Anonymous ID: eae16e Dec. 30, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.4523547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3800 >>3893 >>3994 >>4027 >>4256

Israeli Firm Caught Up in US-China Rivalry Over Advanced Military Robots


The US Army is apparently searching for cutting-edge technologies to be used in its military service, and new players in the field seem to be popping up, along with an established Chinese manufacturer.


Israeli firm Roboteam is competing with Massachusetts-based Endeavor Robotics over a series of major contracts to build the US army’s top-notch generation of ground robots. Those machines will be designed to be smarter and easier to run than the remote-controlled rovers that have helped troops disable bombs for more than 15 years.


Notably at stake is a lucrative contract worth $429 million for 3,000 backpack-sized robots that can defuse bombs and reveal enemy positions. The machines in question are easily manoeuvrable, and can be “carried by infantry for long distances without taxing the soldier,” said Bryan McVeigh, project manager for force projection at the Army’s research and contracting centre in Warren, Michigan, as cited by The Times of Israel.


The project is aimed at helping troops “look around the corner, over the next hillside and let the robot be in harm’s way and let the robot get shot,” said Paul Scharre, a military technology expert at the Center for a New American Security.


Meanwhile, Chinese, Russian and US firms have recently been increasing their investments in the industry.


The chief of the Army, Gen. Mark Milley, noted that adversaries like China and Russia “are investing heavily and very quickly” in the use of aerial, sea and ground robots. And now, he added, “we are doing the same.”


Such a massive breakthrough, with Israel also partaking in the competition for the contract, showcases how fear that China could outrun the US in terms of technology pushes even small-scale ventures to play a geopolitical game in order to beat rivals. Also, there is still a question of whether defence technology should be outsourced only to American companies, or not.


Concerns that widely used commercial drones made by the Chinese company DJI, which has traditionally manufactured the aforementioned systems, could be vulnerable to spying led the American army to ban their use in 2017.


This August, meanwhile, the Pentagon published a report that focused on China conducting surveillance with an intent to acquire foreign military technologies, sometimes by exploiting students or researchers as “procurement agents and intermediaries.” Months later, at a December defence expo in Egypt, some US firms spotted what they viewed as Chinese spin-offs of their automated systems.

Anonymous ID: eae16e Dec. 30, 2018, 10:47 a.m. No.4523583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3598 >>3959

How did Espstein acquire so much wealth? How did GHWB acquire so much power? Little St. James Island, and at least one California Beach house. That’s how.


Palmer National co-founder Stefan Halper helped set up North’s legal defense fund. Halper’s name appears in the final entry of North’s White House journal under the heading, “Legal Defense Fund.”

Palmer National held a $250,000 note on a California beach house that was used by organized crime associates and figured in the criminal convictions of two S&L figures.

Palmer National, a relatively small bank with assets under $100 million, occupies a modern building at 1667 K St. N.W….


…Dixon is not believed to be a suspect in the case, however investigators say he purchased the services of 20 call girls, including victim Donna Gentile, for a party at his Solana Beach, Calif., the San Diego Union reported. The nude body of Gentile — her mouth stuffed with rocks — was found the day after the two-day party concluded, sources told the newspaper….


Yes, that Stefan Halper.


Stefan A. Halper, the FBI source who assisted the Russia investigation and is at the center of a standoff between congressional Republicans and the Justice Department, is a well-connected veteran of past GOP administrations who convened senior intelligence officials for seminars at the University of Cambridge in England.

In the summer and fall of 2016, Halper, then an emeritus professor at Cambridge, contacted three Trump campaign advisers for brief talks and meetings that largely centered on foreign policy, The Washington Post reported last week.


Stefan Halper Fun Fact – Stefan Halper’s father-in-law was Ray S. Cline, former CIA Deputy Director 1962 to 1966.


…Cline himself shows up in the novel, The Manchurian Candidate in 1958, as “John E. is Rey S. Kline”

or Johnny is Ray S. Cline, after decomposing the letters in what turns out to be a perfect anagram:

“John Yerkes Iselin” who was known as Johnny. So from 1948 to 1988 Cline and Johnson were closely

associated with each other across the globe. Was Johnson a programmed assassin or just a good killer?

Probably a little bit of both.


Cline was also in Taiwan when Oswald was there and in the Phillipines when Benito Aquino was murdered

according to a career State Dept. employee in the family. Did Cline turn into a contract killer just for the money?

Or were some or all of these campaigns done under the auspices of and with the approval of the CIA? Cline

certainly was one of the shadiest and most secretive characters ever to have lived. He took over the spot once

reserved for James J. Angleton….

Anonymous ID: eae16e Dec. 30, 2018, 10:48 a.m. No.4523596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3601 >>3619 >>3694 >>3800 >>3994 >>4256



Syria and Iran sign a long-term strategic cooperation agreement

The Minister said that the agreement constitutes a comprehensive cooperation at the financial and banking levels , adding that the agreement contributes to facilitating trade exchange and overcoming obstacles that hinder upgrading the cooperation.

