Anonymous ID: 54cd6c Dec. 30, 2018, 1:03 p.m. No.4525302   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5324 >>5325 >>5361 >>5392 >>5442

EYES on Opinions needed


>>4521281 This global post should be removed. I question whether the board hasn't been compromised after the down time.


Q has told us repeatedly they want us DIVIDED and told us to STAY TOGETHER yet we have this overly active, since downtime, BV now trying to divide us.


Is codemonkey under protection by Whitehats?

Same goes for BO?


If NOT as if the cabal wouldn't go after them so they can control the board! If they got control of the board simply taking it down or just fucking Anon's over would force Q team to create a new home but if they infiltrated and just tried to skip good content and divide the movement could be subverted then twisted to suit (((their))) narrative more.


I will not post anywhere else accept if adding memes or specifics to alt threads. Huge push to discredit and overlook good sauced information.





Anonymous ID: 54cd6c Dec. 30, 2018, 1:05 p.m. No.4525327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5353 >>5354 >>5399 >>5425 >>5431 >>5610

Pelosi Announces Plans For House ‘Climate Change Crisis Committee’ After Flying Thousands of Miles to Posh Hawaiian Resort


House Speaker Designate Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced plans for a House climate change crisis committee after she flew thousands of miles to vacation at a posh Hawaiian resort.


Pelosi announced Friday the appointment of Congresswoman Kathy Castor (D-FL) to Chair the Select Committee on the ‘Climate Crisis.’


Pelosi said the climate crisis “threatens our public health, our economy, our national security and the whole of God’s creation.”


“Together, we must protect public health by reducing air pollution, create jobs by making America preeminent in green technologies, defend our national security by preventing climate-driven instability and uphold our sacred moral responsibility to leave a healthy, sustainable future for generations to come,” Pelosi said after she flew thousands of miles to Hawaii.


Pelosi and Democrat/Globalists alike wish to impose their tyranny under the guise of ‘environmentalism.’


Incoming Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn’t satisfied with Pelosi’s climate crisis committee given it isn’t expected to have subpoena power or legislative authority.


A spokesman for incoming Communist Representative, Ocasio Cortez told The Hill, “This committee, if it turns out that the rumors about it are true, sound about as useful as a screen door on a submarine,” adding, “As it’s portrayed it’s going to be completely incapable of solving the greatest threat to human kind.”


The far-left radicals of the Democrat party are pushing for the Green New Deal – a far more expansive and powerful program.


Hypocrites such as Nancy Pelosi and Al Gore constantly lecture Americans to ‘live greener’ while they fly around the globe on private jets and live in extravagant mansions, further proving the green movement is all about a power grab.

Anonymous ID: 54cd6c Dec. 30, 2018, 1:17 p.m. No.4525472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5526 >>5791

MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Kept ‘Climate Deniers’ Off His Hour-Long Global Warming Special


NBC’s “Meet the Press” devoted the full hour of its Sunday program to talk about climate change, and the show focused the bulk of its time discussing the matter with a who’s who of climate activists.


MSNBC host Chuck Todd kicked off the program with a promise to the audience: the show will avoid debating the science of climate change. Instead, the hour was dedicated to asking various well-known climate activists about how to inject talk of global warming into American politics.


“We’re not going to debate climate change, the existence of it. The Earth is getting hotter. And human activity is a major cause, period,” Todd said at the top of the broadcast. “We’re not going to give time to climate deniers. The science is settled, even if political opinion is not.”


Outgoing Democratic California Gov. Jerry Brown was also on hand to discuss his solutions. He called rising global temperatures a serious threat, something akin to what Americans faced at the outset of WWII. He said the U.S. is not doing enough to address the problem.


“[N]ot even close, and not close in California, and we’re doing more than anybody else, and not close in America or the rest of the world,” said Brown, who crafted a position as one of President Donald Trump’s biggest opponents.


He added: “We’ve got to get off this idea, ‘it’s the economy, stupid.’ No, it’s the environment.”


Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg made similar comments, telling Todd he is still mulling a presidential bid in 2020.


“I will be out there demanding that anybody that’s running has a plan. And I want to hear the plan, and I want everybody to look at it and say whether it’s doable,” the billionaire philanthropist said.

Anonymous ID: 54cd6c Dec. 30, 2018, 1:21 p.m. No.4525539   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The TRUE History of Cancer in the USA


You don’t have to go back that far actually, only a little over a century, to find out when cancer was “bred” in the United States as a form of income for insidious tyrants of the medical industry. Forget about conspiracy theories and let’s talk facts — in fact, a whole barrage of them that reveal a dirty path of corruption and planning.


We’ll start this off with the year 1905, when the American Medical Association (AMA) hired thugs to run what they called the Department of Investigation (DOI) to hunt down doctors who were using natural remedies and shut them down. This would ensure the rise of AMA profits. The DOI kept files on anyone who was cured of cancer by natural medicine. The DOI also kept notes about health foods and vitamins. A crook heading up the AMA at the time, Morris Fishbein, was an extortionist who required large payments to the AMA by pharma companies for the AMA’s golden “Seal of Acceptance” (sounds like today’s Fast Track drug approvals), even though the AMA didn’t have any facilities to test the highly experimental, chemical drugs.


It was a huge scam, but no medical doctors in America were privy to it. At the same time, all nutrition education was covertly removed from medical colleges, and chemical drugs were the only legal “medicine.” The tsunami of preventable diseases would ensue, including Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and cancer. Before the early 1900s, barely a case of preventable disease and disorder existed. The infamous AMA we know today started it all and they’re still “working hard” today to perpetuate the nightmare.


