Anonymous ID: ed4e37 Feb. 21, 2018, 12:15 p.m. No.453497   🗄️.is 🔗kun


followed the name Kaźmierczak (Merkel born Kasner, Fathers Name Kazmierczak)


is a surname originating in Poland. It is a compound of the name "Kazimier" which is formed from the Polish word "kazic", meaning "to destroy", and the Old Slavic element "mir", meaning 'peace', 'quiet', 'esteem', etc.[1] The "czak" at the end indicates "son of" the preceding word, "Kazmier".



One translation would be the son of he who destroys peace, or the son of the destroyer of serenity..




"Kazimier" was a traditional name of Polish kings and continues to be a common name. Kaźmierczak is the ancestral name of the family of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose father was born Kaźmierczak.


This Name actually says everything, only now its the daughter

