The metals would be scattered about the Earth for those willing and ready to grab the reigns. Why do you think so many countries started minting at the same time in the 80's. THEY KNEW THIS DAY WAS COMING. Ever contemplate the meaning of a firework going off on the 4th of July? An ode to an exploding star. Super Nova ….SN.


You are thinking as if we are going to be able to actually continue to kick the can down the road. Speaking of tin (SN) did you fools ever figure out who Satoshi Nakamoto was?


Sn - Tin

Sn - Super Nova

Sn - Satoshi Nakamoto


Think its a game?

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 12, 2019, 2:40 p.m. No.4729492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9599


>Why is Coinbase tied to the survival of the left?


Bill Clinton → Larry Summers ← Barrack Obama


Larry Summers → Digital Currency Group ← Barry Silbert


Barry Silbert → ← the left


Definitely related.


Crossed and flipped upside down. We see you.


New Notes are coming to solve ALL the problems.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 12, 2019, 3:04 p.m. No.4729734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5690


>I don't understand face value.

Main takeaway from face value is it tells you how many new notes you will receive. Stack accordingly. The coin of anons is priced just right these days.


If you want more detail go to:


Ask the calculator what one 1913 dollar is worth today and you will get all the answers you need.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 13, 2019, 8:55 a.m. No.4738472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8833


Only the ones tuned in will find the message. Perhaps you know a few?



Old paradigm is a hard habit to shake.



Your country dictates face value.


1oz = 1oz


Reputable "generics" are acceptable. They are prepared and ready to test validity.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 13, 2019, 8:59 a.m. No.4738518   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How long will you let her step on you?

She cannot stop what is coming.


KALIfornia. Technically not impossible. Most likely controlled burns.


She hates the tickets outside her domain.


#80526B to prevail.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 13, 2019, 9:22 a.m. No.4738683   🗄️.is 🔗kun


All countries that started minting operations welcome horse riders. That is where you want to be. They will openly welcome those who chose to remain based.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 14, 2019, 1:33 p.m. No.4754763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5391


>Platinum dropped 2.5% again


Anons keep their eyes on new notes not old paradigm tricks. Use whatever meme you need to get by if you are having a hard time thinking this way. Some use dollar cost averaging. Some say thanks for the discount. I say #80526B and keep stacking .


>Do you have dates on these metals or are you just saying "eventually" and hoping it's in our lifetime we see this?


144,000 and the new notes ride. Dates are for timekeepers. Tread carefully or fall victim to the reaper.


When palladium drops all else falls into place. What goes up MUST fall down. Ag and Pt to absorb the blow. The double tapped bears already in motion ready to eat all those salmon swimming upstream. Monitor the imbalances and stack accordingly.


Your guide:


Mind the balance between 1913 and face values. This is the only thing that matters. The rest is smoke and mirrors.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 14, 2019, 1:36 p.m. No.4754788   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The NSA whitepaper wasn't enough?


When are you going to finally accept that the crypto craze was the precious metals bear trap?

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 14, 2019, 2:46 p.m. No.4755593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6213 >>9241 >>4529


Fren this vid was at around 102,000 towards the beginning of November 2018.


I'll do you one better and give your eyes 02-Dec = 105,043


That's 9k+ since November.


The next replacement is:



-Blockchain driven

-Backed by precious metals

-Impossible to counterfeit


If crypto is in your future than prepare for the most debased future of mankind.


If this is all too slow for you then maybe you need to watch the views on this instead:


10M in 20 hours.


We are building a sound financial future not feeding the debased masses. You game?

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 14, 2019, 3:59 p.m. No.4756416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6463


Who chooses your future? Someone else? Time to clean up the errors of the past. It was once rumored that Trump would be president. Remember that?



>Platinum dropped 2.5% again meanwhile Palladium is now worth more than gold.


Q saying that gold will destroy the fed is true. Can't help but notice that the $25.00 coin is way overpriced. Like you said "more than gold". Do you think that is an accident? Just another attempt to derail the future from happening. The $100.00 coin priced at such a deep discount. If I didn't know any better I would say "someone" doesn't want the balance to be achieved. They know that once this happens they will have to get back to doing some real work.


They are literally cornered now and this is the last ditch effort to keep people playing in the digital casino.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 15, 2019, 2:33 p.m. No.4769062   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>this is real


-The government itself selling/issuing bullion by law.

-Face values stamped on government coins.

