How The Tavistock Institute Helped the ADL make the Jews "Victims"
This 4 page breakdown of how the "anti-Semitism" trope was created and propagated by Jews.
*Leon Dinnerstein, the racist propogandist for the anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, reveals that the ADL published various instructions to parents, that they should make sure that their children were aware that a hostile world intended to persecute them.
*The pyschologist who drafted these instructions was Kurt Lewin, a member of the Tavistock Institute. He fled Nazi Germany and arrived in the US in th 1930's.
*In 1944, Rabbi Steven Wise gave more than $1 Million Dollars to the creation of the Group Dynamics division at MIT, headed by Lewin and his team of Tavistock-linked brainwashers, to develop a
Jewish Psychological Warfare Division
*Kurt Lewin is known as the father of social psychology.