I like to replace 'Fed' with 'jew.' It reads much better.
What a kiketastic post
Bottom row, furthest to the right
Rothschilds control gold prices
I can't wait to hop in Trump's time machine and relive 2018 so we can make it glorious.
NoName was found alive
They rid themselves of many of their mansions and land holdings before Q was even born
Kek, nice work and digits
I don't think so, but the feds would probably prosecute it as a hate crime
His daughter didn't marry well
Or fake news to make us think they're being tracked, arrested, prosecuted, executed
What great things?
Neither is she in jail. How long have we been at war with the deep state? forever. Trust in Big Brother to save us.
Two years is a long time to accomplish this much, assuming it has been accomplished.
No proof, but I think so. Still, my tax rate is way too high and other domestic concerns are rampant.
9-11 Kavanaugh had the conservative sheep's support because of the false allegations against him. This isllike how conservative sheep supported mideast war after the 9-11 false flag.
Is the new MX US trade deal much better than NAFTA? I haven't read it yet.
Expanded GITMO. Can I at least have my own cell even though I challenged Big Brother?
Gas is cheap, but cars break down and need replacing just as often. Perpetual debt for the middle class
No it was the opposite, according to the news, which is what you're likely basing you comment upon. News stated that Roths were dumping dollar holdings for gold
Easily herded
Old age is awesome. Mother nature is cleaning out the cabal
It isn't closed. Even if it was announced as closed, I guess it means that as I approach the Rio Grande, and invisible shield will prevent me from crossing. Meanwhile, let's send billions more to Israel
Rothschilds own the news and the gold. Owning the news is golden
Israel is last, cool. What's first? Iran?
I'm sure it was. Just like bin laden was raided and McCain was in GITMO
I'm glad SA is first, NK is second, Iran is third, Israel is last, and the middle class is fucked so we can focus attention away from domestic issues, where it's clearly not needed
You don't know your ass from your hand. You're trying to keep the larp/psyop alive
I'm not going to research it for you, kike. But being as gold derives it's value in relation to fiat money, and they, according to news I read, own one of the largest trading floors for gold in addition to owning gold and being very wealthy, I'd say they control it's price
Yeah, Qdaism is the religion here
Mike Rogers is associated with Team 8 and Israel Grimberg.