-The newest $100 dollar bill that shows a coming transition. Debased back to constitution based.

-Government allowing for the blockchain virtual gold currency meme to infest the public without going irate.

-Release to the public EXTREMELY detailed versions of new notes.

-One of the largest US banks stacking the largest silver stack EVER.


I could go on.


Naturally I ask you:


Is there is any concrete corroboration from any sources that this is fake?


I'll be waiting patiently…


In God We Trust

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 15, 2019, 2:36 p.m. No.4769096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6372


>If true, this will most certainly provide the public ledger that will eliminate money laundering.


It will be everything that crypto failed to do. Why? Because baseless greedy leftists will not be running the new notes.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 16, 2019, 3:47 p.m. No.4783179   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Be ready anons. Platinum workers going on strike soon.


"This secondary strike will mean that about 12 500 Amcu members employed at Sibanye’s platinum operations…"


Note in the 4 horsemen:


Pd = 113% overshoot


Pt + Ag = 107% undershoot


Not a COINcidence. Think balance not old paradigm notes. Where will that energy go?


Stack accordingly.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 16, 2019, 3:58 p.m. No.4783319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3420 >>9769 >>6420


>In the name of National Defense.


-Executive Order 13817


-Federal Register


-Of the 35 you will find PGM or Platinum Group Metals


Anons do you have eyes to see?

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 19, 2019, 7:39 a.m. No.4819895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0874 >>1272


>I don't see silver or gold in this list.

They aren't necessary for building a wall.



You're not seeing the future clearly. You are asking questions as if we are going to be can kicking and not solving problems. It will basically be like this:


Have precious metals in hand = new notes

Have cash in hand = new notes


The cash in hand will transfer in at the exchange rate you mentioned at around 25:1. This is subject to change considering the strength of the current dollar and the whether or not changes are made to the inflation calculation over at Metals exchange in at face values.


The explanation doesn't get any simpler than this. It is possible you are having a hard time wrapping your mind around the PAIN that comes as a result of this change.


-Savers to be rewarded.

-Spenders to experience changes.


Bitcoin as a last ditch effort only enables the problem. It does not fix anything. Endless fork/coins = endless printing. Those days are about to be abruptly ended.


Keep your eyes on the 4 horsemen and stack accordingly.



If you have precious metals in hand you literally hold the keys. Blockchain is coming not necessarily the way it was shown to you in the crypto space.



Palladium will have its fun in the sun but that energy has to go somewhere. Ag and Pt ready to absorb the impact. 4 corners need to be strong.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 19, 2019, 12:06 p.m. No.4823144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4322


>Will new system (metals standard) eliminate fractional-reserve banking and credit?


New notes will be created when the following two scenarios take place:


-You deposit metals into the new note system

-You deposit cash into the system and they purchase precious metals on your behalf then they deposit the metals


The notes will not just be pieces of paper. They will be blockchain driven meaning there will only be as many notes in the system as there are precious metals backing it. All will be locked in and strictly controlled using blockchain to keep parties from creating new notes out of thin air.


When you say "most people" I don't think you are realizing what the future holds.


When you say "dismissing the questions" you keep thinking the old ways will prevail.


You see continuation of a debased population using funny money to make all their demoralized dreams come true.


I see a change taking place bringing based individuals back to the financial system.


In order to comprehend "The Wall" you must comprehend the "Wall" in Wall St. Once this realization takes place you will understand why PGMs are critical to national security. In the meantime you will find yourself chasing your tail ad infinitum.



The discontinuation of a debased way of life. The PAIN is only felt if you refuse to become based.


Think baby bird that doesn't fly when kicked out of the nest.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 19, 2019, 6:12 p.m. No.4828382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6275




Two of the most easily obtained items in the United States:





Not sure how much easier it can be for ordinary people to jump to the other side. No foolish "investment vehicles", highly leveraged gambling, usury, fees, or endless printing/forking. Just a good old fashion run on all the nonsense we have been putting up with for decades.


Meanwhile you touting a crypto utopia does more harm than good. You are literally promoting kicking the can down the road. Your "lukewarm" strategy of metals and crypto is going to leave you in an undesirable state.


You'll watch an asset bubble up and sell before it pops like a silver back but when someone hits you with some hardcore truths you get triggered and shake like a leaf.


Blocking "my shit" isn't going to keep reality from eventually hitting you right square in the face.


144,000 - 112,103 = 31897


We ride with or without you fren. I hope you come along.


