Anonymous ID: fc499c Feb. 16, 2019, 4:52 p.m. No.5213029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4082 >>3877 >>1834



"Dr." craig wright is NOT the creator of BTC.


Famefag for sure–believe NOTHING else from this faggot.


Where do these people come from…think all they have to do is LIE to the sheep and will be believed…


A 3-letter agency created BTC–which he knows–and assigned a psudonymn "Satoshi" for cover. My personal (hope) is that white hats created it, but could well be cabal (reference cover of Economist "phoenix" one-world currency). It was to be the final phase of world-wealth harvest, once the Central Banks-phase wound down (along with WWIII and mass depopulation of the globe–reference georgia guidestones commandment #1 "maintain the earth's population under 500 million").


all connected.


ride the wave–crypto will rise–exploit the opportunity.


I like LTC (Litecoin) for a host of reasons–but I am not a licensed therapist (or financial planner) so don't listen to me…dig for yourself, so you know.




God Bless Frens