Anonymous ID: 6f5e01 Dec. 30, 2018, 3:12 p.m. No.4526929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7093 >>7213

>> 4526698

<Panicing BO bc he was exposed being a mason?

Look at the mental gymnastics this kike exhibits as he tries to spin an Anon inspired, baker assisted extended look at the JQ for a string of breads made the JIDF/Mossad/AIPAC/ADL/CTR/ShareBlue kike defense go full retard & it reulted in an outage on the boards that unequivocally prove that (((They))) have zero control on the narrative here & went full panic.

The Triggering, followed by the Mossad Massacre will live on as a watershed moment when the JQ was absolutely the most verboten subject gauging from the over the top kike reaction.

Anonymous ID: 6f5e01 Dec. 30, 2018, 3:36 p.m. No.4527269   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>> 4527203

<Why are we here? It's a mess, swarming with bots.

Look faggot, you've been here shilling this copy pasta why are we here with the bots shit for a year- do some research like the rest of us & maybe you'll find your fukken answers, we're tired of your bot theories, sauce us; or get the fuck out