For his part, Eslami stressed that the historical relations between the two countries are witnessing their pinnacle, clarifying that all the exerted efforts and measures between the two countries’ peoples and governments will lead to achieving a sustainable peace and security in the region.


Syrian Intelligence Eliminated Prominent Al-Qaeda Commander In Daraa

Prominent al-Qaeda commander Ayad al-Tubasi, known as Abu Jleibib, was killed along with a group of his comrades in the southern Syrian governorate of Daraa, several Syrian opposition news outlet revealed on December 29.

May God accepts the Jordanian Muhajir [Islamic term used to descript foreign fighters] Sheikh Abu Jalibib, who was martyred with his Muhajireen brothers in Daraa, life became harder in Idlib so they went to restart the march of jihad in Daraa,” Abu Suraqa al-Shari, a former commander of HTS, wrote on his Telegram channel.


Illegitimate US coalition acknowledges killing 1140 civilians in Syria and Iraq

The illegitimate coalition led by USA acknowledged killing 1140 civilians in raids launched on Syria and Iraq since 2014.

The coalition attempted as usual to reduce the number of victims, saying in a statement published by TASS news agency that 1139 civilians were killed “inadvertently” in the raids.

Since its formation outside the umbrella of UNSC in 2014, the international coalition committed dozens of massacres by bombing residential areas in Aleppo, Deir Ezzor, Raqqa and Hasaka, in addition to destroying infrastructure under the pretext of combating Daesh while data shows the close link between the coalition and the Takfiri organization for targeting the Syrian Arab Army and residential areas in the eastern region.


Military Situation In Syria On December 30, 2018 (Map Update)

US forces are reportedly evacuating their military base near al-Hasakah;

The Syrian Army eliminated 3 ISIS members in the area of al-Safa;

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) still develop their operation against ISIS in the Hajin pocket


Syrian Army Hunts Down Several Terrorists In Al-Safa

The SAA liberated al-Safa, which lays between the governorate of al-Suwayda and the Damascus desert, on November 17 after more than two months of fierce clashes with ISIS cells. Later, the army launched the operation to neutralize all the remaining assets of the terrorist group.

In the course of the operation, the SAA killed several ISIS fighters who were still hiding in al-Safa. US-supplied weapons were also found in the abandoned hideouts and positions of the terrorist group.

Anonymous ID: eae16e Dec. 30, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.4523642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3670 >>4310

UK and US Always Knew Crimea Wanted to Re-join Russia – Archives


London and Washington knew of the overwhelming desire of Crimeans to re-unite with Russia from the early days of Ukraine's independence. UK and US diplomats predicted that Ukraine would split and that Crimea would look to Russia, British Cabinet papers released to the National Archives in London reveal.


In 1994 the British got a chance to learn first-hand about the strength of pro-Russian sentiments in Crimea. A visit by Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd to Ukraine and Russia coincided with a crisis in relations between Kiev and Simferopol, Crimea's capital. In May 1994, the Foreign Office informed Prime Minister John Major that the Crimean parliament, the Supreme Soviet, had "decided to renew the validity of the Crimean Constitution adopted in 1992". This, the FCO memo said, meant ending the legal status of Crimea as part of Ukraine.



Anonymous ID: eae16e Dec. 30, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.4523670   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"A new paragraph which states 'the sides will consult in the event this situation arises which raises a question concerning these commitments' does not require us, we believe, to go beyond the steps which we would anyway wish to take in such a situation".

Anonymous ID: eae16e Dec. 30, 2018, 11:04 a.m. No.4523810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3862

Huge CenturyLink outage caused by bad networking card in Colorado


A widespread outage on CenturyLink’s cloud network that lasted almost two days and hampered emergency phone service in Washington and other states was caused by a faulty network management card, according to a customer notice.


Brian Krebs, a veteran security journalist, posted a copy of a notice sent to CenturyLink’s “core customers” to his Twitter feed Saturday that blamed a card at its data center in Colorado for “propagating invalid frame packets across devices,” causing a series of issues that forced the company to reboot much of its networking equipment. It took CenturyLink more than two days from when it first identified the issues to sound the all-clear on Saturday morning, a period during which 911 services in several states including Washington were down or spotty.

Anonymous ID: eae16e Dec. 30, 2018, 11:11 a.m. No.4523900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3917

flashback — Clinton Email: We Must Destroy Syria For Israel


A leaked Hillary Clinton email confirms that the Obama administration, with Hillary at the helm, orchestrated a civil war in Syria to benefit Israel.


The new Wikileaks release shows the then Secretary of State ordering a war in Syria in order to overthrow the government and oust President Assad, claiming it was the “best way to help Israel”. reports:


The document was one of many unclassified by the US Department of State under case number F-2014-20439, Doc No. C05794498, following the uproar over Clinton’s private email server kept at her house while she served as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013.


Although the Wikileaks transcript dates the email as December 31, 2000, this is an error on their part, as the contents of the email (in particular the reference to May 2012 talks between Iran and the west over its nuclear program in Istanbul) show that the email was in fact sent on December 31, 2012

Anonymous ID: eae16e Dec. 30, 2018, 11:14 a.m. No.4523943   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After Syria, Trump Should Clean Out His National Security Bureaucracy


They're undermining his positions and pursuing their own agendas. John Bolton should be the first to go.