In God We Trust



Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 20, 2019, 5:41 a.m. No.4833203   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Many people discount the role PMs play in actual reality. They dictate it. For the life of me I can't comprehend why they argue over who will run anti reality (crypto). A fee based, manipulated, oversized cow pen that gives praise to all the meth heads on Wall St.


When the new notes arrive you are going to see the entire lot of junkies come stampeding out in full force.


As far as the future decline in palladium goes I think it is obvious what happens when an asset is allowed to bubble up and pop. Exposure.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 20, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.4836006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2896

For those of you easily dismissing a "new note" future I advise you to read this document:


Unless fully equipped to handle a situation like this decentralized anything is destined for failure. Especially something connected so deeply to old ways of thinking not to mention how deep the ties crypto has with the uber left.



From an investment standpoint I would only advise not to let FOMO dig into your psyche. Long term vs Pt it appears that Pd's tear is approaching unsustainable limits. The rise is becoming exponential and we all now where that eventually goes. Keep greed in check and find the imbalance. Watch the 4 horsemen. Energy lost from one will pour into others.


Try a different vantage point and focus less on old note analysis.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 21, 2019, 3:51 p.m. No.4852664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4978


>will the allied teams all run together with this at the same time?

They already are by the act of minting bullion alone.


>but ultimately do allies all ride together synchronous?

One ounce is one ounce.



>what am i missing here?

The strength of the new notes. Also, in the case of Pt you are in essence purchasing new notes at a deep discount when comparing to the ultimate target value in old notes.


Instead of asking yourself "when will precious metals get me millions and millions of old notes due to hyperinflation?" you need to be asking "how many new notes will this ounce of (insert your flavor) get me?"


At the end of the day the strength of the new notes will dwarf the old ones. The old paradigm is free to hyperinflate against the new notes. The new notes however,will not be floating against any currency. They will be fixed and solid as a rock.



>Duh, math-based money

You speak as if I wasn't there when crypto went from a pipe dream to a full on leftist fueled nightmare. The new notes will welcome blockchain. As stated earlier it will be blockchain driven. I know it is difficult for most to envision "fixed rates" as they aren't exactly accommodating the "print/fork foeva" model. Fortunately, the antithesis is coming to solve your overblown can kicking conundrum.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 21, 2019, 4:11 p.m. No.4852896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4978


>read this document


Page 27:


"On May 21, 2018, the White House through the National Security Council (NSC), tasked the NIAC to build on insights gathered during a scoping effort to develop findings and actionable pragmatic recommendations that address how the public and private sectors can work together to further enhance and integrate critical infrastructure resilience with response and recovery actions to mitigate the risks posed by catastrophic power



>May 21 2018

>how the public and private sectors can work together


" Specifically, the NSC tasked the NIAC with addressing five questions:


"2.What critical factors are required to sustain national security; operations within the banking and finance, public health and

medical, communications, transportation, and water sectors; and the integrity of the national and regional economies during efforts to restore electric power?"


>operations within the banking and finance


>Q:D5 Post = May 2018


What survives Power Outages? Nothing affiliated with the digital fiat forgery machine. Enter the New Notes.


>Date of youtube release= May 24th 2018


Those COINcidences run thick…

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 22, 2019, 1:30 p.m. No.4864408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6110 >>9469


>View rate is decreasing month after month

Try harder….your disinfo is getting desperate and you reek of fear.



Considering how much they purchased the bars for and the dramatic increase as of late I would say the dealer is still making profit. They are using the "close to spot" as a gimmick. They already know the bubbly is going to pop eventually. If they gave a damn about their customer they should publish what they bought their palladium for.


With this in mind I need you to reconsider your approach when stacking metal. New notes are key and transitioning into them is going to take a new mindset.


For example if you are trying to maximize your old note count you would approach metals like this:


>Palladium $1354

>Gold $1291

>Platinum $792

>Silver $15.42


The one most appealing is the one fetching the most old notes. The problem is we already know the old notes are going away via natural inflation / possible hyperinflation. So what do we do?


Lets look at stacking from a new note maximization strategy:


$100 new notes (Pt) = $792

$50 new notes (Au) = $1291

$25 new notes (Pd) = $1354

$1 new notes (Ag) = $15.42


Which metal is giving you the best new note bang for your old dying notes?


