Anonymous ID: cea59e Dec. 29, 2018, 6:35 p.m. No.4514331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4342 >>4401 >>4659 >>4803 >>5036

Foreign Hackers "Cripple" US Newspapers, Cause Widespread Delivery Disruptions


Foreign hackers infiltrated computer systems shared by several major US newspapers, "crippling" newspaper production and delivery systems across the country on Saturday, according to the Los Angeles Times, citing a source with knowledge of the situation.

Anonymous ID: cea59e Dec. 29, 2018, 6:36 p.m. No.4514348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4725 >>4731 >>4774 >>5036

Retiring Reps Goodlatte and Gowdy Say Crooked Mueller’s Report on Trump ‘Must be Trusted’


Top Republican Chairmen Goodlatte and Gowdy released their key findings from a joint committee investigation into the DOJ’s probe of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.


Reps Bob Goodlatte and Trey Gowdy, who are both retiring this year sent a letter addressed to McConnell, Whitaker and IG Horowitz on Friday stating crooked Mueller’s report “must be trusted by Americans.”


“Contrary to Democrat and media claims, there has been no effort to discredit the work of the Special Counsel. Quite the opposite, whatever product is produced by the Special Counsel must be trusted by Americans and that requires asking tough but fair questions about investigative techniques both employed and not employed,” the letter read.


Gowdy and Goodlatte say Americans must trust Mueller’s report, screenshot:


Robert Mueller’s report should not be trusted by Americans — the Special Counsel appointed to investigate ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ has been corrupted since its inception.


Fired FBI Director James Comey gave classified memos to a friend to leak to the New York Times in order to prompt a Special Counsel.


The team of angry Democrat lawyers working for Robert Mueller is a who’s who of Clinton-Obama donors — FBI agent Peter Strzok and his paramour FBI lawyer Lisa Page were fired from Mueller’s team after the Inspector General discovered thousands of anti-Trump text messages exchanged between the two lovebirds.


The Russia dossier, which formed an essential part of the initial FISA warrant and three FISA renewals against Carter Page was paid for by Hillary Clinton and to this day has not been verified.


Mueller’s witch hunt is all part of the slow motion coup to remove President Trump and Americans should never trust any report that comes from him. Mueller is a corrupt DC swamp dweller with years of botched investigations and overall abysmal history of questionable conduct.


Goodlatte and Gowdy also asked for a Special Counsel to investigate the mishandling of the Trump/Clinton investigations. Will Acting AG Matt Whitaker now listen?


In the last paragraph of the letter, the outgoing Reps state that they believe that a Special Counsel should be created to investigate the actions by the FBI and DOJ related to the Clinton and Trump investigations before and after the election.


The joint committee investigation of the DOJ’s probes of Clinton and Trump began in October of 2017 and Rosenstein stonewalled Republicans’ efforts the entire way. Now Goodlatte and Gowdy wait until the last minute to ask Whitaker to appoint a Special Counsel?


Democrat Congressman Jerry Nadler of New York is expected to take over as House Judiciary Chairman next week and has chimed in with other Dem leaders like Adam Schiff in his desire to ramp up investigations into President Trump — Gowdy and Goodlatte wasted their time because their investigation yielded ZERO indictments of the Deep State thanks to Sessions’ recusal.

Anonymous ID: cea59e Dec. 29, 2018, 6:37 p.m. No.4514368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4462 >>4738 >>4843 >>5036

Iranians Cheer in Jubilation After News of Evil Ayatollah’s Death Is Reported on Airwaves


Grand Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi died on Monday at age 70, in Tehran’s Khatam al-Anbiya hospital.


According to ISICRC — Shahroudi was responsible for at least 2,000 deaths according to human rights groups. As head of the Khomeiniist Regime’s judiciary between 1999 and 2009, Shahroudi’s notorious human rights violations and intense repression. The de facto murder of Iranian-Canadian journalist Zahra Kazemi in 2003 and the imprisonment and torture of esteemed journalist/intellectual Siamak Pourzand were among the many horrific cases of torture and executions that occurred under Shahroudi’s watch.


Ayatollah Shahroudi has a long history of human rights violations.

Anonymous ID: cea59e Dec. 29, 2018, 6:40 p.m. No.4514415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5036

Democratic operative who bragged about Russian bot ‘false flag’ issues contradiction-filled denial


The Democratic operative who boasted about orchestrating a “false flag” operation that used fake Russian bots to swing a US Senate race has issued a farcical denial in which he backpedals on his own publicly available statements.


