Enjoy your larp muhjoodhills - current Q is fake…
Wanna act like nazi faggits… ok
You aren't gonna like what happens next
Enjoy your larp muhjoodhills - current Q is fake…
Wanna act like nazi faggits… ok
You aren't gonna like what happens next
I'm not jewish.. current Q is fake… Defango started Q.. Microchip did post as Q… you all got played. Fucking retards.
It will get bad going forward.. this is all fake and infiltrated by the GDL.. nazi larpers. Handsome truth is a wop faggit
You retards are asking for it pamphlet anon is current Q and I believe he is jewish… you fucking own yourself.. work on that nigger
Your meme vs the fucking truth.. you cant win.. sit down
I'm German you are dumb.. your little larp is over.. I would have kept my mouth shut but you lied and called me a jew.. now I rekt this all
No fucking speculation do any fucking research or better yet just ask Defango if he started Q.. he fucking did.
Ask Paul Furbar BO of /cbts/ is current Q real.. he will say no… he isn't fucking lying dumbasses
Q stopped posting in April I'm more than happy to prove this
Chatlogs you dumb niggersthis right here
Q's last post… Anon figures out Matlock is the tripcode starts posting as Q and Codemonkey lies for him
Q is now fake.. Ron lied
Why Codemonkey why
you fucked up so bad
Bro Q is gone.. it's been over since April… This is all just Codemonkeys larp now
Well I believe there is a path forward and I will help..so I'd appreciate not calling me a Jew for beIN the olny one with any goddamn sense
that's kinda a dick move
Tbh I've really just put it all together in the last week.
By know I know basically everything.
test me… I'll know
Just a few small details I'm still confused about
Antisemetic baker ? Bro it's ok - you can just say neon revolt
Fuck off nigger you just talked shit about the whole board
Leave than
It's not gonna change.. (you) are in the wrong place lil nigger
Some of you are fantastic people and I love the idea of Qand I have an opponent connection with the person who started it.. he was nice enough to follow me back… You antisemetic GDL shitheads trying to take over this board.. will be absolutely destroyed.. leave now.
Respect to the true Anons. And patroits.
Man if you don't like Jews I get it… Stop associatomg it with Q
.. that is a fucking dick move and no one will come to your defense if I go hard at you for it…
Take it to /pol/ it's why /pol/ exists
See you call non Jews Jews and wonder why ppl hate you and think you are retartded
Lol you actually typed that out.
Well thanks I'll sleep so much better tonight fagit
Q has been over - bantzing with you fags never does get old tho
.. some of you are really good ppl.. even if you call me a fag Jew Mason nigger.. it's out of love
.. - deny it all you want.. you could have just scrolled.. naw you fags typed.
I like you all… I just wish you could trun the faggit from 11 down to about a 4.
Yeah that would be cool