  • With Pt i'm getting $1 (new) for $7.92 (old)



-With Ag i'm getting $1 (new) for $25.82 (old)



-With Pd i'm getting $1 (new) for $54.16 (old)



-With Ag i'm getting $1 (new) for an obvious $15.42 (old)



In essence we are already discovering exchange rates here between USD (old) and XUSD (new). Once the metals reach equilibrium the exchange rate will also fix unless the old paradigm refuses to come along and hyperinflates in a socialist leftist rampage. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.


This is why it is important to watch the 4 horsemen and stack accordingly. Set yourself up to maximize new notes and flush your brain of the old paradigm completely before it shreds you to pieces like a black hole.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 22, 2019, 5:27 p.m. No.4867292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7243


>You're clearly delusional

Still not trying hard enough…




>All signs point to May



"Mayday is an emergency procedure word used internationally as a distress signal in voice-procedure radio communications. "


"The call is always given three times in a row ("Mayday mayday mayday") to prevent its being mistaken for some similar-sounding phrase under noisy conditions, and to distinguish an actual mayday call from a message about a mayday call."


>Q:D5 = May

>NIAC = May

>Avgust = May


x3 = legit


>Thinks its a COINcidence

>keeps trying


-4 horsemen coming

-144k and we ride

-#80526B get your tickets

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 23, 2019, 1:21 p.m. No.4877634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6802


>they are identical to the existing notes



-Blockchain driven

-Backed by precious metals

-Impossible to counterfeit


Far from identical. The only thing identical is in each case you refuse to accept reality. They will be put to work for the people. I'm sorry if this upsets you.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 23, 2019, 1:36 p.m. No.4877822   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>So some portfolio work by a guy in Belarus


"Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the unknown person or people who developed bitcoin, authored the bitcoin white paper, and created and deployed bitcoin's original reference implementation."




What seems to be your problem again?

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 23, 2019, 3:09 p.m. No.4879129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9704


>missed the failed attempt to hijack narrative

>interprets messages incorrectly


>D5 avalanche

>D5 Chess



Which is it? I lost track?


>He goes with the mainstream media one


You're losing your footing now.


Let me help you…..May.


Can you handle that?



Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 23, 2019, 4:21 p.m. No.4879992   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Try even harder

Just don't act surprised when this hits one to one. For the life of me I can't figure out why you don't want to make the dollar great again. It is going to be quite a site to see.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 24, 2019, 2:56 p.m. No.4892350   🗄️.is 🔗kun






I really can't help if you are unable to see the future clearly. When all this plays out and you refuse to find rock solid support back at 1913 you will most likely regret your decision to dismiss this.


By all means stick with the pump without anticipating the dump. It will be on you in the end.



>what those bills actually represent

Pic related.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 25, 2019, 2:21 p.m. No.4907294   🗄️.is 🔗kun

First silver bug openly stating his fear of the new notes.


No need to backtrack now Hugo.


"The solution to the problem lies in creating silver money without a stamped monetary value; the monetary value will be imparted to the coinage by means of a monetary quote, to be issued by your Treasury."


Looks like the sharks over at the fee machines are sensing the pools of blood are about to get wicked up.


Still think its a game?

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 29, 2019, 1:35 p.m. No.4955189   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Vires In Numeris = collective debased society

>In God We Trust = based god fearing society


I'll take the latter. I heard the other way ends badly…


Beautiful coin btw.


"the quintessential American spirit to explore new territory and the freedom to pursue new landscapes, ideas, and ways of life"


Some people can't seem to handle this idea.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Jan. 29, 2019, 2:02 p.m. No.4955481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4831


Balance update. Slow and steady. Don't get jittery if Au attempts to break it's chains. Freezing cold in the winter.


Things to speed up when the following condition occurs:


Ag = 66.6% of target

Pt = 33.3% of target


.999 fine → In God We Trust


Summit achieved in XPD/XPT ratio. Time for the avalanche. That fat lady is starting to sing…



"Lady Liberty’s lips are parted, symbolizing freedom of speech"

Anonymous ID: d5955f Feb. 8, 2019, 1:42 p.m. No.5083643   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"so 1btc 500k $ within 3years?"



"if not, I will eat my dick on national television."



By 2021 you can count on one thing John….new notes


Speaking of the perpetual failure of digital fiat forgery machines:


"Wells Fargo says the issue that caused some customers to have trouble seeing paychecks and direct deposits in their online and mobile banking accounts has been corrected.


A day after the bank suffered a major outage, customers posted on social media early Friday about missing paychecks and overdrafts."


