Anonymous ID: da4962 Dec. 29, 2018, 7:49 p.m. No.4515544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9749



Wasn't my post but I had same questions–feel like I may have missed something? The "new bills" posted in a purple heugh have been popping up around the main board, but I don't know the back story, if there is one.


I also noted the "Federal Reserve Note" on the bills too. I assume that–if Trump changes the "structure" of the FED (per Q), then maybe a new gold-backed USD (harmonizing with the other Q post "Gold shall destroy FED"), could possibly have that printed on them?


What we know for sure via Q is that the FED will have a new structure and Gold shall destroy the current FED [structure]. Those two very-important points are enough to change everything–FOR THE GOOD!


Remember–inflation is not "inflation of prices"–but rather the "inflation" of the money supply without adding underlying value–which results in the new sum of dollars being worth less individually than before. Thus, the greatest financial scam in known human history. I feel stupid for living so many decades without fully understanding this–AND–doing nothing about it! I am changed forever, as I will always QUESTION what those in power tell us, as the citizenry. I hate being sheeple…

Anonymous ID: da4962 Dec. 30, 2018, 4:07 p.m. No.4527681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7923



OK–I watched your 2 min video–which explains NOTHING about your position. This, in concert with your seeming intolerance of opposing views/opinions, forces one to question your validity (as a human).


"144k views and we ride…" really??


If I am wasting my valuable time responding to an AI bot–or simpleton shill–you have won.


If not–explain your position (or kindly STFU–sir).

Anonymous ID: da4962 Dec. 31, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.4537235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8312 >>3652 >>2933 >>8734




Agree with my fren here. While Jesus spoke in parables–this dude is NOT Jesus (and mixing metaphors is NOT using relatable, relevant parables!). Q warns us of deceiving messages and "…their use of symbols will be their downfall…".


So–to speak CLEARLY, here is what I see coming:

  1. Trump will rightly blame the FED for the economic chaos ensuing from the CRASH

NOTE: While like the anon above says, I too struggle a bit with the whole "civil unrest" outcome from my earlier post on a potential blueprint for market-meltdown. But–if the financial storm is not SEVERE–how does POTUS ensure he has everyone's attention. How better to achieve that, than to simply allow the natural course of financial destruction (complete with the ensuing runs on banks, gas stations, grocery stores, et. all with civil unrest)? Only in this light, does it possibly fit within the "we-are-in-full-control" narrative from Q.


  1. Trump demands a FULL AUDIT of the FED


  1. Coupled with the full financial meltdown (and possible civil unrest), the results of the audit depict the true and accurate picture of a century of financial corruption–THE FED DIES


  1. Trump restructures the FED, most probably making it truly federal and controlled by the Senate (with new safeguards that smarter minds than ours come up with) and harmonizing with Q's "structure" comment on the FED


  1. Trump then introduces a new-and-approved, gold-backed currency fulfilling his campaign promise of making the dollar strong again–and harmonizing with Q's "Gold shall destroy FED"


  1. Inherent in this potential scenario is the fact that precious metals will need to be protected for a period of time from price manipulation. The current House Bill on the table (from memory) allows 30 or 60 days for this process to occur. Regardless–the long-suppressed price must find its true level on a free market


This is how the new USD will be "strong", because it will be worth a fraction (TBD) of the new, un-suppressed price of gold. So, if Gold were to be valued on the free market at $10k per ounce (speculation for this proposition), then a new $100 bill would be worth 1/100th of an ounce of gold.


If we assume Q's answer "yes" to the question "Do we have the gold?" means (somehow) we have a LOT of gold (maybe a good portion still in the ground–via Bix Wier's Grand Canyon premise, then we could retire our national debt overnight, given the new, high price per ounce of gold.


Nobody has really ventured into this area yet–but what if President Trump's plan also included ELIMINATING INCOME TAX?


That is a bread in and of itself–but prior to income tax (passed the same year by the traitorous FDR and criminal politicians as the FED Act), the government was funded largely on tariffs, along with a sales tax on a few items domestically (whiskey I think was one).


I believe cryptos play a role–but not sure how and when. Steve Bannon's POV as cryptos enabling humanity to circumvent the banks rings true in my spirit. And I do see and acknowledge all of the potential down sides too (like it may have been the cabal's creation in the first place–per 1980 Economist mag cover…).


Regardless–BIG CHANGE IS COMING. I pray for wisdom and prepare for a time of chaos surrounding the transition.



Anonymous ID: da4962 Jan. 1, 2019, 1:03 p.m. No.4554602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4763 >>2007 >>2933 >>8734




National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) was a set of proposed economic reforms suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Barnard. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy. The proposals were never introduced before Congress.

NESARA has since become better known as the subject of a cult-like conspiracy theory promoted by Shaini Candace Goodwin, doing business as "Dove of Oneness", who claimed that the act was actually passed with additional provisions as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, and then suppressed by the George W. Bush administration and the Supreme Court. Goodwin's conspiracy emails have been translated into several languages and have a large following online.[1]


NOW–from the DOVE OF ONENESS herself:


"The three targets today were ALL connected to NESARA and the banking changes. I just learned that at 9:00 a.m. in New York this morning, there was an IMPORTANT banking activity set to be activated in the IMF international banking computer center in the World Trade Center! This was obviously WHY the World Trade Center was attacked TODAY at just before and after 9:00 a.m.! […] The orders for these plane attacks came from U.S. citizens who are trying to stop our deliveries/funding and NESARA."

