I hate it when the EQ machine blows up.
How many EQ we had over 4.0 since Con ED?
How the hell do you have a -0.1 EQ in Nevada today - WTF. Nevada became more stable all of a sudden?
Fox sexual assault issue.
Well as a Man I am usually happy for some woman to get me drunk take me home and have her way with me.
It is just the stalker shit later that bugs me.
2 weeks will tell if the caravan brought a plauge
Alice's Restaurant.
Red VW Microbus
Shovels and Rakes and implements of destruction.
But this song isn't about that it is about the draft
Why do you want my shoelaces officer obie?
We don't want no hangings.
Obie you think I was going to hang myself for litterin?
I wanna kill …..
he started jumping up and down with me yelling
Alices Restaurant mascree.
Sit down on that bench marked group W
Father Rapers
And creating a public nuisance.
and they all moved back.
Kid, have you rehabilitated yourself?
if two people do it - in harmony they will think they are faggots and won't take either of them.
just autistic lol - give me a topic I like will worry it to death. >LOL
most Golden Retrievers are Autistic. They find something cute and furry they will grab it and hold and lick it until it dies of shock because the little furry thing don't know it is a golden.