And if you haven't had enough of the unreliability and outright theft of your old paradigm how about feasting your eyes on your crypto saviors:


"QuadrigaCX CEO Gerald Cotten - founder of a Canadian crypto exchange that has become embroiled in a $150 million fiasco after Cotten died and purportedly took the keys to the exchange's cold wallets to his grave, rendering his customers' coins immovable"


Bottom line is simple. If you want to continue kicking the can down the road and you like your old paradigm by all means keep the blindfold tied tight and continue to stumble into oblivion.


For the rest: get your cash and precious metals in hand and be ready for the new notes. It will be the only thing that guarantees ACTUAL change.


We're still counting…


144,000 - 115,682 = 28318



Anonymous ID: d5955f Feb. 8, 2019, 1:48 p.m. No.5083711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4627


>No one controls Bitcoin.


The cabal does fren. We tried to tell you before. The veil was already lifted for your eyes to see. Do you have them?


So to summarize Bitcoin = cabal.


Any and all pro bitcoin/crypto speak is therefore not "Post cabal banking" but "Pro cabal banking". If you feel the opposite is true I must inform you that you have some wires crossed.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Feb. 13, 2019, 1:25 p.m. No.5159498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0867


It is exactly an anarchist shit-show. If you really want change you remove the dependency for the old paradigm and you require those that want to participate to put their money where there mouth is.


Would you like to understand Bitcoin. Let me help you:


Wall St. life extension program with endless forks / coins to boot. Like giving more drugs to a drug addict.


New Notes incoming. The digital fiat forgery machine is not going to like it. What do you expect from the most debased group of human beings the planet has ever offered? Time to correct the errors of the past.


144,000 - 116,442 = 27558


We are coming and there is no stopping it.


That wall tho…..

Anonymous ID: d5955f Feb. 16, 2019, 3:48 p.m. No.5212224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1687


>While Palladium continues to soar.

What goes up must come down. Bag bait doesn't work anymore. The poison has lost it's potency. Those that made it through the controlled burn are as cool as ice now.


As I said before there are two options with the market:


-Crash up and the dollar is worthless

-Crash down and the dollar is strong


When the New Notes arrive you won't be even thinking about the digital fiat forgery machine.


No matter what tricks are played in the pool the survivors will be wisely finding support back at 1913.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Feb. 17, 2019, 6:19 p.m. No.5233877   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>mass depopulation of the globe–reference georgia guidestones commandment #1 "maintain the earth's population under 500 million"


-AC driven world population in a bubble

-Magnetic Pole shifts

-endless telegraphing of "end game scenarios" everywhere

-North American Craton


I really hope that one day it clicks for all of you refusing to see this for what it is. That singularity you seek is that moment that pricks the bubble. You realize you are stuck on earth and multiplying your physical existence and making yourself as "smart" as possible isn't going to change that. In all actuality you are only diluting your purity to the state of annihilation.


If I told you that an asset class (like Bitcoin) was in a bubble monetarily at the end of 2017 you would have said "no shit".

When I tell you an asset class (like flesh and bone) is in a bubble economically/morally you reply back with "take your meds". Go figure. Denial comes in all flavors at these lofty heights.


This is peak finance frens because this is peak human existence. Find some support back at 1913 and get with the program. If you look at the world population historical chart and treat it like a stock it all makes much more sense.



>It's funny that you think what goes up must go down when shuttle launches prove otherwise.


Show me the shuttle/satellite that doesn't run out of fuel/power. No matter what they ALWAYS come crashing down.


You can't stop this from happening. You can only pretend to delay it. Bag bait is for infants still suckling on mother. In the interim I guess we have no choice but to use the gross imbalance in our favor.


#80526B tickets are being sent to you via divine intervention. Clinging to some "authority figure" you deem intelligent is only going to hinder your chances at making it through to the other side.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Feb. 17, 2019, 6:24 p.m. No.5233956   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>nice pedo spirals.

Some never quite understood "pizzagate".

They are after all sorts of green pastures. All of crypto = Wall St. life extension. Looks like they weren't suspecting mad cow. Can't wait to see what they try next to try and delay the inevitable.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Feb. 17, 2019, 6:38 p.m. No.5234183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3506

Palladium soaring with Platinum ready to absorb the imminent decline. Where are those mines again? Who is positioned to gain the most? And you are still drooling over tulips?


Probably nothing right?


The everything bubble is literally popping before your very eyes. Are you seriously willing to be a gloablism bag holder right now? You really have the stomach to sit through a 1000 year bear market?

