I've bought online for years, never had a problem.
>APMEX and JM Bullion are both good. Stay far, far, far, away from eBay (should obvious).
AMPEX sells on eBay dumb ass
I've bought from them many times, good transactions all. I ordered a silver eagle/1 gram gold bar combo from another dealer for myself today as a birthday present kek! here's my favorite video on how people don't understand about metals Happy New Year anon!
It's a video of Mark Dice's where he offers people on the street a choice to "win" either a 10 oz bar of silver, or a Hershey bar. They all pick the Hershey bar
uh this one was actually the candy bar vs 10 oz silver bar but I've seen the one of which you speak and it's funny/sad too
>Jan. 1 2019 E.O