it doesnt say "jew/goy/kike" so the shilly clown baker (CB) wont include it as a notable.
it doesnt say "jew/goy/kike" so the shilly clown baker (CB) wont include it as a notable.
truth != fake and gay shill crap.
look here [jews] dont look here [occult ruling bloodlines]
lets add some (((goy))) (((kike))) (((yid))) (((juden))) jew rabbi moshe schlomo jidf talmud
try harder.
No body knows the true history of the roths, soros was a nazi collaborator "jew", payseur is probably french.
jews dont worship occult egyptian shit or minerva.
>ur really proud of that disinfo line
projection is the last resort of a panicking shill.
enter the spambot:
pathetic fake gayness. this shit is the most organic you can do?
you faggots infiltrated the kitchen, employ an army of shills, spambots, and yet you still fail. unbelievable.
You are a laughing material for all real anons:
nothing triggered them moron.
Once they installed their clown baker, the muhjew shill wave began. all coordinated.
>jews behind gun control
that is funny:
>According to gun rights activist Neal Knox, the Nazi gun control hypothesis was first suggested by Jay Simkin and Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) founder Aaron S. Zelman in a book they published in 1992. In it, they compared the German gun laws of 1928 and 1938, and the U.S. Congressional hearings for what became the Gun Control Act of 1968.[9][10]
seems like there are a lot of pro gun jews.
reformist sjw "jews" != jews
not falling for their plan of ridding the board from anons. Something big is about to drop.
some of them are retards who copypasta youtube bullshit. Mots of them are paid though, just like those youtube "experts".
they are still sending new ips to the battlefield:
(((I))) (((GUESS))) (((WE))) (((NEED))) (((MORE))) (((SHAREBLUE))) (((GOY))) (((KIKE))) (((KEYWORDS)))
the verse says he had a ray of light falling on his face. In hebrew ray and horn are the same word, hence the mistake.
The shilling gets faker and faker.
>For keks, just copy/paste 3 lines of their word salad into yo
100% on point. their garbage doesn't pass the sniffing test.