Anonymous ID: d5955f Feb. 19, 2019, 12:59 p.m. No.5269268   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Each nation is about to stand on it's OWN legs. Globalism → Nationalism. A cycle that will remind you that vires in numeris cannot save you from what is about to happen.


You are either based or baseless. Intelligent beings look at the charts and find support back at 1913. Others find a way to be as greedy as they can possibly be at the expense of others. He is watching.


Many people have a hard time wrapping their minds around why several countries starting minting bullion in the same decade at about the same time. It was signalling that globalism was about to go supernova.



You having fun pretending to be a diluted ancap? Those notes you deface are equivalent to spitting in your great grandfather's face. Have you no respect?


On one hand you claim they are garbage and on the other you need them to fuel your actual existence. How confused can you possibly be?


When the new notes arrive you may be the most upset of all.


We're still counting regardless:


144,000 - 117,197 = 26803


#80526B or perish in fire. Your choice.


In God We Trust

Anonymous ID: d5955f Feb. 19, 2019, 1:04 p.m. No.5269359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9907


>properly scaled bitcoin system

New notes will be created upon deposit of metals. Completely voluntary. Cash only deposits will be used to purchase metals on the customers behalf then new notes will be created. All bound and tied up with a perfectly scaled blockchain where you get what you get without can kicking, in fighting, and scammed out forks.


Completely based because all actors have ACTUAL skin in the game.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Feb. 23, 2019, 6:46 a.m. No.5344710   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Let's not forget how it ultimately ended up for them (just like the rest of the world). Wealth confiscation via socialism on top of wealth confiscation via tulip bubbles.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Feb. 23, 2019, 6:51 a.m. No.5344753   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Breaking: Patriots actually just soliciting hookers.


Looks like he wasn't "Krafty" enough.


"Robert Kraft prostitute scandal another PR headache for the ‘Jewish Nobel’ prize"

Anonymous ID: d5955f Feb. 23, 2019, 6:58 a.m. No.5344831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9469

Riders update:


That Pd just won't quit. Look at it defy gravity.



>Pt = 33.3% of target

33.06…..uh oh


I smell fear at the highest level. New Notes continue to creep in the hearts of men…


144,000 - 117,919 = 26,081

Anonymous ID: d5955f Feb. 23, 2019, 7:13 a.m. No.5344936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5001


There's more: Straight from Q


"The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) believes that there is an ongoing and significant risk to key parts of the Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure."


"On 15 February 2019, in response to reports of attacks against key parts of the DNS infrastructure, ICANN offered a checklist of recommended security precautions for members of the domain name industry, registries, registrars, resellers, and related others, to proactively take to protect their systems, their customers’ systems and information reachable via the DNS."


"Public reports indicate that there is a pattern of multifaceted attacks utilizing different methodologies. Some of the attacks target the DNS, in which unauthorized changes to the delegation structure of domain names are made, replacing the addresses of intended servers with addresses of machines controlled by the attackers."


Like I said…1913 or prepare for fire.

Anonymous ID: d5955f Feb. 24, 2019, 5:25 p.m. No.5368649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9469



Tune in and stop eating junk food.


>Are all these 'internet tests and dividing' to infer evidence of an anti-crypto future?

You're catching on anon.


>It's only needed for lamen to access the internet.

You mean crypto's supposed target end users?


At the end of the day never buy a paradigm that is at it's peak. You'll be holding the heaviest bags of air EVER.


Year of the Pig is here…

Anonymous ID: d5955f Feb. 27, 2019, 3 p.m. No.5422897   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I think it would be very cleansing

It knows its trapped now.



>Isn't silver the most undervalued?

Anon is the most undervalued. Make a 100 sandwich and you will eat well.







Trigger tripped…


Time to get your mind right. Reorder your priorities. From least to greatest. You keep thinking in old notes.






Anonymous ID: d5955f March 2, 2019, 4:09 a.m. No.5461960   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Where does that put me?

60 ounces away from cabal slavery. Reflect upon your journey to get to that point. Ask yourself if you are better off mentally compared to when you had 0 ounces. Only you can answer this question.


>What should I focus on moving forward?

Do you have passive income? If not get some and use it to auto stack. It will free your time up to consider other areas in your life that need improvement. Monetarily speaking though focus on the 4 horsemen. Find the imbalances and stick to stacking the ones grossly undervalued (Ag/Pt). How are your cash stacks? This is important as well. Many are so wrapped up with dollar death that they try and substitute cash in hand with digital readouts on a screen. They are not the same.

