Anonymous ID: e5b79a Dec. 30, 2018, 12:27 p.m. No.4524876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4968

In regards to Nate Cain scripture, not dismissing it at all, but be wary, anons. As I've posted many times, (((they))) have infiltrated every facet of life and that includes spiritual. Their goal, as with it all, is to corrupt Truth.


How many times have big names, "super spiritual" folks, spout scripture to gain followers, only then to start slowly turning to leftist ideas, ex: Beth Moore. Boiling the frog, anons, and Christians who dont know the Word, or non-Christians who follow them, dont realize that they are wolves in sheeps clothing until it is too late and they are emotionally attached. The Word speaks of such people and warns folks to be on their guard.


Not saying Nate Cain is such, but he WAS employed by the Clintons. Maybe what he saw caused him to turn to The Truth. I hope so, but I'm kinda dubious. Maybe I just been here too long and too cynical.