What kind of fucking nincompoop is stoooooopid enough to doxx himself?
You better hope, like I hope for you, that you've got a shotgun or three to defend yourself, anon, cuz people should never have access to your name and address.
Holy crap.
Thank you, Anons, for the additional info on David Burke.
I had forgotten that he worked fitJFK, too, prior to ending up with Drunk Teddy. Now that I think of it, he skipped on into Robert Kennedy's world, too, for a while. He must have been a clown, given that he went from Kennedy to Kennedy, changing jobs as the other clowns killed his bosses.
The fact that David Burke landed prominent roles in the "news" media is not lost on me.
His son, Terrence, is or was involveinvolved with PBS in Boston. His other son, Owen, is a "comic" and "producer" out in LA.
The trend I notice is that these vermin retain their power through mere reproduction. It's all done by families.
God. How I hate these fucking people….
You're very welcome, Anon. These are the kind of chats that we have here, during those breaks in between doing substantial amounts of research, that are helpful because the bring new ideas to light and move
the ball a little further down three field.
God bless you.
How is George Webb supporting himself, and why have the bad guys not killed him yet?
Oy vey.
You want I should be surprised that all the employees at this "Catholic" nonprofit are Jewish?