Anonymous ID: b5d011 Dec. 29, 2018, 12:17 a.m. No.4511981   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4510755 (pb)

Blah blah, kikey this, kikey that is all I heard out of your kike mouth. Nice try though, kike.

All that projection in your idiotic rant is also very telling, TOP FUKKEN KEK!

You lost any and ALL credibility once you said "because I'm catholic"

Don't you have some moar baby dicks to go chew on, kikey?

Keep trying to pretend you're white though, it's cute.

You're all the fucking same. Pretend to be white & Christian to fool the goy into giving (((you))) their shekelz and sway their opinion to fight (((your))) wars in the ME. Then put your (((plants))) on the other side to pretend they're sandniggers that talk shit about MAGA and, ironically enough also the kikes, that way you Famefag kikes can latch onto them and shout them down in an effort to censor the legit goys who speak out against your subversion.


Guess what? KIKES WILL LOSE.

>Look goy, I'm white just like you…I'm MAGA just like you. Now send your troops and shekelzzzzzzz.

Anonymous ID: b5d011 Dec. 29, 2018, 12:47 a.m. No.4512209   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Because this is the KIKE-JACKED, fake MAGA bread with muh feelz faggots and jidf baby-cock suckers who kvetch at the top of their lungs every time a KIKE is mentioned.

But NIGGERS is fine.

But Chinks is fine.

But Sandniggers is fine.

But Spics is fine.

But Whitey is fine.

Etc, etc.

Kikes tried lying about WW2 that's coming to LIGHT as well. All (((their))) lies are coming out and they can't fucking stand it!


Anonymous ID: b5d011 Dec. 29, 2018, 2:01 a.m. No.4512780   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Going to have 2 breads filled by the time this KIKE-JACKED bread gets filled.

Imagine it's being left up for a show how subversive (((you))) cock suckers actually are.