Anonymous ID: cb3cf9 Dec. 29, 2018, 5:59 p.m. No.4513704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3786

Reduced from 24 pages of Indictment !


13 Months to the Day !


HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON Indictment for Uranium 1, NEVADA BUNDY RANCH TRIAL { Note = Generalization equates MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE thru Conspiracy and Jury Tampering, by Actions Committed "UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW" !


"We The Jury charge, that on January 26, 2016 in Harney County, Law Enforcement Officers acting under Color of Law Ambushed" thru 90 mph chase, into "Dead Man's Curve, Roadblock" Murdered ( "In Cold Blood" hands up Surrendering ) by Sniper firing 3 shots, later additional shots fired by Shooter '1 thru 7' !


Search @ YouTube "The Verified Indictments Of [HRC]" Posted by T.R.U.Reporting, posted early this morning !


Jury decision, Dated 02/16/2018, Stamped March 20th 2018, 13 Months after Donald Trump taking the Oath of Office, ( letter dated March 28, 2018 ) Grand Jury hands Judge their Decision seeking to reverse 3 Trials = Murder, Wrongful Prosecution, Abuse Of Power, Subversion by Enemies Against "We The People" Undermining "The Color of Law" !


CASE # 1:16-CV-1490 DOCUMENT 64 FILED DECEMBER 20, 2018


Served to' Donald J Trump C.E.O. The United States Of America Incorporated ! Grand Jury recommends [HRC] Death Penalty !


Served ( Process Server ) 04/14/2018 to or thru the Northwest District of New York, from Oregon Malhur National Wildlife Reserve Trial, Oregon Hammond Trial, and Nevada Bundy Ranch Trial = Nevada Chief Judge Gloria M. Navarro + others = Jury Tampering ( Stacking ), Wrongful Prosecution, Abuse of Powers, Subversion, Conspiracy Against Rights, Wrongful Prosecution's, Deprivation of Rights under the Color of Law, Knowingly and Willfully Concealing Material Facts and Action for Neglect for Denying Defendant Unalienable Rights of Habeas Corpus and Conspiring to Manipulate the Jury to Achieve a Guilty Plea,


RICO, Murder, Wrongful Prosecution, Abuse of Power and Subversion Involving James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Harry Mason Reed "BLM" Oregon Governor Katherine Brown, Chief Judge Gloria M. Navarro, Chief Judge Ann L. Aiken, Judge Steven Grassley, Judge Ann K. Brown, Judge Stacie F Beckerman, including many Magistrates, Attorneys, State Police, Local Police, BLM, FBI and NRO Contractors !


Grand Jury Charges Grant County Commissioner Boyd Britton, Judge Steven Grasty, Harney County Sheriff David Ward, Lorretta Lynch, James Comey and Oregon Governor Katherine Brown with Conspiring to do whatever was necessary to remove the People from Our Land thru Intimidation, Conspiracy and Commit Murder, Abuse of Powers, Subversion, Terrorizing, Burning Grazing Areas, Cattle and Homes and Wrongful Imprisonment as well as subsequent cover up of those wrongdoings" !


Jury Quotes; "Conspiracy Against Rights, Resulting In Murder of LaVoy Finicum thereby We Seek the Death Penalty" and "Deprivation Of Rights 'Under Color Of Law" Resulting In Murder of LaVoy Finicum thereby we Seek the Death Penalty" !


My Consolidation = Vacating prior Judgements = Knowingly and Willful Falsifying Material Fact and Making False Statement, seeking 8 Years Imprisonment = as per '"Petite Jury Judgements" Nullification of Sentenced Defendants !


If Hillary was Arrested and Charged then presented a Secret Obama Pardon for the Bundy Murder before January 2019 Hillary would be Free to Go and Never to be Charged, never ever, Hillary can be Jailed for any other reason as long as the Charges above are Reserved until the start of 2019, due to Trump Executive Order Reversing Obama Executive Order or Pardon!


Hillary forwarded her every Email to China who then sold to Russia and others and Wikileaks, and Hillary supplied Wikileaks U. S. Government secrets on an ongoing basis, Obama gave 7 Nuclear bombs to Iran, 2 were used, their called "Davie Crockets" one of which killed 20 Russians in Syria, Hillary setup the 12 Navy Seals who killed Osama Bin Laden killing them, for Bin Laden Families revenge, ordered attack on Americans in Bengazi, and all Diplomats in China were killed when Hillary took Secretary of State Office forwarding her Emails ! cont…..

Anonymous ID: cb3cf9 Dec. 29, 2018, 6:03 p.m. No.4513786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3805 >>3862



Cont…part 2

BLM = 'Bureau Of Land Management' Jury said "The Supposed Custodians" "Unarmed Protesters" "Order came from Washington to End Protest with Violence in order to Sell Uranium to Foreign Entities for Gain" "Acts of RICO and Subversion against We The People" "Congress has had 2 in depth committees, therein was fully informed, as early as the 1980s and Did Nothing" !


