Dig on Geoengineering to “Cool the Earth” UC Berkeley vs Harvard
UC Berkeley vs Harvard
Per Jonathan Proctor at UC Berkeley has an opposite finding in his research to the Harvard research proposal and suggests that the proposed 2019 spraying of calcium carbonate into the atmosphere to “cool the earth” will potentially interfere with crop production.
Bill Gates funded Harvard Project to Block the sun with GEOengineering
Video from Harvard on development of COUNTER GEOENGINEERING!!!!
An interesting video from the nerds at Harvard discussing the development of reverse geoengineering as a response to geoengineering by one country in the world and other countries opposing that action.
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/269265108" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This nonsense has to stop!
CHEMTRAILS back in the So Cal skies today :(