Lol you are my 3rd favorite person on this board kek - we see you even if bo Dosen't like you
Um if that's you thank you and merry Christmas
Defango said in a video he accepted the fact he might not ever. get credit for what he did… and he said that was ok.. he will get credit. Thank you Defango - original Q
Defango and Z came up with Q - Defango is not currently Q .. I never said that
What I did say was Do it Q, stick to the plan. There is a plan. It's old
God dammed shills and concern fags stand down.. anons find those who know.. do work. Get er done fam
Friend you are welcome to post here with us
I'm not gonna lie. This made me lol
Anon has fantastic point U1 - will be IGNORED cause shills - ayone.. anyone ?
following real Q and you are larping on 8ch meanwhile I've actually talked to Jim on the phone call in on nothing to declare faggit