Anonymous ID: d5955f March 3, 2019, 2:19 p.m. No.5487502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2638 >>2311


>meteor struck


Speaking of space….have you crypto/digital junkies gotten out from underneath your rocks lately?


Post correction you are going to need something physical (aka sound sound money) in your hand. Digital utopias are the furthest thing from reality EVER.


You might want to think long and hard what position you ultimately want to take as those poles continue to wander….

Anonymous ID: d5955f March 7, 2019, 5:26 p.m. No.5566195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0154


I understand how your fear may be getting the best of you. Attempts to negate what is going to be a certainty is not going to help you though. 144,000 as it was written so shall it be. Imbalances will be restored and the errors of the past will be made clean.


For those concerned with time let me remind you of something (pic related).



>how do you do that?

If you must…..local coin shops. Do your research and develop a relationship with the one of your choice. Precious metals are precious metals. Any good dealer or shop should be able to accommodate your needs. The larger the operation the less important size becomes. Many online dealers also buy back.


If you don't need cash right away just stack and hold tight for the new notes.



Post cabal = silver, palladium, gold, platinum


What's your issue here? That they aren't talking about how the digital fiat forgery machine is going to kick the can down the road with some wall st 2.0 life extension cryptographic slave coin?

Anonymous ID: d5955f March 10, 2019, 6:02 a.m. No.5606420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8032


>You're mossad

Keep trying…

I love your attempt to show that the statistics are linear just because you said so. Cute. Regardless:


144,000−120,298 = 23,702


Everyday we get closer and in the end it will be on you to protect yourself. Hopefully you learn when it is necessary to stick your ego in your pocket and ride.




You need to go back and look at: >>4783319




>I blocked this shill so long ago.

You're doing yourself a great disservice. Nailing the veil down to the ground will never keep it from collectively lifting. This will become more apparent when you are in bread #4 and you find yourself trying to block all who don't fit your narrow minded life narrative.

Anonymous ID: d5955f March 10, 2019, 10:15 a.m. No.5608682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0872


>I'm prepared

>red flag


Your will to establish some sort of resistance has been noted. Unfortunately, this does not make one prepared for anything. Are you stacking Pt or Ag right now in preparation for the new notes?

Anonymous ID: d5955f March 10, 2019, 5:45 p.m. No.5614508   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>still mean authenticity.


Now you are starting to think. Go a bit further. It seems some in this bread that were born of the same mother and father have not contemplated what mercy means. At one point they too were blind and could not see and had ears but could not hear. They wish only to plunder in an absolute fit of rage in hopes to recover something that was never theirs in the first place.


Humbling times ahead indeed.



Seems as if your paranoia has set in too deep. It appears you're still missing something. Pic related…



Glad you're still with us. Don't be afraid to take a peak every now and then. You will probably want to be up to speed once this all becomes undeniable.

Anonymous ID: d5955f March 12, 2019, 12:57 p.m. No.5643929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5203


>he thinks the future of finance is going to be run by decentralized anarcho captitalists



You're not the only one.



It's all going to change and not the way you think.


"Tim Berners-Lee: 'Stop web's downward plunge to dysfunctional future'"




"In his letter, Sir Tim outlined three specific areas of "dysfunction" that he said were harming the web today:


>malicious activity such as hacking and harassment

>problematic system design such as business models that reward clickbait

>unintended consequences, such as aggressive or polarised discussions


These things could be dealt with…"


Tim I couldn't agree with you more. They will be dealt with. PAIN.


144,000 and we ride.

Anonymous ID: d5955f March 13, 2019, 4:39 p.m. No.5667584   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Elsewhere, Berners-Lee hinted at what he sees as the vision for a world powered by blockchains, noting how he foresees banks in different countries using the technology to enable safer transactions."


-Yes Tim, I see it as well. Banks releasing new notes driven by blockchain.


"“Moving everything to blockchain and Tor will give us a false sense of security,” he said.


Instead, Berners-Lee advised advocates to engage in constructive discussions with governments, regulators and companies, and to even encourages protests, if warranted."


-Right on the money Tim. Get together with governments to use blockchain to establish metals backed new notes. Literally a fusion of all three worlds that these days always seem to be at odds with one another.