Jonathon Morgan, CEO, and co-founder of “Democratic-leaning” private intelligence firm New Knowledge, was reportedly part of a secretive campaign to discredit Republican candidate, Roy Moore, during the Alabama election. According to an internal report obtained by the New York Times, Morgan and his accomplices boasted about how they had “orchestrated an elaborate ‘false flag’ operation that planted the idea that the Moore campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet.” Moore ended up losing the race by a hair to his Democratic opponent Doug Jones – who became the first Democrat in 25 years to serve Alabama in the Senate.


Morgan adamantly denied these accusations in a statement posted on New Knowledge’s blog, insisting that his company used the election to conduct “research” and “did not engage or operate a botnet.” In fact, according to Morgan, New Knowledge believed from the beginning that the “Russian bots” purportedly aligned with Moore were fake. The hundreds of Cyrillic-sporting accounts that followed Moore on Twitter “seemed to us to be the work of internet trolls, not Russian activity,” Morgan wrote. He acknowledged that the media presented the bots as a genuine Russian influence campaign, but asserted that “to this day, we have no idea where these followers came from or what their purpose was.”


Morgan, it appears, felt differently during the actual election. Citing his much-admired “Russian bot” dashboard, Hamilton 68, Morgan tweeted in November 2017 that Moore was conspicuously popular among “Russian trolls.”

Anonymous ID: cea59e Dec. 29, 2018, 6:40 p.m. No.4514427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5036

“Stop your policy of open borders in Europe, we need our youth here” urge African leaders


Many African heads of state are surprised by Europe’s open border policy and urge the continent to change it, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said to German tabloid Bild.


Kurz, who was on a trip in Africa, said some heads of state urged him to “stop your policy of open borders in Europe” as it leads to African youth leaving the continent.


“This only motivates the African youth ‘to break up’ in the first place,” the Austrian Chancellor quoted his unnamed counterparts.


According to Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zewde it’s better if the African youth remained in their countries and don’t even want to come to Europe.


“It is clear that we must not lose our youth because they flee to Europe. We need to tackle the causes rather than worry about the symptoms.


“The escape is dangerous. Criminal human smugglers make money with it. We must keep the people who will lead Ethiopia – and Africa – into a better future,” Sahle-Work Zewde said.


When asked by Bild if Europe should ignore the migrant flows from Africa the President said:


“No, of course not, but we have to make a clearer distinction between migrants and refugees. Africa was very generous in receiving refugees (…)


“It is quite simple: as long as we do not improve local living conditions, more people will want to flee to Europe. And many of them have completely wrong ideas about what to expect in Europe.”

Anonymous ID: cea59e Dec. 29, 2018, 6:42 p.m. No.4514469   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chinese Scientist Who Genetically Modified Babies Is Under House Arrest


The Chinese scientist who shocked the world by announcing he created the first genetically-edited babies, He Jiankui, and who had been missing since his accomplishment spawned widespread outrage around the globe, has been "kept" in a small university guest house, apparently under lock and key while guarded by "a dozen unidentified men", according to the New York Times.


He was spotted for the last time in public in late November at a conference in Hong Kong, where he defended his actions. Over the past couple of weeks, rumors and speculation spread whether or not he was under house arrest. There has been no word from the Chinese government or his university, which placed him under investigation, about his whereabouts (or future).


For now, he appears to live in a fourth floor apartment in a university guesthouse on the campus of the Southern University of Science and Technology.

Anonymous ID: cea59e Dec. 29, 2018, 6:48 p.m. No.4514575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4748

Trump Touts ‘Big Progress’ from Long Trade Call with Chinese President


President Donald Trump heralded “big” trade progress from a long Saturday call with Chinese President Xi Jinping.


“Just had a long and very good call with President Xi of China. Deal is moving along very well,” said Trump. “If made, it will be very comprehensive, covering all subjects, areas, and points of dispute. Big progress being made!”


China has been promoting progress on trade negotiations with the United States over the past two weeks. Leading up to Christmas day the two nations held trade talk phone calls that the Chinese commerce ministry was sure to promote afterward. China specifically promoted progress on not only trade but on the highly charged issue of intellectual property. President Trump has been adamant for months that China must stop the theft of U.S. intellectual property in order for a trade deal to be made.


President Trump told Breitbart News in October that China wasn’t ready to negotiate yet and that their economy was suffering under the U.S. tariffs on hundreds of billions in Chinese goods. He said the U.S. had rebuilt China over years of trade deficits. “What they’ve done to our country is take out anywhere from $300 billion to $500 billion a year. Rebuilt China,” he said.


