You're right.
Read the Bible.
God wins.
Only people who have never read the Bible believe this esoteric revisionist shillary.
They are pretend 'experts' on a subjects they learned from another fake YouTube 'expert.'
Most of them couldn't even tell you who Jacob was, much less the names of his 13 children.
It's funny that none of this "Jooos did 9/11" tripe has anything to do with Q's clues.
That's why it gets so shilly in here during his absences.
110% correct. Losers without thoughts of their own.
For keks, just copy/paste 3 lines of their word salad into your favorite search engine.
You'll find out what low-IQ parrots they really are.
Easiest way to spot a waste of oxygen.
At least my thoughts are my own, for better or worse, not re-microwaved copypasta that's debunked to death.
If my logic leads me to consult a Good Book, then I'm in good company.
The battle is between good and evil, not whole ethnic groups en masse.
Sauce: Q, & common sense.