Anonymous ID: abaed2 Awakening of Content Creators on YouTube uncovering the 'Global Payment Network'. Dec. 29, 2018, 7:02 p.m. No.4514817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4858 >>4867 >>4890 >>4911 >>4929 >>4939 >>4968 >>5036

Background Info on YouTube and Patreon Censorship


YouTube has proven itself to be extremely efficient at promoting communities of critical thinking that seeks unbiased knowledge of the phenomenons around us, and especially concerning political orientations.


Since the major crackdown of YouTube upon Content Creators, who are labelled 'far right', because they simply think for themselves and don't follow the NPC mindset, the Creators have moved on to companies such as Patreon for financial support by donations of their followers.


However, Patreon have lately been in a shitstorm since their Ban of Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin). Major Individuals on Youtube such as Sam Harris has lost complete faith in the platform, and Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin is working on the Creation of a New Platform like Patreon.


In Patreon move for survival they have resolved to reaching out to content creators by mail and phone to insure their trust in the company.


End of Background info


A Youtube channel 1791 has unveiled through a phone call with Patreon's Head of Trust and Safety, Jaqueline Hart, that Patreon is tied by a 'Global Payment Network', which censors Political Opinions through their companies.


Vid by 1791 concerning their call.


With our Q researcher knowledge we could easily have predicted the origin of censorship to be ever more concentrated as we dig to reach the top of the pyramid.


However, the significant part of this phenomenon is that the independent thinkers and content creators of Youtube are beginning to unveil the larger conspiracy one slow step at a time!


This is absolutely massive happening, because it means red pilling the masses of independent thinkers and consumers on YouTube. These thinkers consider themselves red pilled, because they clearly understand the NPC liberal mindset.


So lets see if they are prepared for this level of Red Pilling, which might eventually lead them to become trusted and honoured 8ch anon