Proof David Hogg is a Fraud and CNN is in on it.
Go to 17min mark and watch him rehearse his lines for CNN. Kinda like Robbie from SHS?
I want to add also, He starts talking about the Fla shooting at the 11min mark. It's worth the listen. Many unknown details.It's at the 17min mark he shows the out takes from Hogg and CNN.
Proof David Hogg is a Fraud and CNN is in on it.
He starts talking about the Fla shooting at the 11min mark. It's worth the listen.
Many unknown details.It's at the 17min mark he shows the out takes from Hogg and CNN.
Go to 17min mark and watch him rehearse his lines for CNN. Kinda like Robbie from SHS?
Proof David Hogg is a Fraud and CNN is in on it.
Someones needs to grab this video and store offline.
This has been scrubbed everywhere
Go to 17min mark and watch him rehearse his lines for CNN. Kinda like Robbie from SHS?
I can't and it's important evidence. But thanks for your help and kindness,,,,,,