"Jews study the Torah, NOT the Talm… Oh shit. They know."
"Jews study the Torah, NOT the Talm… Oh shit. They know."
FYI: The Talmud is one of the most vile texts EVER written. Not only does it describe our Lord Jesus as "burning in a vat of semen and excrement in hell", but it permits Jews to engage in all sorts of evil against Gentiles… I didn't want to believe it. Then, I read several tracts fro myself. (((These people))) NEVER had our best interests at heart. EVER.
>reformist "anti white male" sjw "jews" reject both torah and talmud.
Bullshit… I have personally dealt with MANY Ashkenazi "reformist Jews", and they are MOST CERTAINLY advocates of the Talmud, and even attend synagogues that strongly espouse the teachings of the Talmud.
"Try harder"???
Project harder, you fucking kike.
NEWS-FLASH: You are not the "bad-guy", when you kill an enemy that wants you and your children, hurt, shamed and starving.
>with Polish number plate
Told ya… Poland is STILL a bunch of Jews. (What a COHENcidence, they are also an ethnographic-nationalist state, just like Israel.
No… You do need to. Or they are just going to turn things around on you again, like they always do… Just wait.
You will regret not acting.
You mean (((Catholics)))? The same ones responsible for murdering more Protestant Christians than Kikes could ever hope to? Those "Christians"???
Project moar, faggot. Lol
You're so fucking obvious it's funny. (THIS is all you got, Mossad?)
Actually, you're too bottom of the barrel to be Mossad… You're probably some ADL-fag's assistant or some shit. Lol
"Morry, I need more coffee and another blow-job… NOW dammit! These Nazis aren't going to shame themselves." - Your boss.