The first IBOR expire.., There is a Second Petition
The first IBOR expire.., There is a Second Petition
How goes the Petitions for the IBOR?
And Also the link of the Petition, for that The people Don't forget the Objective.
Gotcha.., it needs a good Grammar, as create a New Constitution., the IBOR will have World implications.
Every Tweet must have the link of the Petition #IBOR
Is the the Petition3 Online?
Sounds fool., but for the IBOR could be an Advertising Campaign for win petitions?
The problems is How to Fill the requests.., can be good petitions.., but without the people see the petition, isn't work for nothing. It must be spread in Twatter, FB, INST, Reedit,
It's vital the volume of the People.
it must be as the Petition for Declare to Soros as Terrorist.