I should be in bed but I’m having too much fun triggering Mossad here with u anons.
Thx for being brave based baker. Let the freedom of truth ring!!!
Awww… whats wrong (((guys)))??? we say something that offended u??
this board is for truth. cry moar tho. I need salt for my popcorn.
ur really proud of that disinfo line u use, arent u??
cus u and ur mossad cubicle m8s have regurtitated it, word for word, thousands of times when its proven to be untrue.
What occult bloodline name doesnt have jewish roots u faggot?
great graphix. thx for posting fren.
Do these sorta posts bother u? If so, why faggot??
PS - MOSSAD is a buncha homos that suck and fuck eachother’s assholes.
u already have 20 posts?? all defending jews??? time to ip hop u mossad faggot.
here, enjoy the attachments.
why is the porn indistry dominated by jews?
why was the transatlantic slave trade operations orchestrated and exploited by jews??
why did jews kill christ?
can u mossad fggots answer those for me?
(oc)cult blood lines are jewish faggot.
try harder mossad. glow moar. make the pharisees proud.
u stuck on repeat with saying the same nonsensical line over and over doesn’t help.