Dove's readership skyrocketed, and soon she had as many as 15,000 victims sending money to a drop box with her name on it. None of the people paying her for information on NESARA saw her as anything other than a high-level insider with a "special status" as a sovereign citizen, leading the White Knights in a battle against the dark forces. She was none of these things, but it didn't matter. The money came pouring in from desperate people looking for someone, anyone, to lead them out of financial darkness. If exposing NESARA and making its prosperity public would do the trick, so be it."

Anonymous ID: da4962 Jan. 1, 2019, 1:12 p.m. No.4554742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8281 >>8977

This was a painful dig–but we have seen this bullshit creeping into our bread (interrupting what was becoming a very good dialog by SANE anons). So, in order to save my fellow anons from the brain damage of the NESARA saga–I will share a summation of findings over a few posts.


NASARA started as an academic exercise.


The man who created NESARA:


"The claim shocked Harvey Barnard, 62, an engineer, consultant and teacher from Louisiana who wrote NESARA 13 years ago during an academic daydream. While fooling around with mathematical formulas applied to economics, he decided the American economy was fundamentally unstable. So he came up with new formulas, translated them into legal language and wrote a bill. "It was just an exercise to see if I could do it," he says.

Barnard printed 1,000 copies and sent them to every member of Congress. At first, he figured the idea was so obvious, he'd have to wait about a week for the bill to pass. Unfortunately, no one was interested in saving the economy. He still pitches the idea, and provides copies of his bill on his Web site. But no one has ever sponsored it."

Anonymous ID: da4962 Jan. 1, 2019, 1:32 p.m. No.4555024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8977

(second NESARA)


BUT–As many good things (or at least things with some potential)–BAD players got ahold of it and took a LOT of sheeple for a ride… From what I see–it looks like the NESARA MOVEMENT is still alive and well.


AND–Looks like the "followers" are trying to coopt Q and the Great Awakening–promising "enlightenment" for the coming "financial reset"…


That's why we are seeing escoteric bullshit creep into our bread. "Demons in the mirror" and moar otherworldly-language of the like, tip us off.


From what I found, the CULT-COOKS have lifted the NESARA concept and impregnated it with all sorts of fuckery and wierdness–only to be understood by chanelling 35-thousand-year-old demons who can interpret the tea leaves or some shit.

Anonymous ID: da4962 Jan. 1, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.4555193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8977

Early beginnings of SCAMS and CULTS are past (as both individuals in the below articles have died–I mean, passed into the higher-realm of oneness).


But if you can muster the strength–here are two expose articles that plastered the movement all over the tin-foil-hat-watchlist:


KEEP IN MIND–The early scams were simple: send me your "seed money" which will unlock untold multiples of return, once NESARA is triggered (WHICH WILL BE ANY DAY NOW!!!)"


PAY-TRIOTS (i.e., Jerry Corsi) are already starting to move in for a short-play scam. Riding on Q's "FED" and "GOLD" comments–these will become evident–for those of us watching.


ESOTERIC LANGUAGE will be a sign–as these cult-fags just can't help themselves…(the devil is riding a horse of blood–in heels)

Anonymous ID: da4962 Jan. 1, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.4555258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6356

Ohh yeah…Speaking of ESOTERIC…


Wonder what the "#80526B" the PALE HORSE ANON keeps posting??


Look no further:


Don't be fooled by the digital fiat forgery machine any longer. The markets are spooked because they know the future.


You know the drill:



-Blockchain driven

-Backed by precious metals

-Impossible to counterfeit


144,000 and we ride



Anonymous ID: da4962 Jan. 1, 2019, 8:16 p.m. No.4559871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8552












Anonymous ID: da4962 Jan. 2, 2019, 11 a.m. No.4566985   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston published a comic book a few decades ago, depicting a future economy that used gold in conjuction with paper currency.


Based on this, Bix Weir (who has a website called extracted a theory of a financial reset, complete with debt forgivness (jubilee) and the USD once again being pegged to the value of gold.


I have followed Bix for years–I don't buy all of it and have often wondered about his credibility (if he is a paid precious-metals shill). Anyhow–based on all the developments with Q, it is worth sharing on this forum. Forgive the duplication if already posted (though I have not seen it on the board over the past several months).


If you think about it–the transition that POTUS has planned for is a very complex story problem. Especially considering we are at WAR with the FED and global cabal who control it. Keeping the wheels on the bus so Americans don't get wiped out will be tricky–but as discussed previously–Trump seems very concerned for WE THE PEOPLE (as much as he is in eradicating evil).

Anonymous ID: da4962 Jan. 2, 2019, 7:59 p.m. No.4573899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1474



Agreed–see above posts and dig for more as you like. Good concept that started as an academic exercise–but seemingly coopted from there (including con-artists and what appears to be cults). Personally–I shut down when I hear platitudes and esoteric comments like:



"They said when this video reaches 144,000 organic views all will become clear to those blinded by the past. I wouldn't wait to get out of the digital casino. It is inevitable."


If Q has taught us anything it is THINK FOR YOURSELF–RESEARCH FOR YOURSELF.


Individuals or groups that do not just come out and say what they truly think/believe (like WHAT mystical thing they think will magicaly transpire when a 2-min artistic video gets viewed by 144k people)–do not warrant my interest.


Happy digging anon.