Anonymous ID: 5510c1 He is Romek March 4, 2018, 5:02 p.m. No.552293   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There is a bible prophecy about Trump and in this includes many different anomalies and the words or names decided show he is “Romek” Hebrew for his name is “Roman” and “shooter” intersecting though the name and “from within” Trumps administration. Problem is this Mike Roman guy in 45’s administration is seemingly doing one heck of job however there is NOTHING about this guy online. Just an article from of all places the NYT’s and a twitter account. He worked for the Koch brothers doing God only knows but his job seems to be in computers and research. By all means his expertise could contribute to Q’s work and MAGA. However when comparing to other prophecies by many decoders (Israeli Rabbi’s or others whom have gotten the same decoding) the prophecies that involve assasinations or naming and identifying the weapon of a murder or assault; I couldn’t help but to find similarities and convincing identifiers for this not to completely turn me away as it being total garbage. I know the weight of this is not to be taken lightly, I hope this doesn’t come off as an accusation because I truly don’t even want the decodings to be accurate however even being as rational as possible I can’t ignore this completely and feel compelled to mention it for sake of looking into it and being aware of what other believers be it Christians or Jews have found in their life work. Lastly I’m one to believe that if God gives you a sign or allows you to come of knowledge, you should use it. So if God didn’t want this found he wouldn’t have made so. God Bless