>> 4506965 LB kike
it's the Masons, the Illoominatee, the Shriners, it's Nassime, Toots, Freddie, but never ever is it the jews, talking against jews is verboten, everywhere except here, that's why you see kikes here 24/7/365, they are like moths to a flame, cuz here is the Anti Kikery grass roots movement's last bastion of free speech where the jew media does not control the narrative, WE do, the real Anons, not the JIDF paid trolls on a desperate mission to discredit, smear, ridicule & shame anyone who discusses jew subversion & supremacist ideology. Remember Q came here because we name (((it))), they have gotten away with too much for way to long & a comeuppance/shoah is way way overdue. The writing is on the wall for kikery as POTUS has isolated the US's greatest ally in Syria, & we all know that BiBi, although an amazing thief, is implicated in 9/11 & POTUS has no pity for those who committed those 3000 murders to hide their crimes.
He will make a huge war crime blunder for the whole world to witness imminently, & it's all over for the failed ZOG experiment.
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