What exactly is cancer? Cancer is the uncontrolled division, multiplication and spread of mutated and warped cells that attack healthy cells and organs. Most cancer stems from the consumption of chemicals that cause an acidic body to be deprived of oxygen and nutrients. Though cancer was not literally created in the United States, the toxic food and medicine environment that catapults it was, so let’s take a look at how we got to where we are today, where one in every three Americans gets cancer in their lifetime, and half of those unfortunates are terminated by it.

Anonymous ID: 54cd6c Dec. 30, 2018, 1:25 p.m. No.4525578   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Scores, Breaks Generals’ 50-Year War Record


His national security team had been trying to box him in like every other president. But he called their bluff.


The mainstream media has attacked President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria as impulsive, blindsiding his own national security team. But detailed, published accounts of the policy process over the course of the year tell a very different story. They show that senior national security officials and self-interested institutions have been playing a complicated political game for months aimed at keeping Trump from wavering on our indefinite presence on the ground in Syria.


The entire episode thus represents a new variant of a familiar pattern dating back to Vietnam in which national security advisors put pressure on reluctant presidents to go along with existing or proposed military deployments in a war zone. The difference here is that Trump, by publicly choosing a different policy, has blown up their transparent schemes and offered the country a new course, one that does not involve a permanent war state.


The relationship between Trump and his national security team has been tense since the beginning of his administration. By mid-summer 2017, Defense Secretary James Mattis and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Joseph Dunford had become so alarmed at Trump’s negative responses to their briefings justifying global U.S. military deployments that they decided to do a formal briefing in “the tank,” used by the Joint Chiefs for meetings at the Pentagon.


But when Mattis and Dunford sang the praises of the “rules-based, international democratic order” that has “kept the peace for 70 years,” Trump simply shook his head in disbelief.


By the end of that year, however, Mattis, Dunford, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo believed they’d succeeded in getting Trump to use U.S. troops not only to defeat Islamic State but to “stabilize” the entire northeast sector of Syria and balance Russian and Iranian-sponsored forces. Yet they ignored warning signs of Trump’s continuing displeasure with their vision of a more or less permanent American military presence in Syria.


In a March rally in Ohio ostensibly about health care reform, Trump suddenly blurted out, “We’re coming out of Syria, like, very soon. Let the other people take care of it now. Very soon—very soon we’re coming out.”


Then in early April 2018, Trump’s impatience with his advisors on Syria boiled over into a major confrontation at a National Security Council meeting, where he ordered them unequivocally to accept a fundamentally different Syria deployment policy.

Anonymous ID: 54cd6c Dec. 30, 2018, 1:32 p.m. No.4525642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5678 >>5756

TAVISTOCK: The Programming Hub of Globalist Command and Control




The NSA and C.I.A. have used long-proven Tavistock social psychiatry mind control since WWII to subvert and steer American public opinion


British peers Sir Nick Clegg and Baron Richard Allan now controlFacebook policy worldwide


It’s up to the rest of us to stop this flight into fascist social slavery, or worse, eugenics elimination


See the previous post for more background on Baron Richard appointment to Facebook in Jun. 2009. AFI. (Dec. 04, 2018). Facebook no-name sent to spook the markets.



Anonymous ID: 54cd6c Dec. 30, 2018, 1:35 p.m. No.4525678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5694 >>5756



Normally, British peers parade their family backgrounds in public like a talisman, but not Baron Richard. His silence was deafening. He discloses almost nothing about his family, his first wife, first daughter (Rosie Allan, we think), his current paramour (mother of subsequent twin daughters), his brothers and sisters, in-laws, parents or grandparents.


We believe we now know why. In summary, we believe Baron Richard is from a long line of spies and economic opportunists. They have exploited their elitist friends, family and associates to enrich themselves and support a radical leftist, progressive political agenda rooted deeply in the work of The Tavistock Institute.




A central figure in Baron Richard’s spy lineage is his paternal grandfather, Frederick Leonard Allan, M.C., M.B.E.


Frederick Leonard (“F L”) Allan, was chief of staff (deputy assistant) for the Army section that oversaw The Tavistock Institute during World War II.


Then, F L Allan guided the hastily organized post-War version of Tavistock as a private organization funded by the British royal family, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. They had to act quickly once the war ended because Tavistock was otherwise slated to be absorbed into the newly-forming National Health Service in 1946.




F L Allan and his Army boss from 1941-1945, Adjutant-General Ronald Forbes Adam, successfully pivoted Tavistock’s social mind control techniques in the defeat Winston Churchill in the 1945 general election.


Forbes was director general of the British Council (1946-1954)—a leading post-war spy agency, chairman of the National Industrial Psychology (1947-1952), the Institute of Education at University of London (1948-1967), the Library Association (1949), the Institute of Adult Education (1949-1964), and chairman of UNESCO (1957-1960). In short, Forbes, and grandpa FL Allan, spent their post-war careers spreading The Tavistock Institute’s leftist, progressive, eugenics mind control model in education, industry and politics around the world.


2/3 extra sorry mis calc.

Anonymous ID: 54cd6c Dec. 30, 2018, 1:41 p.m. No.4525750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5789


Nice terrorist hand gesture there!!!!


He knows he' fucked for his crimes, thought he'd been given a pass but recently found out that's not the case. Hence is recent change back to his former warmongering bullshit.