President’s Trump and Xi spoke on the phone ahead of a December 1 meeting at the G20 summit in Argentina. At the time Trump refused to relent on tariffs and demanded China halt unfair trading practices and theft of U.S. intellectual property. During their G20 meeting Trump and Xi agreed to a temporary tariff truce. China agreed to buy more in U.S. goods and to participate in 90 days of focused trade talks.


China’s commerce ministry promoted Friday an agreement between the two nations to hold in-person trade talks in Beijing sometime in January. “Even as the U.S side is in the Christmas holiday period, China and U.S. economic and trade teams have been in close communication, and the consultations are progressing in an orderly manner as scheduled,” spokesman for China’s commerce ministry Gao Feng said upon announcement of the agreement to meet. One report claimed the meeting has been set for January 7. Feng did not confirm this at the time of the announcement. “The two sides have indeed made specific arrangements for face-to-face consultations in January in addition to continuing intensive telephone consultations.”

Anonymous ID: cea59e Dec. 29, 2018, 6:49 p.m. No.4514586   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Egypt kills 40 militants in 3 anti-terror raids a day after deadly attack on tourist bus


Egyptian security forces have neutralized dozens of militants suspected of plotting atrocities across the country during the holiday season. The raids in Giza and North Sinai came a day after jihadists targeted a tourist bus.


Security forces managed to foil a number of terrorist plotters that were “seeking to commit terrorist operations during celebrations of the New Year and Christmas,” the Egyptian Interior Ministry said Saturday, noting that 40 suspects were killed in three simultaneous raids.


Two of the operations took place in the Giza Governorate, popular with tourists, where a total of 30 militants were killed. The third raid took place in the North Sinai region. Large quantities of firearms, ammunition and explosive material were seized in the operations, authorities said.


The ministry did not comment on whether the dismantled terrorist cells were connected to Friday’s roadside bomb attack on a tourist bus near the iconic Giza pyramids. Three Vietnamese tourists and their Egyptian tour guide were killed, while at least 10 others were injured in the explosion. So far no group has admitted responsibility for the atrocity.

Anonymous ID: cea59e Dec. 29, 2018, 6:53 p.m. No.4514666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5036

France Yellow Vests March on ‘Collaborator’ Mainstream Media Headquarters


Anti-government protesters turned out in Paris and other French cities for the seventh Saturday running, as activists called for direct democracy — to take power out of the hands of political elite — and protested against the mainstream media.


As in previous weeks, many protestors carried placards with the abbreviation ‘R.I.C.’ — “Citizens’ Initiative Referendum”, a demand for popular referendums that would be automatically triggered by any referendum calling for a change in government policy getting 700,000 signatures.


If enacted, the introduction of referendums triggered by the public rather than given as a gift by politicians would likely see a massive reorientation of political power in France away from the political elite and even traditional political parties, a clear desire of the Yellow Vest movement which has reacted strongly against Emmanuel Macron’s globalist government.


Switzerland already has a system of citizen’s initiative referendum, and Italy has a similar system. French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe said last weekend the government was considering debating such referendums in the future.


The number of demonstrators out was fewer than in recent weeks, but more protests are expected in Paris on New Year’s Eve.


The route of Saturday’s march took hundreds of protestors to the doors of mainstream French television stations, which the Yellow Vests accuse of having aligned themselves with President Macron against the French people.



Anonymous ID: cea59e Dec. 29, 2018, 6:55 p.m. No.4514703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5036

Mounted Police Lead ‘Several Charges’ Against Dutch Yellow Vest Protest


THE HAGUE, Dec 29 (Reuters) – Dutch police on horseback broke up a protest on Saturday by “yellow vest” demonstrators who threw rocks and fireworks at them, a statement said.


The police statement said the mounted officers “carried out several charges” to end the demonstration in The Hague, which had not been approved by authorities and had turned violent.


Eight protesters were detained for disturbing the peace after clashing with police, the statement said.


Around 150-200 demonstrators took part in the protest march near government offices, wearing the hi-vis jackets also worn by anti-government protesters in France.


Dutch TV showed footage of the protesters in front of parliament waving Dutch flags, shouting anti-government slogans and later trying to break through a police cordon. Several mounted police and dozens of officers on foot could be seen.


There were no injuries, police said.


