Reputable dealers, in small quantity transactions, sell bullion coins for 10% over market price and buy at 10% under market.
If banks close you will have no access to safe deposit boxes. Keep it where you can get it when the time comes.
There are many layers to the pyramid, you have named several. The Pope is at the top, the Holy See, the All Seeing Eye, he reports directly to Satan.
Never buy paper metals, it is a scam. The sellers are playing a market game called selling futures. They dont have the real gold/silver they sell that is why they give you paper and then pay you money. In a market crash the money will be worthless.
"being rich" is a matter of perspective. Are you looking for $100,000/yr income or $1 million? If the markets crash you can barter for survival items and food but large exchanges will be hard to find and call unwanted attention to yourself. Buy 1 oz size silver or 1/10 oz gold coins.