A Grand Juries are Three to Seven Judges 'Military Tribunals' 'Judges are the Juries' and Weight on 'Preponderance of Evidence' or Power, Importance and Strength of Evidence by Majority Rules !


A few Notes for the Doubters, When Hillary Stumbled / was Helped into Van, then Appeared outside her Apartment Unaccompanied.


Hillary has a Cousin who acts as Hillary 's ( Body Double ) who attended John McCain and Bush 41s Funerals, Hillary Clinton has been Unseen in Public for Months and Months.


Hillary's younger Cousins is remarkably Hillary like, excepting the Obvious Age Discrepancy, that those with Conformation Biases Ignore !


Extremly High Profile Arrests have been going on since 12/22 including former Presidents, Congressional arrests ( Voter Fraud ) are Dramatically more Complicated after 01/03 Oath taking, except for Treason.


Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been A Democrat will be on Everybody's lips in short order' because the Democrat fixed November's House Seats Election, 10 California, 2 Texas, Alabama, Florida and Very Many more, All that's needed is the Slightest Proof of Conspiracy with Foreigners !

Anonymous ID: cb3cf9 Dec. 29, 2018, 6:07 p.m. No.4513862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3894 >>3955 >>3965 >>4065 >>4314




Q has directed us down parallel narrative tracks for a while now, and it was never truly clear how these narratives came together in a larger sense.


Narrative #1: Trust Sessions, Trust Wray, Trust Huber, Trust Horowitz. Most anons have interpreted this narrative to mean that Huber is silently prosecuting all of the deep state bad actors in the background, with the help of Horowitz and 470+ inspector general staff. He has loads of sealed indictments, and he is waiting for the right time to unseal them and start the mass arrests.


Narrative #2: Military Tribunals. Lindsey Graham's discussion with Kavanaugh at the hearing, articles about Bush era tribunal structure, DOJ memoranda confirming constitutionality of military detention of US citizens.


Reconcile: These 2 narratives seem largely unrelated, if not completely at odds with one another. Are we rounding them up in military tribunals, or are we prosecuting them in civilian courts? The answer is… a bit of both. But military tribunals must come first.


For those involved in treason, subversion, aiding/supporting the enemy, or causing the civilian justice system to fail, military tribunals await them.


For those involved in general nastiness - bribery, racketeering, blackmail, sex trafficking, etc, a cleaned up civilian justice system awaits them.


So, how is it likely to unfold?


  1. Declass/FISA brings down the house: Right around the time Mueller issues his report, POTUS declassifies the FISA warrant application(s) and subsequent renewals. This declass demonstrates that the entire start of the Russia collusion investigation was predicated on the need to surveil Carter Page because he is a foreign agent of the Russian government (even though documentation demonstrates he was an FBI informant for many years before that, and John P. Carlin knew that when he signed the initial FISA warrant application). In other words, declass demonstrates that the entire investigation and special counsel were BS from the beginning.


  1. Huber and Horowitz lay their big, impotent dicks on the table: Read the article at the link below. It is maddening as hell, but it fits with Q's explanation of what Mueller's objective is - to withhold evidence that could be damaging to the deep state from "clean" prosecutors. Mueller tells Rosenstein that certain evidence cannot be shared with IG or any other prosecutor, because it would obstruct his investigation. RR complies and the rest of the DOJ has to go along. So, after FISA declass, and everyone knows that Mueller's investigation is BS, Huber and Horowitz come out and say they have lots of good leads and some serious evidence, but that Mueller and RR have been obstructing their work. Suddenly, the world sees just how corrupted the DOJ has become. Military tribunals are DEMANDED by all. The truth is so evident, not even the guilty can publicly object.


  1. Tribunals - Fuck Yeah: So now we have military tribunals. If you want to learn a lot about military tribunals, read this article:


If you are too lazy to read the article, here are a few interesting points:


  • Military commissions are consist of 3 - 7 members who act as both judge and jury.


  • Commissions are formed (and personnel selected) by the Secretary of Defense.


  • Decisions DO NOT need to be unanimous (2/3 majority is all that's required).


  • THE EXCLUSIONARY RULE DOES NOT APPLY. This means that "illegally collected" evidence is still admissible. This means that everything the NSA has collected is admissible. Everything Ezra Cohen-Watnick has been scooping up from both the intelligence community and the DOJ is admissible. This means "fuck your technicalities," you are a traitor and I have evidence to prove it - never mind where I got it.


Oh, and we are likely to see some familiar faces at these tribunals, either as commissioners, prosecutors, or as witnesses:


  • Adm. Mike Rogers


  • Jeff Sessions


  • Gen. John Kelly


  • Gen. Mattis


  • Ezra Cohen-Watnick


  • LtG. Michael Flynn


  • All the singing birdies from DOJ/FBI trying to save their skins.


  1. Huber and Horowitz can resume their jobs: Now that the traitors have been removed, Huber and Horowitz will have full access to the evidence that Mueller has been withholding. They will also be unencumbered by leakers and obfuscators in their midst. They can get down to brass tax, cleaning up the regular old satanists and child rapists.