Anonymous ID: fa1c79 April 7, 2019, 5:48 p.m. No.6090241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0417 >>2277 >>8734

In today's world, many people misidentify the problems of society as a result of racism, sexism, etc. We are often pitted against each other for oppressing or taking advantage of one another (many minorities believe they are oppressed due to their race, men holding down women, immigrants taking the jobs of current citizens, the poor taking advantage of welfare, etc). We often blame the 1% for robbing the other 99% of their prosperity. In reality, our current monetary system is the actual root of these problems (or at least significantly magnifies the problem). Due to the constant and creeping inflation (often understated considering food, rent, utilities, etc are not counted in the official inflation numbers), the lower class who spends the majority of their earnings on rent, food, etc find every day to be a harder and harder struggle. Contrary, those with many assets find their net worth to increase in value and everyday becomes easier. As a result, the simple function of time in the current system causes the wealth gap to continuously grow wider. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being successful, but there is something wrong with finding success only due to taking advantage of a fundamentally corrupted monetary system. Honest money (gold and silver) put all people of all classes and backgrounds on a level playing field. The free market requires honest money to function correctly. You can't have capitalism if you don't have sound money. This is necessary for a healthy and loving world to exist, where the human life is properly valued and your hard work can be efficiently stored for future purchases or retirement.

Anonymous ID: fa1c79 April 7, 2019, 7:22 p.m. No.6091462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2277


Capitalism didn't fail us, we failed capitalism. The USA hasn't been capitalist in decades. Capitalists don't bail banks out or allow for a central bank to control interest rates and currency supply.


The only answer is already laid out in the Constitution…only silver and gold can be money. The clowns got around this by trading bonds from the Treasury to a private corporation, the Fed. They create currency as the please from a blank account and do not answer to American laws.


Gold and silver are money. Blockchain is a technology that happens to be great for using as currency, but it is still fiat. However, blockchain can be used to account for silver and gold in the vault. Therefore, you can save with physical in person or privately vaulted, then have a small portion stored in a certified vault that accounts for the metal ownership via blockchain. This would make online and everyday transactions simple and you could still use it like your everyday credit/debit card. We would be using the best and only true money, while utilizing blockchain as the best currency to represent money (silver and gold) in the vault.

Anonymous ID: fa1c79 April 7, 2019, 7:52 p.m. No.6091838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2277


I think its best to keep the majority of savings in physical metal that is safely stored outside of the system (at home if possible or in a local vault that is not a bank).


I would be heavy silver at this point until the silver gold ration get closer to 10-20:1. The historical ratio is about 16:1 (such as the Romans), while the mining ratio is currently about 10:1. However, the current AG:AU ratio is about 85:1. Therefore, if going slightly over 20:1 (21.75:1), the silver price would outperform gold in purchasing power gains by 4X.


Both silver and gold will do great, but silver will outperform. It is also better for the little guy, while some very rich need to buy gold simply because large amounts of value/economic energy can be easily stored.


After you have physical metal, you can consider having some metal stored as blockchain for spending. I will be using Kinesis as my currency of choice and keeping the account almost purely KAG at the current AG:AU ratio. KAG is physical silver vaulted in the owners title, while KAU is vaulted gold. You can check out there blueprint at if you want further details.