There's no way those are the same people
This. If there's something suspicious about these kids FINE. But I feel like these kids are a HUGE distraction. Did Cruz really do it? Why was he found a mile away? Why did that cheerleader hear gunfire when she was walking down the hall with Cruz?
I'm finally listening to these (on 2x speed lol)
Is Cooper saying that the USSR and Cold War were always just a tool of the UN to disarm the world, create a UN Army to police the world as a world government?
If so.. makes me think that WW2 was an accident. WW1, "The Great War", or "The War to End All Wars" was meant to be ridiculously brutal and pointless, and the outcome was the League of Nations. The point of the LoN was the exact same as UN, but it failed because some rapscallian like Hitler was having NONE of it. He missed the NWO memo and wanted to fight for his nation to be sovereign again.
I am NOT a Hitler apologist, he was definitely a bad guy, BUT he was also very smart and cared deeply for the German people and saw quite clearly they were being cucked beyond belief. I'm of the opinion that Hitler did NOT want a world war, he did not want world conquest, he just wanted Germany back. There's plenty of speeches and letters by him that show this, but you'll have to decide if you want to believe him or Churchill.
That being said, WW2 was caused to punish Hitler and also serve as a lesson to all nations that if they try to do the same thing there will be fire and fury. Since then there has only been "limited war", and the UN grew in power (unelected), and the EU grew in power (unelected).
The Cuban Missile Crisis was fucked up by Kennedy. I think a nuke was supposed to go off, but Kennedy outwitted the globalists. This slowed down their plan drastically, as they needed to think of another way to make the cold war controllably hot, so that when it does go off it can be immediately stopped and everyone instead will submit to the UN and lay down their arms instead of killing their sons.
Instead, the USSR fell apart. No cold war? Ok, no need to nukes then right? Lets disarm all the nations again.
>> WW2 was caused to punish Hitler and also serve as a lesson to all nations that if they try to do the same thing there will be fire and fury.
This is why Trump is so dangerous to the world order. Because, like Hitler, he is NOT playing their game. I promise that's the first and last time I'll compare him to Hitler again (as I'm actually a huge Trump fan and absolutely hate Hitlerโsad that this needs to be said).
What I mean by this is that Trump has completely upset the NWO gameplan by being elected. They're trying to save face and force him to submit. They're getting desperate and dirty. They will do many FF to pull at his emotions and heart strings. They may try assassination (heaven help us). If that fails, they WILL try war. Either a civil war or a war provoked by NK.
Perhaps this is what Q and team are working to stop. Neutralise the possibility of Civil War by exposing the mockingbird media and the fake "support" the REEEESISTANCE actually has. Expose and embarrass and defund North Korea before they can provoke an actual war. But that's not enough. Those are only the tools in the NWO Belt. Q needs to do more.
To truly stop them you need to completely take out the Chain of Command of the NWO. The Saudis, the Roths, the Soros, are the main players currently. You need to make sure they don't have any plan C's, or D's that you didn't anticipate. You need to make sure that when you solve the problem, you do it once and for all.
Afterall, it's amazing that we have this chance to fight back in the first place, we might never get it again.
This is why I believe Q is legit. The plan is solid. The plan is smart. We may only get this one shot.
Q said if Hillary won (and she was supposed to) they were willing to do the UNTHINKABLE (probably a US coup). That's how SCARY this is. That's how close to the EDGE we are.
Now, go back to your movies and VR.
Because that's what they want him to do.
Notice how Q came back and dropped some more crumbs and none of it was about FLORIDA?
Burns H. Weston, Editor of Basic Documents in International Law and World Order โ Selected Provisions, with Richard A. Falk and Anthony A. DโAmato, 2nd ed., St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company, 1990, xiv, 960 pages;
InfoHawk+ | WorldCat
ANy ideas on where I can find a PDF of this book? Bill Cooper is quoting it basically saying that it proves the US essentially ceased to exist after 1945 (end of WW2) as we know it.
Perhaps this is what Trump really means by "MAGA"
Exact timestamp I'm referring to. If that doesn't spark your interest.. wow