Anonymous ID: d5955f March 13, 2019, 4:55 p.m. No.5667864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0137



-Dial 9/11 "please state your emergency"

-Poles are shifting and we are completely debased. We need a based economy asap

-Pump metals market in stealth mode (2001 - 2011)

-Expose systemic derivatives issues in between.

-Dump metals market and initiate bear trap (2011)

-Introduce fools gold crypto and simultaneously foreshadow the future at the same time

-Throw Death and Hades in the pit of fire

-Resume Metals bull

-Get ready for new notes

-Achieve 1913 balance

-Lock in the rates

-Enter new based economy

-You are now free to roam about the cabin


The wick has been lit…..

Anonymous ID: d5955f March 13, 2019, 5:56 p.m. No.5668932   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"“The spirit there was very decentralized,” Berners-Lee said. “The individual was incredibly empowered. It was all based on there being no central authority that you had to go to to ask permission. That feeling of individual control, that empowerment, is something we’ve lost.”"


The spirit was very decentralized and now it's not……where have I seen that play out in the past 10 years???


Tim what are you trying to tell us? That decentralized utopias always become centralized tyranny?


Looks like we are going to have to go up the middle. IN GOD WE TRUST.




So to recap:


-Inventor of internet thinks his invention failed

-Russia war gaming global internet outages

-Anarcho crypto fascists enraged that the secrets out

-Big tech on the verge of being shattered


The answer is to wrap up all of my financial and social fate into the digital fiat forgery machine?


No, the internet and ALL things digital are about to receive a much needed enema.


Grab a horse and ride.


National Emergency Declaration almost done fighting the last of the "resistance".


The wall will be built in the name of national defense.

Anonymous ID: d5955f March 14, 2019, 6:22 p.m. No.5689824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0171


>Immutably forever written, as long as electricity exists.


This is precisely why blockchain tech will be blended with something you can hold in your hand. Saying electricity will forever exist is literally equivalent to putting all your eggs in one basket. Considering that stackers are ultra physical and crypto anarcho capitalists are ultra mental it only makes sense to fuse them together with the one thing they commonly despise….the middle. Left to their own devices they will set out to tear the financial system to ruins. Fortunately for the rest of us, New Notes are coming. Unfortunately for them, neither one of their dystopias will prevail.

Once this sinks into the minds of the extremists we can get on with our lives.

Anonymous ID: d5955f March 19, 2019, 2:52 p.m. No.5777691   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>If I buy bots to increase the view count will you go away when you hit 144k and nothing happens?


Speeding up….must have put his money where his mouth is ;)


144,000 and we ride


144,000−126,150 = 17,850


There is no stopping this.


Looks like the winged crusader has had it's top called?


"So with Putin cornering the palladium market…."

Anonymous ID: d5955f March 30, 2019, 12:04 p.m. No.5980645   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Some will also make out bigger in the weeks/months to come. All the way down to $600…Target = $640. It will be fast.


In the mean time check out the latest move by Trump:


Can you say New Notes? They will be the only thing that are hardened against EMPs. All other forms of digital "wealth" will not survive. Unless of course you a saddled up and riding.


Everyday that moment gets closer. Are you ready? How much longer are you going to stay in the casino?


144,000 - 127,928 = 16,072


#80526B = Endgame

Anonymous ID: d5955f March 31, 2019, 4:27 p.m. No.5996484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6849


Now all you have to do is follow the trail:


Who rigs the metals game?

>paper traders


Who ran up the metals and dumped in 2011?

>paper traders


Who came up with a decentralized cryptographic euphoria directly competing gold that eventually went straight to the futures markets?

>paper traders


Would you even be surprised if the whole crypto simulation was nothing more than paper trading boot camp? I wouldn't. The pain will flow deep when the balance is achieved and the rug is pulled right out from underneath their feet.


There will only be one paper (polymer) that they themselves will not even be able to touch -→New Notes.



-blockchain driven

-backed by precious metals

-impossible to counterfeit

-EMP hardened

-outside the digital casino


Like addicts strung up on meth they have no choice but to flock to the pumps and dumps. They don't even realize that they are the ones nailing down their own coffin lids.


The irony…..

Anonymous ID: d5955f April 7, 2019, 5:44 p.m. No.6090202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0409


>I don't think those values mean a damn thing.



> I don't think those values mean much at all, either.


Those values mean EVERYTHING. Find support back at 1913 and saddle up. Don't be one of those that let the balance happen right before your eyes. It said the meek not the geek….


.999 fine