President Donald Trump has at last rediscovered his core foreign policy beliefs and ordered the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria. Right on cue, official Washington had a collective mental breakdown. Neocons committed to war, progressives targeting Trump, and centrists determined to dominate the world unleashed an orgy of shrieking and caterwauling. The horrifying collective scream, a la artist Edvard Munch, continued for days.


Trump’s decision should have surprised no one. As a candidate, he shocked the Republican Party establishment by criticizing George W. Bush’s disastrous decision to invade Iraq and urging a quick exit from Afghanistan. As president, he inflamed the bipartisan War Party’s fears by denouncing America’s costly alliances with wealthy industrialized states. And to almost everyone’s consternation, he said he wanted U.S. personnel out of Syria. Once the Islamic State was defeated, he explained, Americans should come home.


How shocking. How naïve. How outrageous.


The president’s own appointees, the “adult” foreign policy advisors he surrounded himself with, disagreed with him on almost all of this—not just micromanaging the Middle East, but subsidizing Europeans in NATO, underwriting South Korea, and negotiating with North Korea. His aides played him at every turn, adding allies, sending more men and materiel to defend foreign states, and expanding commitments in the Middle East.


Last spring, the president talked of leaving Syria “very soon.” But the American military stayed. Indeed, three months ago, National Security Advisor John Bolton announced an entirely new mission: “We’re not going to leave as long as Iranian troops are outside Iranian borders and that includes Iranian proxies and militias.”


That was chutzpah on a breathtaking scale. It meant effectively that the U.S. was entitled to invade and dismember nations, back aggressive wars begun by others, and scatter bases and deployments around the world. Since Damascus and Tehran have no reason to stop cooperating—indeed, America’s presence makes outside support even more important for the Assad regime—Bolton was effectively planning a permanent presence, one that could bring American forces into contact with Russian, Syrian, and Turkish forces, as well as Iranians. As the Assad government consolidates its victory in the civil war, it inevitably will push into Kurdish territories in the north. That would have forced the small American garrison there to either yield ground or become a formal combatant in another Middle Eastern civil war.

Anonymous ID: eae16e Dec. 30, 2018, 11:16 a.m. No.4523967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4109

Elections Don’t Make Israel a Democracy


It’s official, Israel is racing towards early elections. But no one is talking about who can vote in them.


New elections were nearly called in November 2017 after Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman resigned in protest of Israel not going to war with Gaza and right-wing leader Naftali Bennett threatened to pull his party from the coalition if he was not given the defense portfolio. However, Netanyahu outfoxed Bennett by claiming that it was too dangerous a time to go to elections and retained the defense portfolio for himself (Netanyahu is now Israel’s prime minister, defense minister, and foreign minister), utilizing a slim 51% ruling majority.


Until last week it looked like the coalition would hold together with its small majority. But following the Knesset’s inability to reach agreement on a bill dealing with military conscription of the ultra-orthodox, and, much more importantly, leaked information that the ministry of justice was recommending Netanyahu’s indictment on charges of bribery, on Monday Netanyahu announced "It’s too difficult [to pass laws], we need elections." With that, the Israeli national election is scheduled to take place on April 9.


Much of the already up and running election coverage is focused on the coming indictment of Netanyahu. Will he be able to stave off the attorney general until April? If he is reelected, will he try to get his coalition partners to pass a measure forbidding the prosecution of a sitting prime minister?


Other election issues under discussion are the certain increase we will see in pandering to settlers. Netanyahu has already begun that.


Absent entirely from the election conversation is the Palestinian population living under Israeli control without voting rights.


20% of Israeli citizens are Palestinian. They can vote in all Israeli elections and have representation in Knesset. However, these Israeli Palestinians represent only about one third of the Palestinians living under Israeli rule and military occupation.

Anonymous ID: eae16e Dec. 30, 2018, 11:18 a.m. No.4524013   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Exposing Imperialism in Haiti (2015) How America squashed a democratically elected president, purposefully returning it to a violent, military controlled backwater.

Anonymous ID: eae16e Dec. 30, 2018, 11:25 a.m. No.4524108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4132 >>4151 >>4160 >>4196 >>4202 >>4207 >>4211 >>4214 >>4218 >>4235 >>4245 >>4313



I think the creation of the new thread for current events is ANTI-PLAN.


We get slammed two days ago by the biggest shill storm ever.

With the chatroom shill baker who has been called out repeatedly as a shill with proof but nothing done.

Then the site goes down due to power outage.


In response to all this we get some BV trying to move the "recent events" aka the NEWS that UNLOCKS the MAP as Q has told to another thread and out of Qresearch.


Then their are repeated angles pushed trying to move WHAT MATTERS out of main thread.


This fucking stinks of mossad fuckery


We control the narrative by providing digs and news plus Autists linking it all to Q posts.


Q post 1771 says this!




Fight on.

