Anonymous ID: 37a686 May 12, 2018, 2:54 a.m. No.1382255   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm not sure if this is relevant or the validity of it but I found it posted in an Auspol thread on half chan a while ago.


"Save this, I found it on Facebook


Project Bethlehem is a child kidnapping and trafficking operation.


It is managed by the Australian Governor General Peter Cosgrove.


Its Australia wide but is based in the Australia Capital Territory (Canberra) and South Australia.


Children are kidnapped and abused by pedo's within the states and territories of Australia, then smuggled interstate and provided to government department specialising in child protection services.


The children are then on sold to foster care agencies


Peter Cosgrove manages this project under Her Royal Highness (me: fucking bitch) and the project also occurs in the UK, South Africa and New Zealand.


People serving under Peter Cosgrove are:

Charles Thompson

Matthew Inkleson

Andrew Butler.


Under this is Lady Burley Griffin


Each Premier (state leader) in Australia is involved except for NSW.


Politicians are paid off each month and paid a cut by the

Department of Child Protection Services and the

Department of Child and Social Inclusion.


Evidence: politicians are receiving cheques directly from the departments, which are then cashed overseas.


Politicians receiving money are:

Jay Wetherill

Tom Koutsatonis

Peter Malinalskis

Stephen Conroy

Julia Hillard

John Howard

Peter Costello

Malcolm Turnbull

Tony Abbott

Malcolm Fraser

Ian Hunter MLC


They all receive cheques each month paying them substantial amounts based on each child sold.


Members of "The Family" Child trafficking ring are:


Stephen Evans

Melissa Evans

Russell Evans

Sandra Evans


Gabrielle Schiemcheque?

Stephen Humphries

Andrew Worthington

Melissa Giardi

Charles Franklin

Ian Fetridge

Michael Hurley Senior

Ian Hunter


Bevan Spencer Von Einem - gaoled

Paul Kitchener

Mike Rann

Julie Priest

Natalie Simons


Ian Weatherall

Ian Goodings

John Goodings

Will Goodings

Graeme Goodings




People who have been killed are:


Rob Kelvin

Tamara Heading

John Lomack

Rhianna Bateau


Apprehended by the Australian Federal Police are


Ricardo Rodriguez and Feliez


Which were involved in the disappearance of Maddy McCann"


Pictures are (somewhat) related but are interesting reads/digs.