Anonymous ID: 0f0140 Dec. 29, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.4515147   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4514979 pp

>>4514947 pp

Maybe it was a message from Q? Kinda weird how just enough breads temporarily disappeared that the Q&A breads were the first ones we all saw at the top. The ones that would invoke memories of "Stress test failed." Maybe it's "Stress test passed" now kek.

Anonymous ID: 0f0140 Dec. 29, 2018, 7:54 p.m. No.4515608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5807

Guys, I have a theory on what happened. We only couldn't post during the outage, right? Is it possible that this is what will happen during the shitstorm? Because if the link to /pf/ is sent to every phone in America, 8ch will likely see the most traffic it's ever seen. And people will more than likely find their way to /qresearch/ too. But it's not just the flood of traffic jamming up the server that'll be the problem. If posting is allowed during that time, what do you think this board will devolve into? We saw it last night. We've seen it before too, when Q left /ga/ open after his first purge. A bunch of breadshitters and fangirls. Just because they could post. Anything worth reading gets slid. Boards fall off, but don't always reach the board archive right away. Maybe Q thinks this is a problem and wanted to test something last night / this morning / today. He might be weighing the value of shutting down posting during the most critical time. It'll help for navigation purposes and keep the bullshit to a minimum.