Jesuits work for the Holy See
Freemasons work for the Jesuits
B'nai B'rith work for the Zionists
Muslim Brotherhood work for the Saudis
The Holy See, the Jesuits, the Zionists and the Saudi's are all kikes.
AHEPA founded the NAACP and co-founded the ADL with the B'nai Brith.
AHEPA was founded by a Rockefeller bitch boy who held many prominent position in the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, the American Labor Party, and the Liberal Party of New York, of which he was a founding member. Check first pic related
>Alfange headed the Zionist organization "Committee to Arm the Jewish State", a group that sought to end arms embargoes against Zionist groups working to create Israel before independence.[14] He also served as the chairman of the Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe, a group that sought to rescue victims of the then ongoing Holocaust.[15] Through this organizations, Alfange urged that it was a Christian's moral and religious duty to help Jews victimized by the Nazis.
A look at who they give awards to will show you they are tied closely to the Sovereign Knights of Malta, the Masons and the Vatican through the ties I illustrated at the beginning of my post. Notice the All Seeing Eye circa 400AD in other pic related? There's more to the kikes than just the jews.