In France, meanwhile, demonstrators kept numerous roads across the country blocked on Saturday as groups of protesters gathered in city centres, but the anti-government backlash was more muted than in previous weeks. (Reporting by Anthony Deutsch; Editing by Alison Williams)

Anonymous ID: cea59e Dec. 29, 2018, 6:57 p.m. No.4514737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5028

Seven Mexican Customs Agents Busted in Arms Smuggling Investigation


MATAMOROS, Tamaulipas – Authorities arrested seven Mexican customs agents as part of an investigation into the smuggling of thousands of ammunition magazines from Texas into Mexico.


The arrest of the seven agents was the result of an investigation into information from within the agency about corrupt activity. The agents were caught trying to doctor importation documents and processes to claim that vehicles coming through the ports of entry were carrying electronic equipment. As part of the investigation, authorities learned that the vehicles were carrying thousands of ammunition magazines. Law enforcement authorities arrested the seven agents and transported them to Mexico City. Prosecutors charged the corrupt agents with violating multiple arm smuggling statutes.


Two factions of the Gulf Cartel have been waging a fierce turf war over smuggling routes in the border cities of Matamoros and Reynosa, Tamaulipas. The fighting led to numerous firefights that have gone on for months resulting in a steady demand for weapons and ammunition from Texas, Breitbart News reported.


Mexico’s new Treasury Secretary Ricardo Peralta announced the arrest claiming that the country’s Customs Office which falls under his control would be going through an extensive cleanup and vetting process in all the 49 offices throughout Mexico. According to Peralta, the vetting process will include background checks, polygraph testing, and financial investigations. The testing will be implemented in March and will be done every two years by members of Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office and Federal Police.

Anonymous ID: cea59e Dec. 29, 2018, 7:02 p.m. No.4514812   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Houthis Start Redeployment In Al-Hudaydah Under UN-Sponsored Deal


Houthi forces have started to redeploy from the port of al-Hudaydah in western Yemen under the UN-sponsored agreement, which was reached in Sweden earlier this month, Mohamad Abd al-Salam, head of the Houthis delegation to the Yemen peace talks, announced on December 29.


Abd al-Salam said that the strategic port was handed over to the Yemeni Coast Guards under the supervision of the U.N. advance monitoring team. The team, which is led by retired Dutch General Patrick Cammaert, arrived in Yemen last week to observe the execution of the agreement.


“The advanced steps that have been accomplished prove the political leadership’s keenness to achieve security and stability and to support the peace process,” the al-Masirah TV quoted Abd al-Salam as saying.


A U.N. source confirmed to the Reuters news agency that Houthi forces had started to redeploy. Furthermore, the agency’s camera operator saw the U.N. team led by Cammaert witnessing the fighters’ withdrawal.


However, a senior official in the Saudi-backed Yemeni government denied that the Houthis have redeployed their forces from the port of al-Hudaydah and said that the group didn’t discuss the redeployment process with them beforehand.


“The statements of the Houthi militias on the redeployment in the port of al-Hudaydah is a clear attempt to cross the content of the Stockholm agreement on al-Hudaydah, these violations, which are leading to the failure of the agreement, can’t be accepted,” the unnamed official said, according to the al-Arabiya TV.


Under the UN-sponsored agreement, both sides most ceasefire in the provinces of al-Hudaydah and Tazi. The Houthis are also required to relocate their forces. The lack of trust between both sides is apparently hindering the implementation of both terms and jeopardizing the entire Yemeni peace process.

Anonymous ID: cea59e Dec. 29, 2018, 7:06 p.m. No.4514902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4932 >>4933 >>4948 >>4994

You need to do 47 hours of minimum wage work today to get the same amount of purchasing power as 40 hours of work in 2009. — The erosion of the minimum wage.


How come the corporate media never mentions or factors inflation into the lives of regular people? They completely ignore it as if it doesn’t exist at all.


If you aren’t getting a 2% raise every year to account for inflation than you are actually getting a paycut, because your wage is not keeping up with the increased cost in living.


It’s pretty obvious yet whenever you hear the issue of minimum wage come up in the corporate media, the cold, hard reality of inflation is never accounted for.


Working at the minimum wage, the average American would have to work 47 hours in a week to earn the same amount of money that they would have earned by working just 40 hours in 2009.


That is completely fucked and it’s something that is not discussed nearly enough.


What we have in the United States is the perfect recipe for wage slavery, which is the order of the day.


This is why it kills me whenever I hear some Boomer telling me about how they paid for college with their summer job, back when college was practically free and the minimum wage was actually a livable wage.