This board is a truth recruiter to get people to start being questioning and being interested in learning about and researching the vermin that enslave us on a massive scale, and then using it to red-pill the masses. This will translate into the masses utilizing truth media platforms for news instead of the lying mainstream media.
Presently, the proper use for this board is to create memes and non-fictions that redpiil the masses to the fact that Clinton and Barry Soetoro WILL BE PROSECUTED. Once these targets are handled, we then move on to the next target(s). Almost all anon power should be going to take down Clinton and Barry Soetoro. However, read below.
Q referred to Bill Cooper's works as being BIG, and probably meant that these are a good starting point for people to start learning and taking red-pills. However, Bill Cooper's works will not get Clinton and Barry Soetoro prosecuted.
Unfortunately, the masses usually take the main stream media propaganda at face value, never questioning these complete lies. The Jews know this and thus gained ownership of all the mainstream media and thus are the ones propagandizing against Whites and the nuclear family. Ruth Bader Ginsburg one of the 3 Jews on the Supreme Court said that pedophilia is good for the children.
Such Jews own all the mainstream media channels thus all the content is propaganda pushing degeneracy, such as: Anti-white male, Miscegenation, Faggot marriage, Queers, and all the other propaganda of degeneracy the Jew is using to break down morals in the masses and destroy America and turn it into a shit-hole like the rest of the world, in order to move America into Communism, so the Jew can control the world from the top with Central Banking.
Anons are therefore the counter-Jew.
Q said "The evidence has to originate organically". This is a bullshit statement because anons only have the internet. Anons don't have the NSA evidence vaults, Q does. Therefore, it is Q's responsibility to indict and prosecute Clinton and Barry Soetoro. When will Jeff Sessions publicly indict Clinton and Barry Soetoro? These are very easy targets, everyone knows they committed massive amounts of treason in an attempt to destroy America.
Q should start releasing more memos on the main stream media to incriminate Clinton and Barry Soetoro, 1 memo every week.
In addition to the above there is a much more dire situation happening. Geo Engineering. It is the spraying of "Chemtrails" on a daily basis, and even above the clouds to keep a cloud layer intact. The spraying is blocking out the sun yet destroying the Ozone Layer at the same time, RIGHT NOW. What is more important, taking down Clinton and Barry Soetoro or stopping Geo Engineering from killing us all? Is this board actually a distraction from GeoEngineering / Chemtrails? The Rothschilds are the ones running GeoEngineering because they own the apparatus handling it, such as Raytheon.
Take down and destroy the Rothschilds, and let Clinton and Barry Soetoro ROT, they are small game compared to the Rothschilds!!