Because he's a fat faggot and dudes will literally fuck anything
Go whale spotting at your local Wal-Mart and tell me I'm wrong
Because he's a fat faggot and dudes will literally fuck anything
Go whale spotting at your local Wal-Mart and tell me I'm wrong
Can't be ignored.. trying to unfuck the Cabal/Banker/Zionist clusterfuck without acknowledging the JQ isn't possible
It's like trying to deal with someone's diabetes while they shovel funnel cake down their fat fucking gullet
It doesn't work anymore, Herschel
You went to the well once too often
Later, you'll go to the oven, you salty, Semitic fuck
No, that's not what Q team is about, but you know they're watching those faggots in Tel Aviv watch us.. Like a song from the 80's, but about faggot Jew shills instead of faggot Boomers in a night club
Song, schlomo, song
If you want to blend in on a primarily English-speaking board, work on that reading comprehension, you faggoty fuck
Dude, the Israelis "fighting" the Palestinians is like me walking into a kindergarten and going HAM on a bunch of five-year-olds
That's not fighting, it's abuse and bullying
She is 100% MK
You know who's almost as oven-worthy as the JIDF shills? Millennial faggots like you.
Maybe you're a two'fer. Faggot Jew Millennial.. or is that a three'fer?
Hmm. No, I guess faggot goes with Millennial without saying. More like a double-negative.
I love that I posted one off-hand comment, and the shill faggots lost their shit completely and put it in the notables
You guys suck at blending in
Stick this shit in the notables
FACT- I didn't believe the Jew shit until their non-stop freakout defensiveness made it obvious there was something to it
You mean you still haven't noticed that there is an EXTREME discrepancy between the overall Jewish population in America and the number of times people injecting shit into the public discourse to the detriment of pretty much all Americans are Jewish, or identify as ethnically Jewish?
And it's not even just entertainment, it's also journalism, academic research.. what's Q's line? At what point does it become mathematically impossible?
So normie Jews aren't in on the secret, and that makes you want to ignore what's right in front of you?
I imagine there's quite a few of us